How you guys doing on liquor? You got liquor?
你们就别担心了 伙计们 我会带酒的 叫上我的弟兄们
Don’t even worry about it, man. I’ll bring it, call my boys up.
– 你们就别再操心了 – 太感谢你了
– Don’t want you to sweat anything. – Thank you so much.
嘿 你的生日嘛 好 那晚上见了
Hey, it’s your day. Cool. See you guys tonight, then.
– 好的 好 – 狄更斯街
All right, cool. – Dickens Street.
– 特勒 带上你的棒球手套 我们可以玩投球 – 不了
– Teller, bring your mitt. We’ll play catch. – No.
– 擦 – “带上你的棒球手套”? 搞毛啊?
– Fuck. – “Bring your mitt”? The fuck?
# Nothing like black pussy on my dick #
没人比得过混账DJ Quik唱饶舌
# Word to the motherfucking DJ Quik #
好了 现在说说的我的要求
Okay, here’s what I want.
派对只限定在后院 好吗?
Party’s limited to the backyard, okay?
房♥子会锁起来 警报会打开
The house’ll be locked and the alarm’ll be set.
– 没人能进去 好吗? – 停
– No one is going inside, all right? – Stop.
– 就在灌木丛里搞? – 我不管
– Throw down in the bushes? – I don’t care.
今晚我要是不上一个大胸女 我就跳河自杀
If I don’t fuck a girl with big tits tonight, I’m drowning myself.
我才不管她有多重 只要胸够大就行了
Don’t care if she’s 300 pounds. I have to fuck a girl with big tits.
– 噢 天呐 – 明白我的意思吧 J.B?
– Oh, my God. – Feel my drift, J.B.?
Sure do.
我是说 我想找个人给我口♥交♥ 至少也得来点”指交”吧
I mean, I’d love to get some oral or, you know, at least do some finger-banging.
什么? “指交”? 你能说得详细点吗?
What? Finger-banging? Can you please elaborate?
你用你的食指 大拇指和中指
You take your first finger, your thumb and your middle finger.
做一个”过来”的手势 “过来”
Make a “come here” motion. “Come here.”
This is called “machine guns” or “friendly scissors.”
这是”幸福环” “小蜘蛛”
The “circle of pleasure.” The “itsy-bitsy spider.”
轻拍 转圈爱抚 拍拍拍
Tapping and circling. Tap, tap, tap.
Keep telling her how pretty she is the whole time.
Shut the fuck up!
– 是你们的损失 伙计 这有学问着呢 – 噢 老天
– Your loss, man. It’s good knowledge. – Oh, my God.
– 我们要直走再右转 – 好了听着
– Straight up here, then take a right again. – All right, listen.
我们仨现在要直达目的地 开始性和”指交”之旅了
The three of us will have full access to the house for sex and finger-banging.
– 太好了 – 但不能再叫其他人了 好吗?
– Yes. – But no one else, okay?
当然了 老兄 我们挺你
Of course, bro, we got your back.
– 嘿 右拐 – 在这儿右拐?
– Hey, take a right. – Here?
– 你还是把门锁好吧 – 你说真的吗?
– You’re gonna want to lock your doors. – Are you serious?
– 没错 我很认真 – 我们这他妈要去哪?
– Yes, I’m serious. – Where the fuck are we going?
T-瑞克家 得去搞点嗨起来的玩意
T-Rick’s. Gotta score some of that chronic shit.
– 你确定这家伙很牛吗? – T-瑞克是最牛逼的
– Are you sure this guy’s cool? T-Rick’s the coolest.
他是退伍军人 你看到他收藏的枪♥支♥就明白了 简直神了
He’s ex-military. Wait till you see his gun collection. Fucking insane.
This place is ghetto as fuck.
为什么我们非得大老远跑过来? 不能在学校搞点吗?
Why do we have to come all the way here? We can’t just get it at school?
以为学校里的毒品哪来的? 这是集散地
Where do you think the school gets it? This is wholesale.
You are literally retarded.
啊 快闭上臭嘴吧
Ah, shut the fuck up.
啊! 我靠
Ah! Fuck.
T-瑞克 开门
T-Rick, open up.
– 嘿 嘿 嘿 – 嘿 最近怎么样 老兄?
– Hey, hey, hey. – Hey, what’s up, bro?
– 有一阵子没见了 考斯特 – 是啊
– I haven’t seen you in a minute, Costa. – Yeah.
– 很高兴见到你 – 你怎么样? 一切还好吗?
– Nice to see you. – How are you doing? Everything copacetic?
一切都好 我看你整修了这里 这地方看着棒极了
Everything’s great. You upgraded the dish. This place looks great.
是啊 我整修了 显得高档一点
Yeah, I fucking did, upscaled it.
– 修整了一番 我的确弄了 – 是啊
– Upscaled it. I fucking did. – Yeah.
– 这是我兄弟 J.B.还有托马斯 – 嗨
– These are my boys, J.B. and Thomas. – Hi.
好 来来 进来吧 请进
All right, yeah, yeah. Come on in, come on in.
噢 这是 莫斯伯格生产的
Oh, yeah, that was a 12-millimeter
标新立异系列的 12毫米口径半自动猎枪
semi-automatic Mossberg Maverick.
– 有机会我想跟你去打靶场 – 好啊 这主意不错
– I’d love to go to the range with you. – Yeah, that’s a good idea.
去打靶场 好好释放一下
Going on the range, get it all out of your system.
假装你正在杀条子 如果你想的话
Pretend you’re killing cops, if you want.
# You’re beautiful #
# You’re beautiful, it’s true #
# I saw your face #
# In a crowded place #
好吧 我去给你拿货 你帮我把火续着
All right, well, I’ll get your stuff. Here, stoke up the fires, buddy.
哦 行 没问题 去吧 T-瑞克
Oh, man, you the man. Fuck, yeah, T-Rick.
Yeah, kick ass with that.
嘿 我们能撤了吗?
Hey. Can we get going?
考斯特 回来坐好 他马上回来了…
Costa, come sit down, dude. He’s about to fucking…
– 瞧瞧 – 你在干吗?
– Check it out. – What are you doing?
Fucking stop.
That’s technically a homosexual act.
I’m coming on Santa Claus’s face.
考斯特 他来了
Costa, he’s coming back.
– 达克斯 拿着 – 混♥蛋♥你在干什么?
– Dax, take it, take it. – What the fuck are you doing?
– 你要偷走这个? – 不 借用而已
– Dude, are you stealing it? – No, we’re just borrowing it.
没有吉祥物 派对不性福
We need a fucking mascot for the party.
Jesus Christ.
Here you go.
就这样吧 我5点得到柔道馆
Let’s do this, I gotta be at the dojo by 5.
– 没问题 – 好的
– Absolutely. – Cool.
瞧见没 说过了 T-瑞克人不错 嗯
See, I told you guys, T-Rick’s just a sweetheart. Mm.
Smell it, J.B.
– 你们这群小王八蛋! – 被发现了!
– You little fucking cocksuckers! – Oh, fuck!
– 把人偶还给我! – 跑!
– Give me back my fucking gnome! – Fuck!
把人偶还给他 快还给他
Give him the gnome back. Give him the fucking gnome back.
不 只管走 快走!
– No, fuck that! Just go. – Get out of here!
哦 快! 混♥蛋♥!
– Oh, shit! – Oh, fuck!
我了个去 托马斯 我发飙了! 他疯了!
Holy shit, Thomas, he’s fucking wild! He’s a fucking crazy man!
老天! 他人没了! 他翻了!
Holy shit! He’s gone! He fell off!
– 上帝啊! – 老天!
– Holy shit, man! – Holy shit!
靠 靠 靠!
Shit, shit, shit!
干得好 托马! 这场面真是惊心动魄!
That’s my boy Tom! That was some serious fucking shit right there!
What in the fucking world?
Fuck. Shit.
– Oh, my God. – Shit.
伙计 他敲坏了我的挡风玻璃
God, dude, he fucking cracked my windshield.
没事 我表哥开修车厂 他能修 没事
Fuck it, my cousin owns a body shop. He can fix it, no problem, man.
The kung fu no good here.
– 天 他又来了! – 把人偶还给我!
Oh, fuck! Holy shit! – Give me back my gnome!
我靠! 敢情这货是终结者!
Holy shit! Guy’s like the fucking Terminator! Jesus!
– 好吧 他肯定现在超级火 – 这货把我吓惨了
– No, he was super pissed though. – Dude scares the shit out of me.
嘿 老板
Hey, boss.
What the fuck?
他是埃弗雷特 旁边那个泰勒是他小弟
There he is. This is Everett and his boy Tyler.
They’re running security for the night.
你开玩笑? 你拿的双截棍?
Are you serious? Are those nunchucks?
– 是啊 – 好吧
– Yeah. – Oh, shit.
– 看上去像忍♥者 – 忍♥者可禁不起干!
Look like ninjas. – Ninjas are fucking pussies!
– 我就喜欢这家伙这么说话 – 你懂的
I love this kid. – You know it.
这是托马斯 有他们两 我们可以高枕无忧了
With these two, we got nothing to worry about.
– 我们呆在房♥子外面? – 嘿
– We’re outside the Kub house. – Hey.
– 麻烦来了 – 咋了 考斯特?
– We have bogeys. – What up, Costa?
Do I know you guys?
听说晚上这儿会很热闹 我们也想来
We heard about your shindig tonight. We want in.
– 你们新生? – 是
You freshmen? – Yeah.
– 回家洗洗睡吧 – 没搞错吧 老兄
Get the fuck out of here, man. – Come on, dude.
别说了 走开走开
Are you still talking? Get the fuck out of here.
J.B.放下包 我们要开工了
J.B., drop those bags. We got work to do.
晚上好 斯蒂尔森太太 我叫奥利弗
Hi. Good evening, Mrs. Stillson. My name’s Oliver.
This is my friend Jonathan.
– 我们都是库布一家的朋友 – 哦
– And we’re both friends of Thomas Kub’s. – Oh.
Yeah, we’re hosting a little birthday party for Thomas.
出于礼貌 我们想先跟您打声招呼…
And we wanted to give you the courtesy of informing you…
…that there’d possibly be a bit of party-related noise.
我想给你留个电♥话♥ 以防你有问题或者担心
I wanted to give you my number in case you had problems or concerns.
您真是个美丽的女人 欢迎随时给我电♥话♥
You’re a very beautiful woman. Call me anytime you want.
– 谢谢 你真会说话 – 实话实说而已
– Thank you. That’s very sweet of you. – I mean that when I say that.
You are very beautiful.
…帮托马斯办的一个小派对 他住那儿
…a little party for Thomas. He lives there.
