
1. 形容词用法: “pusillanimous”是一个形容词,用于形容人或行为的特征,表示懦弱、胆小、缺乏勇气和决心。以下是该词的几种用法:

  • 懦弱的:描述一个人在面对困难、危险或挑战时缺乏勇气和决断。这种人可能因为害怕失败或遭受伤害而退缩。例如:”His pusillanimous behavior prevented him from taking risks and pursuing his dreams”(他胆小的行为阻止了他冒险和追求梦想)。
  • 胆小的:指一个人在面对威胁、压力或紧张时表现出怯懦和胆怯的特征。这种人可能缺乏自信和坚定的信念。例如:”The pusillanimous soldier couldn’t bring himself to engage in combat”(胆小的士兵无法使自己参与战斗)。
  • 懒散的:用于描述一个人缺乏追求和实现自己潜力的动力和决心。这种人可能对挑战和追求目标的付出缺乏动力。例如:”The pusillanimous student rarely put in any effort and settled for mediocrity”(懦弱的学生很少付出努力,满足于平庸)。

2. 名词用法: “pusillanimous”也可用作名词 “pusillanimity”,表示懦弱、胆小或缺乏勇气的特征或状态。这个词描述的是一个人在面对困难或压力时的心理状态。例如:”Her pusillanimity prevented her from taking on leadership roles”(她的胆怯阻止了她担任领导角色)。



  1. pusillanimous behavior – 胆小的行为
  2. pusillanimous coward – 胆小的懦夫
  3. pusillanimous attitude – 胆小的态度
  4. pusillanimous surrender – 胆小的投降
  5. pusillanimous retreat – 胆小的撤退
  6. pusillanimous submission – 胆小的屈服
  7. pusillanimous fear – 胆小的恐惧
  8. pusillanimous hesitation – 胆小的犹豫
  9. pusillanimous response – 胆小的回应
  10. pusillanimous act – 胆小的行为
  11. pusillanimous decision – 胆小的决定
  12. pusillanimous escape – 胆小的逃避
  13. pusillanimous individual – 胆小的个体
  14. pusillanimous behavior in the face of danger – 面对危险时的胆小行为
  15. pusillanimous retreat from responsibility – 对责任的胆小回避
  16. pusillanimous lack of confidence – 缺乏信心的胆小
  17. pusillanimous response to challenges – 对挑战的胆小回应
  18. pusillanimous avoidance of confrontation – 回避对抗的胆小
  19. pusillanimous failure to take risks – 不敢冒险的胆小失败
  20. pusillanimous mindset – 胆小的心态
  21. pusillanimous attitude towards adversity – 对逆境的胆小态度
  22. pusillanimous behavior in the face of criticism – 面对批评的胆小行为
  23. pusillanimous lack of determination – 缺乏决心的胆小
  24. pusillanimous response to injustice – 对不公正的胆小回应
  25. pusillanimous reluctance to confront challenges – 不愿面对挑战的胆小
  26. pusillanimous avoidance of responsibility – 回避责任的胆小
  27. pusillanimous response to pressure – 对压力的胆小回应
  28. pusillanimous retreat from conflict – 在冲突中的胆小撤退
  29. pusillanimous response to failure – 对失败的胆小回应
  30. pusillanimous reluctance to take a stand – 不愿表态的胆小
  31. pusillanimous response to injustice – 对不公正的胆小回应
  32. pusillanimous avoidance of confrontation – 回避对抗的胆小
  33. pusillanimous retreat from challenges – 在挑战中的胆小撤退
  34. pusillanimous response to criticism – 对批评的胆小回应
  35. pusillanimous lack of courage – 缺乏勇气的胆小
  36. pusillanimous approach to risk-taking – 对冒险采取胆小的方式
  37. pusillanimous response to adversity – 对逆境的胆小回应
  38. pusillanimous avoidance of confrontation – 回避对抗的胆小
  39. pusillanimous fear of failure – 对失败的胆小恐惧
  40. pusillanimous behavior under pressure – 在压力下的胆小行为
  41. pusillanimous response to authority – 对权威的胆小回应
  42. pusillanimous hesitation in decision-making – 决策中的胆小犹豫
  43. pusillanimous retreat from challenges – 在挑战中的胆小撤退
  44. pusillanimous response to conflict – 对冲突的胆小回应
  45. pusillanimous avoidance of risks – 回避风险的胆小
  46. pusillanimous response to change – 对变化的胆小回应
  47. pusillanimous lack of conviction – 缺乏坚定信念的胆小
  48. pusillanimous approach to problem-solving – 对解决问题的胆小方式
  49. pusillanimous surrender to fear – 对恐惧的胆小投降
  50. pusillanimous behavior in the face of opposition – 面对反对的胆小行为



pusillanimous (PEW sil AN ih mus) If you’re really angry at someone’s cowardly behavior, this is the adjective to hiss at him or her—very sat-isfying in its sound! Even the word history is satisfying: it describes a spirit (Latin animus) like that of a weak, little animal such as a pullet, a young chicken!

  • “There are times it is not only a duty but a pleasure to speak one’s mind,” said Ms. Cunningham sternly, “and expressing my disgust at your pusillanimous actions is one of those times.”
  • Pusillanimity can be found in the home as well as on the battlefield, for it may be emotional as well as physical.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
胆小鬼(PEW sil AN ih mus)如果你真的对某人的懦弱行为感到愤怒,这是一个形容词,用它的声音对他或她发出嘶嘶声!甚至历史这个词也令人满意:它描述了一种精神(拉丁语的animus),就像一只弱小的小动物,比如一只小母鸡!

  • “有时候,说出自己的想法不仅是一种责任,也是一种乐趣,”坎宁安女士严厉地说,“对你胆小的行为表示厌恶就是其中之一。”
  • 无论在家里还是在战场上,都可以发现厌恶,因为它可能是情感上的,也可能是身体上的


一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
