
英 ['kwɪvə]美 ['kwɪvɚ]



n. 颤抖;箭袋;震动
vi. 颤抖;振动
vt. 使…颤动;抖动




quiver 颤动,颤抖


quiver [‘kwɪvə] n. 颤抖;箭袋;震动  v. 颤抖;振动
quiver 颤抖 ←同尾词→ shower 淋浴
eg. After taking a shower, the little girl began to quiver.
——摘自《快速记忆英语单词 口袋书》


  1. A quiver of excitement – 一阵激动
  2. quiver with fear – 因恐惧而颤抖
  3. quiver in anticipation – 期待而颤抖
  4. quiver of joy – 欢乐的颤抖
  5. quiver in disbelief – 不敢相信而颤抖
  6. quiver of anger – 愤怒的颤抖
  7. quiver with anticipation – 怀着期待而颤抖
  8. quiver with nervousness – 因紧张而颤抖
  9. quiver of laughter – 笑声的颤抖
  10. quiver of excitement ran through him – 他感到一阵激动
  11. quiver of pain – 疼痛的颤抖
  12. quiver of emotion – 情感的颤抖
  13. quiver of anxiety – 焦虑的颤抖
  14. quiver with anticipation – 怀着期待而颤抖
  15. quiver with cold – 因寒冷而颤抖
  16. quiver in the wind – 在风中颤抖
  17. quiver with excitement – 因兴奋而颤抖
  18. quiver with tension – 因紧张而颤抖
  19. quiver of uncertainty – 不确定的颤抖
  20. quiver of relief – 宽慰的颤抖
  21. quiver of delight – 高兴的颤抖
  22. quiver of anticipation – 期待的颤抖
  23. quiver with anticipation – 怀着期待而颤抖
  24. quiver in fear – 因恐惧而颤抖
  25. quiver of excitement – 兴奋的颤抖
  26. quiver in the cold – 在寒冷中颤抖
  27. quiver with anger – 因愤怒而颤抖
  28. quiver with joy – 因喜悦而颤抖
  29. quiver of hope – 希望的颤抖
  30. quiver of anticipation – 期待的颤抖
  31. quiver with excitement – 因激动而颤抖
  32. quiver in nervousness – 因紧张而颤抖
  33. quiver of surprise – 惊讶的颤抖
  34. quiver with impatience – 因不耐烦而颤抖
  35. quiver with pleasure – 因愉悦而颤抖
  36. quiver of doubt – 怀疑的颤抖
  37. quiver of anticipation – 期待的颤抖
  38. quiver with fear – 因害怕而颤抖
  39. quiver in excitement – 在激动中颤抖
  40. quiver with happiness – 因幸福而颤抖
  41. quiver of realization – 领悟的颤抖
  42. quiver with anxiety – 因焦虑而颤抖
  43. quiver of uncertainty – 不确定的颤抖
  44. quiver with anticipation – 怀着期待而颤抖
  45. quiver of relief – 宽慰的颤抖
  46. quiver with delight – 因喜悦而颤抖
  47. quiver of expectation – 期望的颤抖
  48. quiver in surprise – 因惊讶而颤抖
  49. quiver with excitement – 因兴奋而颤抖
  50. quiver in anticipation – 期待而颤抖
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
