quibble 英 [ˈkwɪbl] 美 [ˈkwɪbl]



  • Ms Nestle says she would have no quibbles with sweet fizzy drinks if they were sipped occasionally, as a treat.
  • I’ll take it, and I’ll let others quibble over whether it amounts to a big wave, a modest one or a slosh of something wet and reassuring.


[verb] to argue or complain about a small matter or an unimportant detail
[动词] 为小事或不重要的细节争论或抱怨











“Quibble” 是一个动词,表示对细节小事挑剔或争论,常常是为了回避主要问题或寻找漏洞。

以下是包含单词 “quibble” 的50个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Quibble over – 对…吹毛求疵
  2. Quibble about – 就…争论不休
  3. Quibble with – 与…争辩
  4. Quibble about the details – 对细节吹毛求疵
  5. Quibble over the terms – 就条件进行争论
  6. Quibble about semantics – 就语义学问题争论
  7. Quibble with the interpretation – 对解释提出异议
  8. Quibble about the rules – 对规则争辩
  9. Quibble about the definition – 对定义问题挑剔
  10. Quibble over minor points – 对小问题吹毛求疵
  11. Quibble with the decision – 对决定提出异议
  12. Quibble about the procedure – 就程序问题争论
  13. Quibble over the wording – 对措辞进行争论
  14. Quibble about the cost – 对成本问题挑剔
  15. Quibble over the timeline – 对时间表进行争论
  16. Quibble with the assessment – 对评估提出异议
  17. Quibble about the methodology – 对方法论问题争论
  18. Quibble over the allocation – 对分配问题挑剔
  19. Quibble with the conclusion – 对结论提出异议
  20. Quibble about the process – 就流程问题争论
  21. Quibble over the price – 对价格进行争论
  22. Quibble about the quality – 对质量问题挑剔
  23. Quibble over the details – 对细节争辩
  24. Quibble with the policy – 对政策提出异议
  25. Quibble about the implementation – 对实施问题争论
  26. Quibble over the agreement – 对协议挑剔
  27. Quibble with the analysis – 对分析提出异议
  28. Quibble about the requirements – 对要求争辩
  29. Quibble over the conditions – 对条件进行争论
  30. Quibble with the proposal – 对提议提出异议
  31. Quibble about the details – 对细节挑剔
  32. Quibble over the specifications – 对规格争论
  33. Quibble with the statement – 对声明提出异议
  34. Quibble about the presentation – 对演示争辩
  35. Quibble over the terms and conditions – 对条款和条件进行争论
  36. Quibble with the argument – 对论点提出异议
  37. Quibble about the legality – 对合法性问题挑剔
  38. Quibble over the meaning – 对意义进行争论
  39. Quibble with the document – 对文件提出异议
  40. Quibble about the outcome – 对结果争辩
  41. Quibble over the deadline – 对截止日期进行争论
  42. Quibble with the explanation – 对解释提出异议
  43. Quibble about the accuracy – 对准确性问题挑剔
  44. Quibble over the process – 对流程进行争论
  45. Quibble with the evaluation – 对评估提出异议
  46. Quibble about the standards – 对标准争辩
  47. Quibble over the methodology – 对方法进行争论
  48. Quibble with the interpretation – 对解释提出异议
  49. Quibble about the conditions – 对条件挑剔
  50. Quibble over the wording – 对措辞争辩


  • grumble: to complain about sb/sth in a bad-tempered way
  • grouse: to complain about sb/sth in a way that other people find annoying
  • moan: [informal disapproving] to make a complaint in an unhappy voice, usually about something that does not seem important to other people
