
quantum (KWAN tum) You know already, don’t you, that a “quantum leap” is a common phrase for a big change. But you may also enjoy knowing this is one of those intriguing linguistic incidences where popular use of a word changes its meaning. “Quantum,” as a physics term, refers to the smallest possible change that can be measured. One scientist cleverly describes if as “such an infinitesimal level as to be infinite.” Before it became wedded to “leap,” it was simply the Latin word for “quantity,” and you’ll occasion-ally see it in older writing.

  • Eighteenth-century writer Tobias Smollett describes himself as having “a respectable quantum of knowledge.”
  • What Shakespeare expressed as “a sea change” in his play The Tempest is now, in our scientific age, more often termed a quantum leap.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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量子(KWAN tum)你已经知道,不是吗,“量子飞跃”是一个巨大变化的常用短语。但你可能也很喜欢知道这是一个有趣的语言事件,一个词的流行使用会改变它的含义。“量子”作为一个物理学术语,指的是可以测量到的最小可能的变化。一位科学家巧妙地将if描述为“无限小的水平,以至于是无限的”。在它与“飞跃”结合之前,它只是拉丁语中“数量”的意思,你偶尔会在古老的文字中看到它。

  • 18世纪作家托比亚斯·斯莫列特形容自己拥有“可观的知识量”
  • 莎士比亚在他的戏剧《暴风雨》中所表达的“翻天覆地的变化”,在我们的科学时代,更常被称为量子飞跃

