quixotic 英 [kwɪkˈsɒtɪk] 美 [kwɪkˈsɑːtɪk]



  • But the press conferences will also enable Mr Bernanke to control the Fed’s message before a colleague with more quixotic views excites the markets.
  • The idea seemed quixotic at first.


[adjective] having or involving ideas or plans that show imagination but are usually not practical
[形容词] 想入非非的;异想天开的;堂吉诃德式的


quixotic 源自西班牙作家塞万提斯(Miguel de Cervantes,1547 – 1616)所写长篇小说 Don Quixote (《堂吉诃德》)。该书主人公 Don Quixote 是个穷乡绅,因阅读骑士小说入迷,企图仿效古老的游侠骑士生活而三次出游。他嫉恶如仇近乎狂热,但终日耽于幻想,所以干了无数荒唐可笑的蠢事,直至临终时才恍然大悟。

Don Quixote 以后就成了“不切实际的理想主义者”或“狂热的嫉恶如仇者”的一个代名词。从 Quixote 派生出来的形容词形式 quixotic 常用以表示“不切实际的”或“愚侠式的”。Quixote 在西班牙语原指“腿裙”(盔甲的一部分)。


These may seem quixotic or paradoxical choices, but please bear with me.

出自《哈利·波特》作者J.K.罗琳(J. K. Rowling)2008年在哈佛大学毕业典礼上的经典演讲:The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of Imagination(失败的额外收益与想象力的重要性)。

  • 传送门:J·K·罗琳2008年哈佛大学经典毕业演讲



该词源出西班牙作家塞万提斯( Miguel de Cervantes ,1547 – L 616)所写长篇小说 Don Quixote (《堂吉诃德》)。该书主人公 Don Quixote 是个穷多绅,因阅读骑士小说人迷,企图仿效古老的游侠骑士生活而三次出游。他嫉恶如仇近乎狂热,但终日耽于幻想,所以干了无数荒唐可笑的蠢事,直至临终时才恍然大悟。

Don Quixote 以后就成了“不切实际的理想主义者”或“狂热的嫉恶如仇者”的一个代名词。从 Quixote 派生出来的形容词形式 quixotic 常用以表示“不切实际的”或“愚侠式的”。 Quixote 在西班牙语原指¨腿裙”(盔甲的一部分)。更多


quixotic (quik ZOT ik) This adjective, meaning overly idealistic, derives directly from the fictional Spanish hero Don Quixote, who displays that trait. (The adjective takes on English pronunciation while the Don retains the “kee HOTE ay” pronunciation befitting the Man of La Mancha.)

  • Mr. Hanly admired his quixotic young student, so he spoke very gently in saying it might be difficult to win the Nobel Peace Prize as well as write a great novel before he was thirty-five.
  • One side of Caitlin’s personality is quixotic, but she tempers that with a highly practical streak.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
不切实际的(quik ZOT ik)这个形容词,意思是过于理想主义,直接来源于虚构的西班牙英雄堂吉诃德,他表现出了这种特质。(形容词采用了英语发音,而Don保留了“kee HOTE ay”的发音,适合La Mancha的Man。)

  • 先生。汉利很欣赏他那堂吉诃德式的年轻学生,所以他非常温和地说,在他35岁之前,可能很难获得诺贝尔和平奖,也很难写出一部伟大的小说
  • 凯特琳性格的一面是不切实际的,但她以一种高度务实的特质来缓和这种性格



quixotic” 这个词来自于西班牙文”quijotesco”,指的是不切实际、异想天开、热衷于不切实际冒险、理想主义的。下面是50个包含这个词的短语以及它们的中文解释:

  1. quixotic adventure – 不切实际的冒险
  2. quixotic quest – 理想主义的追求
  3. quixotic endeavor – 异想天开的努力
  4. quixotic ambition – 不切实际的雄心
  5. quixotic dream – 理想主义的梦想
  6. quixotic goal – 不切实际的目标
  7. quixotic aspiration – 异想天开的渴望
  8. quixotic vision – 理想主义的愿景
  9. quixotic plan – 不切实际的计划
  10. quixotic ideal – 异想天开的理想
  11. quixotic scheme – 不切实际的方案
  12. quixotic pursuit – 理想主义的追寻
  13. quixotic optimism – 异想天开的乐观
  14. quixotic courage – 不切实际的勇气
  15. quixotic faith – 理想主义的信念
  16. quixotic determination – 不切实际的决心
  17. quixotic innovation – 异想天开的创新
  18. quixotic proposal – 不切实际的提议
  19. quixotic imagination – 理想主义的想象力
  20. quixotic adventure novel – 异想天开的冒险小说
  21. quixotic spirit – 理想主义的精神
  22. quixotic inspiration – 不切实际的灵感
  23. quixotic escapade – 理想主义的冒险行为
  24. quixotic idealism – 不切实际的理想主义
  25. quixotic determination – 理想主义的决心
  26. quixotic disposition – 不切实际的性格
  27. quixotic passion – 理想主义的激情
  28. quixotic pursuit of justice – 对正义的不切实际追求
  29. quixotic endeavor for a better world – 为更美好世界的异想天开努力
  30. quixotic vision of utopia – 乌托邦的理想主义愿景
  31. quixotic attempt to change the system – 改变体制的不切实际尝试
  32. quixotic desire for impossible feats – 对不可能壮举的理想主义渴望
  33. quixotic challenge to the status quo – 对现状的不切实际挑战
  34. quixotic belief in the power of love – 对爱的力量的理想主义信仰
  35. quixotic pursuit of artistic excellence – 对艺术卓越的不切实际追求
  36. quixotic hope for global harmony – 对全球和谐的理想主义希望
  37. quixotic dream of a world without poverty – 对没有贫困的世界的不切实际梦想
  38. quixotic journey to self-discovery – 对自我发现的不切实际之旅
  39. quixotic determination to make a difference – 产生影响的不切实际决心
  40. quixotic battle for environmental conservation – 对环境保护的不切实际战斗
  41. quixotic pursuit of knowledge – 对知识的理想主义追求
  42. quixotic quest for inner peace – 对内心平静的不切实际追求
  43. quixotic endeavor to eliminate prejudice – 消除偏见的不切实际努力
  44. quixotic faith in the goodness of humanity – 对人性善良的理想主义信仰
  45. quixotic vision of a just society – 对公正社会的理想主义愿景
  46. quixotic pursuit of scientific breakthroughs – 对科学突破的不切实际追求
  47. quixotic aspiration for artistic expression – 对艺术表达的理想主义渴望
  48. quixotic belief in the power of compassion – 对同情力量的不切实际信仰
  49. quixotic endeavor for social equality – 对社会平等的理想主义努力
  50. quixotic quest for a world free of conflict – 对没有冲突的世界的不切实际追求



  • impracticable: (of a course of action) impossible in practice to do or carry out
  • idealistic: characterized by idealism; unrealistically aiming for perfection
  • utopian: modeled on or aiming for a state in which everything is perfect
