是的 我还在等着呢 – 您有什么问题
Yes, I’m still on hold. – And what was this?
I’m looking at your advertisement for the airline promotion and giveaway.
啊 我们的常旅客计划 – 是的
Ah, this is our frequent flyer plan. – Yeah.
我不太理解的是 广♥告♥上说 “除此之外”
It’s hard to understand because it says, “In addition to.”
可是我不懂 那个”此” 指的是什么
But I can’t exactly understand “in addition to” what?
因为广♥告♥里 好像并没有提到
Because there’s actually nothing to add it to.
I think that’s a typo then.
不好意思 我只是想证实一下
Okay, so just to clarify– I’m sorry.
购买♥♥任何10款你们的”健康选择”的产品 就可以获得500公里的免费航♥空♥
Ten purchases of any of your Healthy Choice products equals 500 miles.
如果与优♥惠♥券同时使用的话 就可以获得1000公里的免费航♥空♥
And with the coupon, the same purchases would value 1,000 miles?
That’s it.
你注意到了吗 这些赠品的价值
Do you realize that the monetary value of this promotion and the prize
is potentially worth more than the purchases?
I don’t know.
Could I call you back?
Could I ask you your extension and your name, possibly?
我的分机号♥是215 我叫卡特
It’s extension 215 and the name is Carter.
非常感谢 卡特先生 – 好的
Thank you very much, Carter. – All right.
我不太清楚那是什么意思 – 是碎了吗
I’m not sure what that means. – If they break or something.
它什么材料的 塑料的 – 它是 塑料的吧 是的
What is it, plastic? – It’s, uh, plastic, yeah.
But that kind of breakage shouldn’t be a problem.
好的 我明天一早再打给你好吗 – 我们有运输险
Let me call you first thing tomorrow. – In shipping we have insurance.
我得查一下那些数字 看看它到底是什么材料的 然后就打电♥话♥通知你
I’m gonna run the numbers, see what’s what. I’ll call back.
好的 你知道我家里的电♥话♥吧
Okay. You have my home phone number, right?
家里的电♥话♥ – 如果你要给我打电♥话♥的话
What’s that for? – If you wanted to call me.
不用了 – 我有你公♥司♥的电♥话♥了
It’s not a problem. – No, I’m fine. I have your work number.
好吧 不过因为有时差 如果你想打给我的话
Okay. Because of the time difference, if you needed to reach me earlier–
不用了 我会给你公♥司♥打电♥话♥的
No, that’s fine. I can just get you at your office.
好的 – 好的
Okay. All right. – Okay.
再见 – 再见
Bye-bye. – Bye-bye.
哇哦 哇哦
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

嘿 你是在那个修车厂工作吗
Hi. Do you work at the mechanic?
他们还没开门 – 他们8点才开门的
They’re not open yet? – They don’t get open until 8:00.
那我先把车留在这里 行吗
Is it okay if I leave my car, you think?
我不知道 不知道
I don’t know. I-I don’t know.
I thought they opened at 7:00.
我把车留下 行吗 – 我不知道
If I left my car, would it be okay? – Geez, I don’t know how they do it.
你认识他们吗 – 不是很熟
Do you know them? – Not very well.
我能 我把车钥匙交给你 行吗
Can I ask you– Could I trust to leave my key with you
等他们来上班的时候 你再帮我交给他们
so that when they get here you could give it to them?
好的 没问题
Okay, yeah, sure.
那我就把车放在那边了 – 我想应该没问题吧
You think it’s okay where I’ve left it? – I think it’ll be fine, yeah.
我会帮你看着的 – 多谢了
I can watch it. – Thanks a lot.
Keep an eye on it.
马路上有架钢琴 – 是的
There’s a piano in the street. – Yeah.
好吧 那我们回头见吧 谢谢你了
Okay. Maybe I’ll see you later. Thank you for your help.
Thank you.
那就等我来取车的时候再见吧 – 好的
Maybe I’ll see you later when I pick up my car. – Okay.
早上好 巴里
Morning, Barry.
没事吧你 – 没啊
You okay? – Yes.
Why you wearing a suit?
我刚买♥♥的 我觉得上班还是穿得正式一点好
I bought one. I thought it would be nice to get dressed for work.
And I’m not exactly sure why.
你能跟我来看样东西吗 – 当然
May I please show you something? – Sure.
What’s this?
I believe this is a small piano.
这才不是钢琴呢 我家有架钢琴的
It’s not a piano. I got a piano at home.
哦 – 你从哪里弄到的
Oh. – Where’d you get it?
It was dropped in the street.
Why is it here?


I don’t know.
产品不错 我喜欢
Great products. I like both lines.
24 48 – 我不希望最后有积压
Twenty-four, 48. – I don’t want to end up with extra inventory.
我老板不喜欢 你能保证销量吗
My boss won’t like that. Can you guarantee all your sales?
We do back our “fungers” 100%.
We ask for a 30-to-60-day display on the floor.
巴里 你的姐姐在1线
Barry, your sister’s on line one.
巴里 你的姐姐在1线
Barry, your sister’s on line one.
我想实际上并不需要那么长的时间 我能保证这一点
I don’t think they’ll be out that long. I can almost guarantee you that.
我得先去接个电♥话♥ 是我姐姐的
Let me just get this. It’s my sister.
没问题 没问题
Not a problem. Not a problem.
我是巴里 – 嘿 是我 朗达
This is Barry. – Hey, it’s me. It’s Rhonda.
今晚的派对你去吗 – 哦 嘿 朗达 是的 我会去的
Are you going to this goddamn party tonight? – Oh, hi, Rhonda. Yes, I am.
那就好 再见了
All right, fine, bye.
再见 晚上见 – 订货量大的话
Bye-bye. I’ll see you tonight. – Well, if it’s an order for more cases–
不好意思 – 可以免运费
Sorry about that. – it’s, uh, free shipping.
我想告诉你们的是 我们刚刚从帝盟酒店和拉斯维加斯的赌场
Just wanted to tell you fellas that we just received a very large order
from the Rio Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas.
We will be supplying each and every one of their bathrooms
with the dice and money funger.
So, these babies are really flying. With the Aqua-Blast–
我们的产品 贝里 你的姐姐在2线
Barry, your sister’s on line two.
贝里 你的姐姐在2线
Barry, your sister’s on line two.
我们的产品有着流线型的设计 精巧的拉练
With the Aqua-Blast, with the little zippers, the whales and the speedboats,
we ask for the display to be at eye level for little children.
贝里 – 我得去接一下电♥话♥
Barry. – Let me just get that.
You know, you can also color-coordinate these fungers.
我是贝里 嘿 是我 你干什么呢
This is Barry. – Hey, it’s me. What are you doing?
我正好有个客户 现在没法和你闲聊
I have some customers here. I can’t really chat now.
闲聊 你刚才是说”闲聊”吗
“Chat”? Did you just say “chat”?
我现在没空和你讲电♥话♥ – 你♥他♥妈♥的把这叫做闲聊
Ye– I-I-I can’t talk– – You just fuckin’ said “chat.” That’s so…
你懂个屁啊 闲聊
What are you now? “Chat.”
我打给你 是想确认一下 你晚上去不去那个派对
I’m just calling to make sure that you show up at this party tonight.
哦 是的 我会去的 – 那就好
Oh, yes, I will be there. – Okay, fine.
Then you get to go back to chatting with your precious customers,
you fuckin’ phony, chatty piece of shit.
好的 再见 谢谢了
Okay. All right. Thank you.
真的太烦人了 – 抱歉
I’m really, really tired of it. – Sorry about that.
我不知道你还有个姐姐 – 是的 我有
I didn’t know you had a sister. – Yes, I do.
I wanted to tell you guys about the new fungers.
经过长时间的研发 我们终于研制出来了这个折不断的把手
We’ve been working on this and we have a nonbreakable handle, finally.
Um, let me demonstrate for you.
Okay, this was one of the old ones. So, um–
Do we have a new one around, Lance?
Sorry about that.
That’s a little embarrassing. Um–
啊 这个是 贝里 你的姐姐在1线
Barry, your sister’s on line four.
你到底有几个姐姐 – 七个
So how many sisters do you have? – I have seven.
她们给我打电♥话♥ 是为了今晚的那个派对 她们是想让我
And they’re calling me because they’re having a party tonight, so they’re just calling me.
再给我2分钟 好吗
I’ll be two more minutes, okay?
This is Barry.
嘿 你怎么样 – 嘿 凯瑟琳 我正在工作呢
What are you doing? – Hi, Kathleen. I’m just working.
今晚的派对你去吗 – 是的 我会去的
You going to the party tonight? Yes, I am.
你忙什么呢 – 工作而已
What are you doing? – I’m just working.
我是问你正在做什么呢 – 我正在和你讲电♥话♥呢
Yeah, but what are you doing? – I’m… talking on the phone to you.
I’m standing.
你晚上几点到 – 7点
What time are you gonna be there? – 7:00.
说真的 你可别晚了 – 不会的 不会的
You can’t be late. I’m serious. – I won’t. I won’t.
你千万别迟到了 – 我知道
Seriously. You can’t be late. – I know. I know.
你可不能不来 你必须来 说真的呢
You can’t just not show up like you do. You have to go. Seriously.
好的 好的 – 你可别跑回你自己家不出来了 我可没跟你开玩笑
Okay. Okay. All right. – You can’t just stay in your house. I’m serious.
