Your turn.
库布! 座机响了! 座机响了!
Kub! House phone! House phone!
坏了 对不起 嗯…
Shit. Sorry. Um…
抱歉 对不起 借光 对不起 对不起 抱歉
Excuse me. Sorry. Look out. Sorry. Sorry. Excuse me.
哦 妈的 对不起
Oh, shit. Sorry.
达克斯 把门关上
Dax, close that behind you.
妈的! 达克斯 找找电♥话♥
Shit! Dax, find the phone.
嗯 好了 得了吧? 我♥操♥ 你安静点
Um, right, you know what? Fuck it, just be quiet.
– 喂 – 托马斯 你在吗?
– Hello. – Thomas. Are you there?
– 爸 嘿 – 你去哪儿了?
– Dad, hey. – Where have you been?
We’ve been trying your cell all night.
– 你说我所有电♥话♥都会接的 – 我知道 是 对不起
– We agreed all my calls would be answered. – I know. Yeah, I’m sorry about that.
我们去泡桑拿了 所以没拿手♥机♥
We were out in the hot tub, so I didn’t have it on me.
I don’t want to find wet towels when we get home.
– 我希望我回去的时候家里干干净净的 – 当然 肯定的
– I want to come home to a clean house. – Of course, definitely.
– 我打电♥话♥想说… 那是什么? – 老兄 看看她
– We were just calling… What was that? – Dude, look at her.
怎么回事? 托马斯?
What was that? Thomas?
没事 那是考斯特 开着扬声器呢
Nothing. That was Costa. You’re on speakerphone.
We just wanted to call one last time before going to bed…
…make sure you’re all set for the night.
是 都挺好的
Yep, all good.
我其实马上要睡了 所以…
I’m actually about to go to sleep right now, so…
太好了 嗯 我们周日见 生日快乐 托马斯
Great. Well, we’ll see you Sunday. Happy birthday, Thomas.
– 谢谢 爸 晚安 – 晚安
– Thanks, Dad. Good night. – Good night.
Holy shit.
操 耶!
Fuck, yeah!
哦 妈的 那应该是他爸
Oh, shit, I think that’s his dad.
什么? 我可不是来扫兴的 我只是来参加派对的
What? I’m not here to bust anybody. I’m just here to party.
– 哎! – 过来 “哎.”
– Ew! – Come on, “Ew.”
让我也来轻松一下 有球吗?
Give me a break. You got a ball?
– 是的 哥们儿 – 我们开始吧
– Yeah, man. – Let’s do this.
来吧 投中第三排
Here we go. Paxson for three.
喔 哦 哦 哦!
Whoa, ho, ho, ho!
嗨起来! 来吧 老兄 来 耶!
Up high! Come on, dude, right here. Yeah!
Let me have that.

恶心 孩子
Nasty, kid

那是什么 老兄? 等下 我♥操♥ 我听不见你说什么
What’s that, dude? Hold on, I can’t fucking hear a thing you’re saying.
说话 E
Speak up, E.
什么 E? 你♥他♥妈♥在这儿干什么?
What? E… What the fuck are you doing here?
– 我来又怎样 贱♥人♥? – 不请自来 白♥痴♥
– What you gonna do about it, bitch? – You’re not invited, dickhead.
Fucking asshole.
兄弟 怎么了?
Bro, what’s happening?
目标在跟一个胖女人吵架 好像是他妻子
Subject is arguing with an overweight woman, most likely his wife
她想让他报♥警♥ 他想自己解决
She wants him to call the police. He wants to handle it himself.
他在喝酒 他们在厨房♥
He’s drinking. They’re in the kitchen.
我在楼上 孩子们都睡了 报告完毕
I’m upstairs. Kids are asleep. Over.
等下 你们在他们家里?
Wait, you’re in their house?
你♥他♥妈♥不是在开玩笑吧? E 快他妈出来!
Are you fucking kidding me? E, get the fuck out now!
拒绝 我正在潜伏中 收线
Negative. I’m a ghost. Out.
What the fuck am I gonna do with this kid?
嘿 E! E!
E! E!
– 你玩的开心吗? – 是 我过的很开心
– Are you having fun? – Yeah, I’m having a good time.
It’s pretty fucking crazy.
哦 我的天
Oh, my God.
What was wrong with me?
Wow, this was before Costa.
是啊 美好的往日啊
Yeah, the good old days.
是啊 那时你还在班里 对吧?
Yeah, back when you were still in the crew, right?
你曾经是那么可爱 现在怎么回事?
You used to be so cute. What happened?
Shut the fuck up.
Still looks like me.
很怪吗? 抱歉 哎呀 太奇怪了 不是吗?
Was that weird? I’m sorry. Shit, that was weird, wasn’t it?
– 没有 是… 是有点奇怪 呵 – 妈的 嗯…
– No, it… It was a little weird. Heh. – Fuck. Um…
警♥察♥来了 快出来 大家! 马上!
Cops on the way. Get out, everybody! Now!
大家都到后面来! 马上后面来!
Everybody in the back! Get in the back now!
你们在那儿干嘛? 到后面来! 警♥察♥要来了! 快点 行动!
What, are you over there? Get in the back! Cops are coming! Hurry, let’s move!
快跑 快跑! 我们走! 快点! 警♥察♥来了! 大家都到后面来!
Move it, move it! Let’s go! Hurry up! Cops are coming! Everybody in the back!
考斯特 嘿 考斯特
Costa. Hey, Costa.
Everybody get in the back!
嘿 怎么回事?
Hey, what’s going on?
– 警♥察♥现在就在路上! – 哦 妈的
– The cops are on their way right now! – Oh, shit.
马上到后面来! 大家都快点! 我们撤!
Get in the back now! Everybody move! Let’s go!
别停下! 马上到后面来!
Keep going! Get in the back now!
– 快出来 警♥察♥来了 – 他们现在在路上
– Get out, police. – They’re on their way now.
– 你怎么知道的? – 别问了 我搭档深入内部了
– How do you know that? – Don’t ask. My boy’s in deep.
Gotta clear this fucking beer out of here.
Damn it.
– 就那些吗? – 是 我把你酒杯拿了
– Is that everything? – Yeah. I got your chalice.
Law enforcement currently on scene.
Standing down, for now.
– 我什么都没听见 – 我也没有 不像在开派对
– I don’t hear anything. – No, it doesn’t sound like a party.
Not a party that’s still going, anyway.
Here they come.
– 晚上好 警官 – 你们在开派对吗?
– Evening, officers. – Fellas having a party?
是啊 我们聚在一起为我们朋友庆生
Yeah, we’re having a small little birthday gathering for my friend.
我就是他朋友 我过生日
I’m the friend, my birthday.
Lot of cars for a small party.


The house? Whose is it?
有什么问题吗 警官?
Is there a problem here, officers?
We have a noise complaint.
– 介意我们到处看看吗? – 还是不要了
– You mind if we look around? – I’d prefer if you didn’t.
– 我们没征求你意见 – 抱歉 我虽然不是律师
– We’re not asking. – Excuse me, I’m not a lawyer or anything.
Doesn’t the law state that you cannot enter…
through a private residence without permission?
Is there an adult here we might speak with?
我就是成年人 我十八岁半了 长官
You’re speaking with one. I’m 18 and a half years old, sir.
当然 在我们的文化里 我十三岁就成年了
And, of course, in my culture I’ve been a man since my 13th birthday.
So you’re telling us we cannot come in?
恕我直言 是法律不允许你进来
With all due respect, technically the law says you cannot.
但是我们也会说 你不能 进来
But what we’re saying is, you may not.
我想怎么说都对 法律说你不能进来是因为我们说你不能进来
I guess both are true. The law says you cannot because we say you may not.
好吧 好吧 别说什么不能 不可以的废话了 非常好
All right, all right. Props on the “can/may” bullshit. Very good.
毫无疑问 谢谢你 长官
No doubt. Thank you, sir.
把噪音控制到最小 好吗?
Just keep the noise down to a minimum, okay?
是 长官 当然
Yes, sir. Of course.
别让我们再回来一趟 你们明白我的意思吧?
Don’t make us come back. You know what I mean?
– 是的 – 嗯嗯 当然明白
– Yeah. – Uh-huh. Of course.
– 晚安 – 晚安 长官们
– Good night. – Officers.
“Technically the law states…” Damn Internet.
Everybody’s a fucking attorney.
– 尼玛 – 老兄 考斯特 不是吧?
– Fuck you. – Dude, Costa. Seriously?
– 尼玛 – 快进来
– Fuck you. – Come inside.
快进来 别管它了
Just come inside. Just forget about it.
为黎明的来临干杯 喔!
To the break of dawn, yo!
– 我♥操♥! – 你♥他♥妈♥干什么呢?
– Holy shit! – What the fuck are you doing?
托马斯 我表兄会修理窗户的
Thomas, my cousin can replace the window,
没事的 不会有事的 哥们儿 我保证
no problem. It’s all good, man. I promise.
你从哪儿拿的这个? 是我妈妈的
Where did you get this? It’s my mom’s.
别这样 兄弟 我又不会弄坏
Come on, bro. I’m not gonna break it.
扔过来 又准又低地扔过来
Throw it in here, nice and low.
They’re pills!
真是太开心了 老兄!
It’s Ecstasy, bro!
You heard about this on Craigslist?
这个网站 有 就在那页 那里
Craigslist, yeah. It’s on the thing, on the page, right there.
喔 这下完了
Whoa, we are so fucked.
