I take my hand, I put it up here.
Watch my feet, Ray.
看着我的脚 雷 看着我的脚
The rhythm, the rhythm. All right?
注意节律 好吗?
You can’t watch my feet the whole time, so you’re gonna have to look up.
当你在跳舞时不能老盯着我的脚 所以你得昂起头来
Now when I tell you to, I want you to just look up…
real slow, just keep movin’.
慢慢地昂起来 继续移♥动♥双脚
You ready? Yeah.
好 你准备好了? 是的
Start lookin’ up. Yeah.
好 现在开始把头昂起来 好
A little more. Keep movin’.
再高一点 保持移♥动♥
Just a little more. Yeah.
再高一点 好
A little more, Ray.
再高一点 雷
All the way up.
There you go, Ray. You’re dancin’.
你会了 雷 你在跳舞了
Yeah, dancin’. You wanna close your hand here.
是 跳舞 把你的手掌合起来
You wanna put it like that. You’re gonna turn me like this.
把手放在这里 然后和我这样转动 好吗?
Just turn me. That’s good.
转动 很好
This is dancin’. This is dancing.
这就是跳舞 这就是跳舞
I don’t know about you, but I’m startin’ to feel a little silly.
不知道你觉得如何 但我开始觉得这有点可笑
That’s it. Yeah.
就是这样 是啊
All right!
You are a good dancer.
You wanna give me a hug? Yeah.
要不要拥抱我一下? 要
I just wanted to give you a hug, Ray.
我只是想抱你一下 雷
I just felt like givin’ you a hug.
What are you doin’ here?
I’m unemployed. What do you mean?
我失业了 你说什么?
You don’t know about the business? Yeah, I know. Come on in.
你不知公♥司♥的情形 是的 我知道 进来吧
I’m glad to see you.
Ray, look who’s here.
雷 看谁来了?
It’s not right, what you’re doing to Raymond.
He’s fine. I know he’s fine.
他很好啊 我知道他很好
He’s in Las Vegas in a suit in a big room. It makes me sad.
他身穿着西装 住在赌城大套房♥里 这让我感到难过
Six minutes to my date.
Six minutes to Iris.
He has a date?
Raymond, it’d be nice if you didn’t carry that television everywhere we go.
带着那电视的话 会比较好
Why do you have to bring a watchman on your date?
A man’s dancing.
But what does your date look like, Raymond?
你那位女伴长什么样子 雷蒙?
She’s very sparkly. She looks like a holiday.
她很漂亮 让人感觉很亲切
I haven’t heard that one before. Mr. Babbitt?
我以前没有听说过 巴比特先生?
Mr. Kelso would like to see you. I don’t know Mr. Kelso.
凯尔梭先生想见见你 我不认识凯尔梭先生
He’s director of security. Would you come with me, please?
他负责本店的安全 能否请你跟我走?
Sure. Susanna, you stay with Raymond.
可以 苏珊娜 你陪雷蒙好吗?
Right this way. Certainly.
这边请 好
10:01, she’s not here.
十点零一分 她还没来
She’ll come. She will.
她会来的 她会的
Congratulations, Mr. Babbitt. Counting into a six-deck shoe is a feat.
恭喜你 巴比特先生 能记住六副牌可真不简单啊
I don’t understand what you’re talking about.
We make videotapes, Mr. Babbitt, and we analyze the tapes…
我们将所有过程录下来 巴比特先生 我们分♥析♥过那卷带子
and we even share some of the information with the other casinos.
我们甚至将其中某些奇怪的地方 告诉了其它的赌场
These tapes suggest that you should take your winnings and leave the state.
Someone has a good day at the tables…
and you accuse them of illegal activities?
Is this how you treat all your guests?
All you have to do is close your mouth and go home.
你最好是闭上嘴巴 打道回府
Those are the best odds you’re gonna see for a while. I’d take ’em.
Did you want to dance on your date? Yeah.
你想在约会时跳舞吗? 是的
There’ll be other chances. Many pretty girls would love to dance with you.
以后会有机会的 许多漂亮的女孩子会和你跳
Yeah. It’s gonna be okay.
是的 别难过了
I like this music, Ray. Elevator stopped.
我喜欢这音乐 雷 电梯停住了
It’s okay. You think you could show me how you were going to dance with Iris?
不要紧 你可以告诉我你原打算如何跟爱瑞丝跳舞吗?
Yeah. Yes?
可以 可以?
Would you like to dance with me? Elevator’s on hold.
你想不想和我跳舞? 电梯停住了
Give me this. Yeah.
这个给我 好
Yeah. Show me how.
好 让我看看 告诉我怎么跳
Charlie Babbitt taught me.
好 是查理·巴比特教我的
Charlie Babbitt? Yeah.
查理·巴比特? 是的
Dancing in the elevator.
It’s nice.
You’re very good.
Iris missed a beautiful dance. Yeah.
爱瑞丝错过了一支很好的舞 是啊
And a kiss. Yeah, a kiss.
以及一个吻 是啊 一个吻
Have you ever kissed a girl? I don’t know.
你以前吻过女孩子吗? 我不知道
You don’t know?
Open your mouth. Open.
把你的嘴张开 张开
Yeah. like this.
好 像这样
like you were tasting something very good…
and very soft.
非常好 非常软的东西似的
like this. Close your eyes.
像这样 把你的眼睛闭上
It’s okay, Ray. Yeah.
别怕 雷 是啊
How was that? Wet.
觉得如何? 湿湿的
Then we did it right. Elevator’s definitely stuck.
这就对了 电梯绝对是卡住了
No, it’s not stuck.
不 不是卡住
Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers.
Like us. Yeah, like us.
就和我们一样 对 就和我们一样
What’d I tell you, Ray? I promised you could drive.
我说过了 雷 我答应你可以开车 就是现在
At Wallbrook, I drive on the driveway. Charlie, this is okay?
我会在慢车道上慢慢地开 查理 你想这可以吗?
I’m an excellent driver. He’s good on a driveway.
当然了 我开车的技术非常高明 他在慢车道上很行
Ray, why don’t you get in the front seat?
雷 你到前座来坐好吗?
So, I’ll wait to hear from you after Raymond’s meeting?
Yeah. It’s gonna be fine.
是的 别担心 不会有问题的
Yeah. I’m nervous. I know.
是啊 我很紧张 我知道
Listen, I’m glad, happy… I’m happy that you came to Vegas.
听着 我真的很高兴你到拉斯维加斯来找我
I know.
Ray, thank you for the date in the elevator. It was really nice.
雷 谢谢那天在电梯的那次约会 真的好极了
Yeah. Ciao.
是的 再见
Thank you for the what? It’s something between us.
你刚刚说什么? 没什么 是我俩之间的秘密
Between us? Us.
“我俩” 之间? 是我和他之间
Us, Ray?
“我们”? 雷
Here we go, Ray. This is your bedroom up here.
我们到了 雷 这是你的卧室
Of course, there’s definitely no bed there.
但没床啊 明明没有床
No, this is a magic bed, Ray. You just watch and see.
不 这是张魔术床 雷 你看着我弄吧
We got the table over here. We got the television, Ray.
这边有张桌子 还有电视 雷
Went to the video store. Got a surprise for you, Ray.
我今天还到录影带店去为你准备了一份惊喜 雷
Picked up a video for you.
Don’t start with that, Ray.
别又这样好吗 雷
It’s not just another place, Ray. This is my place.
这可不是另一间旅馆 这是我家啊
I’m asking you who’s on first. That’s the man’s name.
我问你是 “谁” 在一垒? 那就是那家伙的名字?
Who? The first baseman. Who is on first?
谁? 那个一垒手 谁在一垒上?
You got a first baseman on first? Certainly. Then who’s playing first?
所以谁是在一垒了? 当然 所以谁是先打了?
The man’s entitled to it. Who is?
在你付钱给一垒手之后 是谁?
So who gets it? Why shouldn’t he?
所以 “谁” 拿到钱了? 为什么不是他?
Sometimes his wife comes down and collects it.
Whose wife? Yes.
“谁” 的老婆? 是的
After all, the man earns it. Who does?
是她的男人挣的啊! “谁” ?
All I’m tryin’ to find out is what’s the guy’s name on first base?
我只是想弄清楚在一垒上的人叫 “什么” 名字
No, What is on second base.
不…”什么” 是在二垒
Don’t you think this is funny? Yes, it’s funny.
你不觉得好笑吗? 是的 很好笑
Where’d you see this first? Dad gave me a book on baseball trivia.
你第一次看这个时是什么时候? 爸曾给我一本关于棒球趣闻的书
Dad, huh? Yeah.
是爸? 是的
Guess it didn’t read as funny. Definitely not.
读的总不如看的好笑吧? 当然了
Hello, this is Dr. Bruner. I’d like you to call me.
你好 我是布鲁诺医生 我希望你和我联络
Yeah, what is it?
I thought I got the machine.
I just got into town, and the psychological interview is tomorrow.
我刚到 你知道心理专家检测定在明天
