
purge 英 [pɜːdʒ] 美 [pɜːrdʒ]



  • Ms Dell is interested in the economic consequences of America’s decision to “purge” managers from Japan’s biggest companies after 1945.
    1945 年之后,美国决定“清理”日本最大财阀的管理人员,戴尔对这带来的经济后果很感兴趣。
  • He initiated the effort before the whistle-blower complaint became public and frames it as efficiency, but it is seen by some as a way to purge internal “spies.”


[verb] remove (a group of people considered undesirable) from an organization or place in an abrupt or violent way
[动词] 以突然或暴力的方式把(一群被认为不受欢迎的人)从一个组织或地方赶走


Purge 源自拉丁语 purgare (清洗、使干净、净化),用在液体、金属等物质上,是“洁净、净化”或“清洗、涤清”,比如用蒸馏法净水就可以说“purge water by distillation”。

若是用在团队、政党等组织上,则表示“清除、肃清(组织中的异己分子)”,比如清洗政党中的不忠实分子就可以说“purge a political party of disloyal members”或“purge disloyal members away a political party”。

若是用在精神文明方面,则表示“净化(心灵、风气等)”或“涤荡(污秽)”,比如清除头脑中的仇恨就可以说“purge one’s mind of hatred”。

若是用在个人方面,则表示“为……洗雪”或“以认错赎罪”,比如给某人开脱罪责就可以说“purge sb of a charge”。另外在法律上还有一个专用表达叫“purge (one’s) contempt”,指“在藐视法官或法庭后认错免罪”。

除此之外, purge 还在医学领域表示用药“使肠泻清”或“给人通便”。Purge 也可以作名词,表示“净化”或“(对异己的)清洗”。


出自2015年美国超级英雄电影《复仇者联盟2:奥创纪元》(Avengers: Age of Ultron)。影片讲述当钢铁侠试图启动处于休眠状态的维持和平计划时,计划出了差错。于是,在地球面临生死存亡的紧急关头时,超级英雄们挺身而出承担起拯救世界的重任,他们将阻止可怕的人工智能机器人“奥创”制定恐怖计划。


purge (PERJ) The verb, which comes from the Latin word for “pure,” means “to cleanse or purify.” It can be used in many different contexts. One can be purged of sin (the word “purgatory,” for instance, is a place of remorse or purging). It can be used in the law to mean “cleared of charges.” It can mean “to get rid of impurities” in a more general way.

  • The vegetables at the health food store are carefully washed and purged of all of their impurities before being pressed into fresh juice at the juice bar.
  • Orthodox Judaism requires that women be purged in a mikvah, a ritual puri-fication bath, before the Sabbath prayers.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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purge” 是一个英语单词,指的是清洗、清除、清除…的人或物,通常用于描述清除不需要的东西、清除不良因素或进行大规模整顿等。


  1. Political purge: 政治清洗
  2. purge the system: 清洗系统
  3. purge unwanted files: 清除不需要的文件
  4. purge harmful elements: 清除有害元素
  5. purge toxins: 清除毒素
  6. purge negative energy: 清除负能量
  7. purge bad habits: 摒弃坏习惯
  8. purge the old data: 清理旧数据
  9. purge the database: 清除数据库
  10. purge the clutter: 清理杂物
  11. purge excess inventory: 清理多余库存
  12. purge outdated information: 清除过时信息
  13. purge emotional baggage: 摆脱情感包袱
  14. purge harmful chemicals: 清除有害化学物质
  15. purge the mind: 净化思维
  16. purge negative thoughts: 清除负面思维
  17. purge bad memories: 抛却糟糕回忆
  18. purge the air: 净化空气
  19. purge the digestive system: 清洗消化系统
  20. purge the soul: 净化灵魂
  21. purge excessive spending: 削减过度开支
  22. purge criminal elements: 清除犯罪分子
  23. purge corrupt officials: 清除腐败官员
  24. purge radical ideologies: 清除激进意识形态
  25. purge undesirable influences: 消除不良影响
  26. purge extremist views: 清除极端观点
  27. purge disruptive behavior: 清除破坏性行为
  28. purge toxic relationships: 摆脱有害关系
  29. purge negative emotions: 清除负面情绪
  30. purge financial waste: 削减财务浪费
  31. purge excessive bureaucracy: 精简过度的官僚主义
  32. purge unnecessary expenses: 削减不必要的开支
  33. purge obsolete equipment: 丢弃过时设备
  34. purge excessive regulations: 削减过度的规定
  35. purge unhealthy habits: 摒弃不健康习惯
  36. purge redundant processes: 精简冗余流程
  37. purge negative influences: 清除负面影响
  38. purge corrupted files: 清理损坏的文件
  39. purge radical elements: 清除激进分子
  40. purge outdated policies: 清除过时政策
  41. purge excess materialism: 消除过度物质主义
  42. purge fake news: 清除虚假新闻
  43. purge destructive tendencies: 消除破坏性倾向
  44. purge old beliefs: 放弃旧信仰
  45. purge harmful behaviors: 摒弃有害行为
  46. purge excessive consumption: 减少过度消费
  47. purge unnecessary meetings: 精简不必要的会议
  48. purge unproductive habits: 摒弃低效习惯
  49. purge negative influences: 消除负面影响
  50. purge wasteful spending: 削减浪费开支


  • expel: deprive (someone) of membership of or involvement in a school or other organization
  • eject: compel (someone) to leave a place
  • evict: expel (someone) from a property, especially with the support of the law
