No one can count into a six-deck shoe.
Hold it here.
慢着 等一下
Watch my chips. I’ll be back. Go ahead, sir.
帮我看住筹码 我马上回来 好的
What are you doing? You don’t leave in the middle of a hand.
你在干什么? 我们手风正顺啊
We are red hot! The Babbitt brothers, kickin’ ass in Vegas!
别这样 我们不能在此时收手 我们现在正大赢啊
Wheel of Fortune. Cleopatra and Caesar are over there.
对 “幸运输” 你要大家都在那边等你过去?
Come on, Ray. Look at all this glamorous merchandise.
别这样 雷 看看这迷人的东西
A little one for bad, two for good. Yeah. Twenty.
再来些 坏的是1 好的是2 是的 20
Twenty? Yeah.
20? 是的
It’s gonna hit on twenty? Yeah. Definitely twenty.
你说这东西将停在二十号♥? 是的20 绝对是20号♥
$3,000 on 20.
Definitely twenty. Definitely twenty?
绝对是20号♥ 绝对是20?
It’s not your game. Yeah.
这不是你擅长的 雷 是啊
I lost $3,000. Yeah.
我刚刚输掉三千块 是啊
That’s $3,000 I lost. Come on, Ray.
Little black…No? Easy, easy.
小小的霉运 放松 别紧张
Don’t start banging yourself.
Maybe we’ll play later. Yeah.
或许我们待会再过去玩好了 好
I’m gonna cash in. Yeah, cash in.
好 我现在将筹码拿去换钱 好 去换钱
You make me sad, Ray. Yeah.
你让我好难过 雷蒙 是
We won $86,000 and some change.
Right, Ray? 86,500.
对不对 雷蒙? 是8万6千5百块
$80,000. Refund on the car payments.
8万块 用来偿还汽车的款项
And I owe…
What did I say I owe to get the Rolex back?
$3,500, six months to pay. $3,500.
3千5百块 6个月以内赎回 3千5百块
We don’t have to pay for a room. That’s comped. I’m free and clear.
I’m gonna take a celebration piss.
Don’t go anywhere. Until I get back, the sign says, ‘Don’t walk.’
Don’t walk.
Are you lookin’ for a date?
I don’t know.
What’s your name? Raymond.
你叫什么名字? 雷蒙
My name is Iris.
Raymond, you like me?
雷蒙 你喜欢我吗?
I don’t know.
You don’t know.
If you gave me a chance, you would. Why don’t we get to know each other?
如果你给我一些零钱就会知道 我们何不彼此熟悉一下?
To get to know each other. He doesn’t have any money, honey.
是 彼此熟悉一下 他身上没有钱 亲爱的
That’s all right, sugar, ’cause we are just talkin’.
没什么 亲爱的 我们只是随便聊聊
Yeah, we’re just talking.
是啊 只是随便聊聊
Let’s go upstairs. What are you doin’? Getting to know each other.
我们上楼去吧 你这是在干什么?
Just talking. What room? I’ll bring him up.
彼此熟悉一下随便聊聊 几号♥房♥? 我带他上去好了
That’s all right.
Do you want to stay and get to know each other?
Yeah, get to know each other. Just talking.
是的 彼此熟悉一下 随便聊聊
This will be interesting. I’ll be over here.
那倒蛮有意思的 我就在旁边 以防万一
He doesn’t seem to like me. Who is he? My brother. I’m living in his room.
他似乎不喜欢我 他是谁? 他是我弟弟 我住在他的房♥间里
He seems young to be your brother. He was born August 12, 1962.
他是你弟弟? 看来好年轻 他是1962年8月12号♥出生
It was a Sunday.
What exactly do you guys do here?
We’re counting cards. You’re counting cards?
我们来算牌 你们算牌?
We’re counting cards.
We’re counting cards.
What else do you do?
We’re counting cards.
I know that. What else do you do?
我知道 但你们还做些什么其他的事?
Are you taking any prescription medication?
Whoa. Look, I’m outta here.
What time is the date? Later.
约会是几点? 待会儿
What time is the date? It’s 10:00.
约会到底是几点? 十点钟
I have to be in bed by 11:00. Lights out at 11:00.
10:00, daylight saving time.
十点钟 日光节约时间
10:00, daylight saving… 10:00?
十点 日光节约… 十点?
10:00, daylight saving time. You like her? You think she’s pretty?
十点钟 日光节约时间 你喜欢她? 觉得她很漂亮?
Yeah. She’s very sparkly.
是的 她很漂亮
Definitely very sparkly. Very sparkly.
当然了 非常漂亮 非常漂亮
I’ve never seen you in a suit. He did a great job.
You don’t realize how good you look. Do you like it?
你知道你看来有多帅吗? 你喜欢这西装吗?
It’s not Kmart.
How could you not like that suit? You look fantastic, Ray?
你怎么会不喜欢这西装呢? 你看起来帅极了 雷
It’s not a Kmart suit. Let me let you in on a secret.
这不是K超♥市♥做的 让你试试
Kmart sucks. Okay? Yeah.
K超♥市♥烂透了 可以吧? 好
There you go, Ray. Yeah.
你到了 雷 是啊
It’s a high roller’s suite. This is for you.
这间是 “赢家套房♥” 是为你准备的
You ever seen a room like this before? Yeah.
你以前见过像这样的房♥间吗? 有
What’s up there?
What’s up there? You’re not even looking.
你看那上面是什么? 你连看都没看啊?
Yeah. Bed. That’s your bed.
是的 一张床 那是你睡的床啊
I had them put it by the window, just the way you like it.
就在窗子旁边 你喜欢这样
Right by the window. Go on up.
对 上去看看吧 好
Just the way you like it, isn’t it? Yeah.
你喜欢这样 不是吗? 是啊
Look at you with all those lights, Ray.
You are Mr. Las Vegas now.
What do you think?
There’s a lot of lights out there. It’s very sparkly. Very twinkly.
外面有好多 一闪一闪的
We made a lot of money today.
Forgetting the $3,000 that we tossed away at that wheel of fortune.
别再去想我们在那 “幸运轮” 所赌输掉的那三千块
Yeah, ‘Wheel Of Fortune.’
And I’m sorry about that. I got a little carried away.
我为那件事感到抱歉 很抱歉
I got a little hot, Ray.
我当时是过分了点 我赢昏了头
I’m sayin’ that I’m sorry, and I just want you to know that I am sorry.
I’m apologizing. I got a little carried away. The money.
我向你道歉 我当时失去了理智 那些钱
I got a little greedy. Wanna say somethin’?
让我…让我变得贪婪起来 想说点什么吗?
I have to be at the bar at 10:00 with Iris.
是的 我十点钟要到酒吧去
I gotta thank you, man.
我可得谢谢你 兄弟
You did it.
真正厉害的是你 是你才对
I was just there. You saved my ass.
我只是旁陪看而已 你救了我
I’m just along for the ride.
Be at the bar at 10:00. Have to go to a date with Iris.
十点种得到酒吧去 我得去和爱瑞丝约会
Iris, that’s her name.
是啊 爱瑞丝 她就叫爱瑞丝
Big date. Gonna go dancing.
是啊 跳…跳舞
I have to go to a date with Iris at the bar.
Know how to dance? I don’t know.
你会跳舞吗? 我不知道
You ought to learn sometime.
Yeah, have to learn to dance with a date.
是啊 要学着如何与女伴跳舞
I have to learn to dance with a date. I was just kidding.
要学着如何与女伴跳舞 我刚刚只是开玩笑而已
You’re not gonna have to dance on this date.
I have to go to the date, learn to dance. Definitely. Now.
我要去赴约会 必须学跳舞 现在就学
You don’t have to dance now…
but I’ll teach you how to dance sometime.
You won’t have to dance on this. Have to learn how to dance now.
这次你不用跳舞 现在就学怎么跳 要约会就要会跳舞
I’m sorry I brought this up. All right, Ray, my mistake.
抱歉 我不该提跳舞的事情 雷 是我的过错
You got the only famous dancing hooker in Vegas.
Stand over there.
好 站过去那边
Come over here. Yeah.
过来这边 好
You hear the music? Just watch my feet.
你现在听到音乐了吗? 看着我的脚步
Raymond, watch my feet.
看着我的脚 雷蒙 看着我的脚步
Just do what I’m doin’. Okay?
对 照着我这么做 好吗?
You feel the rhythm of the music? We’re just movin’ our feet.
你有没有感到音乐的节奏 我们就照着这节奏移♥动♥双脚
You’re the guy, so you’re gonna have to lead.
你是男生 所以你得带舞
I’m the date, so you want to…
我假装是你的女伴 所以你要…
You wanna put your left hand up like this.
你要 将你的左手像这样举起来
Raymond, don’t stop movin’. Payin’ attention?
雷蒙 别停止移♥动♥ 你有专心在看吗?
Put your left hand up like this. Left hand. That’s good.
Don’t stop movin’. Good. Just like that.
别停止移♥动♥ 一直移♥动♥ 很好 就像这样
Take this other hand, put it behind my back.
Ray, you wanna learn how to dance? Yeah.
你想学会跳舞吗? 想
You gotta touch someone when you dance. I’m not gonna hurt you.
好 你在跳舞时得碰到别人 我不会伤害你的
All right? Just put it right there.
好吗? 将手放在这里
