See that red shirt.
Red shirt.
Where are we?
我们到家了 妈妈
We are home, Mama.
菲欧娜于2016年 从圣博加中专学院毕业 她曾任学生会主席一职
他身兼数职 包括体育推广部门的主任 世界西洋棋联合会的指导员以及国际裁判
她自己种庄稼 养活一家人 并且也帮忙照顾奈特生的孩子
他完成了中专的学业 现在正在学习电力工程师专业
奈特成为了5个孩子的妈妈 她卖♥♥盐为生 并且也在学习如何成为一名发型师
理查正在上中专 是一名学生干部
班杰明正在上中专 并且蝉联全国少年冠军
他本来想成为一名神经外科医生 现在和教练罗伯特住在一起
她集仁慈 希望与爱为一身 是所有小梦想家们的母亲
克洛丽亚正在上中专 和罗伯特教练一家住在一起
斯特拉是先锋队原型中的一员 她和母亲以及兄弟姐♥妹♥们♥住在西洋棋学院
她是2015年卡瓦马杯西洋棋比赛 女子组的冠军
♪ Home again
♪ One day I know I’ll feel home again
♪ Born again
♪ One day I know I’ll feel strong again
♪ I left my head
♪ Many times I’ve been told
♪ All this talk will make you old
♪ So I close my eyes
♪ Look behind
♪ So I close my eyes
♪ Look behind
♪ Moving on
♪ Lost again
♪ One day I know our paths will cross again
♪ Smile again
♪ One day I hope to make you smile again
♪ I won’t hide
♪ Many times I’ve been told
♪ Speak your mind, just be bold
♪ So I close my eyes
♪ Look behind
♪ Moving on
♪ Moving on
♪ So I close my eyes
♪ And the tears will clear
♪ Then I feel no fear
♪ Then I’d feel no way
♪ My paths will remain straight
♪ Beautiful. Beautiful.
♪ I’m just trying to hold on to a dream
♪ Out here lost and nothing’s what it seems
♪ I’m just trying to find where I belong
♪ This must be the dark before the dawn
♪ When the place that you were born
♪ Is not where you belong
♪ Tell me, baby, what stops you from wearing a crown?
♪ I wanna be somebody, be somebody
♪ And I wanna go somewhere, go somewhere
♪ Back to life, life, life, life, life, life, baby
♪ Back to life, life
♪ I’ve been waiting for all of my life
♪ Back to life
♪ Mmm
♪ Mmm
♪ Bring the flavor to the fish
♪ Bring the flavor to the rice
♪ Who’s the number one spice?
♪ Who’s the number one spice?
♪ Bring the flavor to the fish Bring the flavor to the rice
♪ Who’s the number one spice?
♪ Good price The number one spice, sir
♪ Who’s the number one spice?
♪ This is the number one spice
♪ The number one spice The number one spice
♪ Bring the flavor to the fish Bring the flavor to the rice
♪ Who’s the number one spice?
♪ You think I’ma do this all my life?
♪ Man, soon I’ma live in the city with the lights
♪ -With the lights? -That’s right
♪ This spice to you is a means to me
♪ Selling even if the price is misery
♪ Same story in the salt lake vis a vis
♪ Walking all day in the sun like a movie
♪ I’ll be happy when the people party
♪ ‘Cause everybody’s family, man Even Bundi
♪ Too many dreams
♪ Wake up looking in the sky
♪ Number one
♪ Number one spice
♪ -Number one -Spice
♪ -Number one -Spice
♪ Spice
♪ It’s the number one spice, sir