如果找到了 马上叫他打电♥话♥通知我
If he finds it, have him call me immediately.
457 这是总部 你那情况怎样?
457 This is base. What’s your 20?
我怀孕了 费尔南多
I’m pregnant, Fernando.
I’m gonna have your son.
但我只知道 我真的很害怕
But all I know is, is I’m really scared.
I’m really scared to do this alone.
约翰 从来都不会太迟
John, it’s never too late.
If you’ll agree to accept Christ into your heart and turn from your sin,
他会宽恕你 并解救你至永生
he will forgive you and save you in eternity.
时间合适 我就会给你菲波纳奇
I’ll give you Fibonacci when the time is right.
The time is right now.
不 当你我都站在高墙外面的时候 时间才会合适
No, the time is right when you and I are both standing outside those walls.
我总有一天会出去的 到时候…
I’m gonna get out of here someday, and when I do,
don’t think I won’t remember what your front steps look like.
我… 又要回到那边去了
I’m being shipped back off.
How many times I got to say it?
You only got one thing I need.
我有个坏消息 查尔斯
I’ve got some bad news, Charles.
Your daughter’s got esophageal cancer,
趁现在还有时间 她想见见你
and she wants to see you while there’s still time.
-她还能活多久? -医院说一周
-How long does she have? -Hospital says a week.
我在哪里看到说 真正的泰姬陵在早上会呈现出粉红色
I read somewhere where the actual Taj Mahal appears pink in the morning,
傍晚会呈现出乳白色 而当月亮升起的时候就成了金黄色
milky white in the evening and golden when the moon shines.
这种变化 他们说 相当于女子的各种不同的情绪
The changes, they say, depict the different emotions of a woman.
我可以告诉你 如果今天晚上不把这个修好
Well, I can tell you something, if we don’t get this thing fixed tonight,
I don’t wanna know what kind of emotion my wife is gonna have
if I walk through that door empty-handed.
真奇怪 我是说 就这么倒了
It’s strange. I mean, it just gave way.
我们刚把它抬起来 支撑的悬梁就断了
We lifted it up, and the support beam snapped.
-这是什么? -支架
-What’s this? -The support.
And the one that holds up that beam.
You took it?
I’m sorry.
But I needed to get back in here.
我不明白 你为什么…
I don’t understand. Why would you…
I’m breaking out.
And you’re gonna make sure my brother goes with me.
