Move the fuck out of the way!
– 对不起 先生 太对不起… – 操!
– I’m so sorry, sir. I’m so sor… – Fuck!
嘿 打错人了 打错人了
Hey, wrong guy. Wrong guy.
– 我的天 上帝啊 – 不
– My God. Jesus Christ. – No.
操♥他♥妈♥的! 操♥他♥妈♥的! 你个垃圾!
Motherfucker! Motherfuckers! You fucking cunt!
怎么球呢 伙计?
Why the balls, man?
– 倒处都是 – 好好想想
– Anywhere but the fucking balls. – Think about it.
Our balls are where his eyes are.
哟 哟 哟 嘿!
Yo, yo, yo, hey!
我刚听说你们的小♥弟♥弟♥被侏儒袭击了 是真的吗?
I just heard a rumor that all your balls got attacked by a midget. Is it true?
拜托 拜托 告诉我这是真的 我他妈真希望是真的
Please, please, just tell me it is. I’m praying it fucking is.
老兄 真可惜我错过了好戏
Dude, I can’t believe I missed it.
Look at your fucking pupils.
– 我爱你们 – 哈 哈
– I love you guys. – Ha, ha.
不是 我说真的
No, seriously.
听我说 我知道有时我很混帐…
Look, I realize I can be, like, a huge dick sometimes…
and I’m really sorry for that.
– 没关系 – 不 有关系
– It’s okay. – No, it’s not.
J.B.很抱歉你过生日的时候送你胸罩 那样很不好
J.B., I’m sorry for buying you a bra on your birthday. That wasn’t cool.
没事的 哥们儿
It wasn’t cool, man.
对不起 我一直叫你死胖子
And I’m sorry for all the times I called you Fat Fuck.

– 还叫你肥贱♥人♥ – 是啊
– Chubby Bitch. – Yeah.
– 庞然巨物 – 好吧
– Fudgy the Whale. – Okay.
I’m sorry for that time at your brother’s Bar Mitzvah…
我告诉所有人你长的像同性恋主持人罗丝 其实你长的不像
where I told everyone you look like Rosie O’Donnell, because you don’t.
– 我不像 – 嘿 你俩?
– I don’t. – Hey, guys?
– 什么事? – 嗯…
– What? – Um…
I hooked up with Kirby.
我 好像 真的喜欢她
I’m, like, really into her.
好了 说真的 托马斯 那样很好
Okay, seriously, Thomas, that’s, you know, cool and all.
But she’s kind of always been around.
It’s like hooking up with J.B.
But her tits are smaller.
– 嘿 – 我的意思是
– Hey. – I’m just saying.
Kirby’s sort of like one of us.
你知道 今晚是要和我们从没接触过的女孩儿玩儿
You know, tonight’s about the girls we never had a shot at.
Tonight’s about changing the game.
Heads will roll
Heads will roll
It’s crazy out there.
I haven’t seen Tyler in an hour.
本次行动中 我俩失散了一阵子
We were slightly out of our league on this mission.
– 屋子很漂亮 – 谢谢
– Cool room. – Thanks.
It’s a bit messy right now.
来 我来…
Here, let me…
So it’s your birthday.
是啊 确实是我的生日
Yeah, it’s my birthday.

# I know where they build ’em #
# I know where they’re selling long #
# Wider than the worst ones Wider than the one I know #
# Smoke machine begins to blow #
# Lines of water on the floor #
# I know you watch ’em I know that you want no more #
也许在梦工厂 也许在真实世界
# Maybe in the factory Maybe in the actual world #
– 哦 天哪 – 托马斯你在干嘛?
– Oh, my God. – Thomas?
– 滚蛋 – 抱歉 嘿 嘿 柯比…
– Fuck off. – I’m sorry. Hey, hey, Kirby…
托马斯 你♥他♥妈♥在搞什么?
Thomas, what the fuck?
– 现在要我帮忙吗? – 你呆在那儿多久了?
– Would you like a hand with that? – How long have you been in there?
– 他妈的! – 你在干嘛?
– Fucking shit! – What are you doing?
亚历克茜 玩的还开心吗?
Alexis, are you having a good time?
不好玩 我要走了
No. I’m leaving.
嗨 您拨♥打♥的电♥话♥暂时无人接听 请在嘟的一声后留言
Hi. You’ve reached the Kub residence. Please, leave a message.
– 托马斯 是我 – 我去 伙计
– Thomas, it’s me again. – I’m fucked, dude.
我刚接到另一个电♥话♥ 我肯定是邻居说的太夸张了
I just got another call. I’m sure the neighbors are exaggerating.
– 请速回电 – 我靠
– Please call me. – Fuck.
漂亮女孩 明媚阳光
# Pretty girls, sunshine in the air #
# Perfume everywhere #
喝到醉 现在 从莱姆味到柠檬味
# Bass to the floor, right now, what’s up A lime to a lemon #
想起当时我们快乐到死 飘飘欲仙
# Remind you of the sky when I’m fucking And we on cloud nine for that minute #
# Your style and your physique #
我懒得去评论但玩就要玩的尽兴 管他妈的?
# And I ain’t tiyin’ to critique But you deserve a good drink, so, what’s up? #
不管你喝的是什么? 没有问题
# What you sippio’ on? It’s no problem #
# Black and gold bottles Like I’m pro-New Orleans #
简而言之我是一个凡人 我有两张一样的运通卡
# But, shorty, I’m far from a saint But I got two AmEx’s that look the same way #
我叫威尔 住在特区 我能穿出普拉达味 他们只能穿出斐乐腔
# Wale, D.C., that’s me, huh My Prada say Prada and they Prada say Fila #
我不会告诉你 他们都认识我
# I ain’t gotta tell you They know about me, huh #
来特区吧 成为我的信徒
# Come to D. C. and I can make you a believer #
瞧 宝贝 我是个天生的领袖 差一天就是天秤座
# See, baby, I’m a leader Day away from a Libra #
我不会让你误入歧途 甜心 我需要你
# I ain’t tryin’ to lead you wrong, sugar I need you #
所以请听我说 我对你有何索求
# So would you please listen To what I’m gonna need from you #
享受今夜 明天就忘却
# Live for tonight Before tomorrow’s amnesia #
漂亮妞儿 她们抽烟吗
# Pretty girls I ask them do they smoke #
Holy shit!
It’s fucking insane.
托马斯 看看我们所做的一切 惊世骇俗
Thomas, look at what we did. Epic.
Is this big enough to be cool?
Game changer.
天哪 是电视台的直升机
Holy shit, it’s the news.
伙计 快看 是托马斯!
Dude, that’s Thomas!
托马斯啊! 托马斯啊! 托马斯啊!
Thomas! Thomas! Thomas!
Are you hearing this?
托马斯啊! 托马斯啊! 托马斯啊!
Thomas! Thomas! Thomas!
这是属于你一个人的派对 老兄
This is your fucking party, man.
你说的没错 伙计 这就是我想要的
You’re right, dude. I needed this.
去你的 哈!
Fuck, yeah!
看着我 婊♥子♥们! 这他妈的就是我的派对!
Look at me now, bitches! My party is the shit!
MY Party is legendary!
托马斯啊! 托马斯啊! 托马斯啊!
Thomas! Thomas! Thomas!
– 看着 – 看什么?
– Watch this. – Watch what?
– 你有没有搞错? – 嘿 你们这些贱♥人♥ 啊!
– Are you kidding me? – Hey, all you bitches. Aah!
因为你才更了解我 因为雨果才知道什么是老大
# Know me from the you know Boss in my Hugo #
托马斯 你♥他♥妈♥的疯了吧! 我爱死你了!
Thomas, you crazy motherfucker! I love you!
跳啊! 跳啊! 跳啊!
Jump! Jump! Jump!
去他的 我才不跳 去他妈的
Fuck that shit. I’m not jumping. Fuck that.
跳啊! 跳啊! 跳啊!
Jump! Jump! Jump!
To my family members, all my friends on Facebook…
– 你说什么? – 这肯定是一次伟大的跳跃
– What? – It’s been a great ride.
– 考斯特帮我拿好眼镜 – J.B.不要这样做了 兄弟
– Costa, hold on to these. – J.B., don’t do it, man.
– 你太胖了 – 给我闭嘴
– You’re way too fat. – Shut up.
哦 我的天啊!
Oh, my God!
J.B.你没事吧 兄弟?
J.B., you all right, man?
– J.B.你怎么样了? – 哈哈哈!
– J.B., you all right? – Ha-ha-ha!
This is Falcon One.
I was just attacked by this really sexy woman.
局势已经失去控制 几个小时前他们突破房♥门
We’ve lost all control. The house was breached hours ago.
Chaos has spread to the streets.
警方正在大规模地回到现场 但我们在数量上占有优势
And the police are returning in force. We’re clearly outnumbered.
天啊 帮帮我们吧
God, help us.
警♥察♥滚蛋! 警♥察♥滚蛋! 警♥察♥滚蛋!
Cops go home! Cops go home! Cops go home!
This is the police.
Disperse peacefully and immediately or you will be subject to arrest.
In need of immediate assistance.
