我在这儿呢 宝贝
I’m in here, baby.
是的 好 等一下
Yeah, okay. Hold on.
好的 我马上过去
Okay. I’ll be right there.
吉米 什么事 大家都死哪去了
Hey, Jimmy, what’s up? Where the fuck is everybody?
给埃迪 桑迪打电♥话♥ 都没人接
Calling Eddie, Sandy. No one’s picking up.
I think Eddie’s sleeping off Christmas.
I don’t know where Sandy is.
I get some intel from a guy in Heida.
You remember Coco Dominguez?
记得 记得 他是泰佐的副手
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Tezo’s lieutenant.
是的 他是泰佐的副手 他玩完了
Yeah, Tezo’s lieutenant. He fucked up.
Back in town from the D.R.
He came in to see his kids for the holidays.
He’s not gonna give him up.
他不会说的 吉米
No way Coco’s gonna talk,Jimmy.
嗨 可可
Hey, Coco.
他在哪儿 蹲下 让孩子蹲下
Where is he? Get down. Get the kids down.
他走了 混♥蛋♥ 他走了 去哪了 可可
He gone, you motherfucker. Gone. Gone where, Coco?
就是走了 混♥蛋♥
Gone, nigga.
有本事找他去 畜生
Now, do your fucking job and find him, motherfucker.
If you let me get out of this shit,
I’m gonna come back and stab you Aah
神经病 你会告诉我他在哪的
Deranged motherfucker. You’re gonna tell me where he is.
你会告诉我的 我告诉你他在哪
You’re gonna tell me. I’ll tell you where he is.
我告诉你 他在你♥妈♥的♥屁♥眼♥里 傻♥逼♥
I’ll tell you. He’s up your mama’s ass, bitch
求求你 安琪莉 把孩子抱进去
Please. Angelique, put the boy back
安琪莉 把孩子抱进去 把那混♥蛋♥推开
Angelique, put the boy back in Push that nigga back
安琪莉 快把孩子抱回去
Angelique, get the boy back in the room now
Push that nigga back, Angelique
安琪莉 把孩子抱回去 抱回去
Angelique, get the boy back in Put the baby back in
Put the baby back in the room
闭嘴 你不懂我的话吗 你听不懂英语吗
Shut up. Do you understand me? You speak English?
闭嘴 听懂了吗 听不懂英语吗
Shut up Shut your fucking- Shut your mouth. Shut it.
Still up my mother’s ass? Huh?
Talk to me.
肯尼 给外科医协会打电♥话♥
Kenny, put in a call to ACS.
Tell them they gotta take an infant.
First-degree burns over most of its body.
Tell them the baby’s face is disfigured.
当然 吉米
Sure thing, Jimmy.
用你的电♥话♥ 小子 好不
Use your phone, muchacho? Hm?
Angel Tezo.
去死吧 吉米 亲老子屁♥股♥吧
Fuck you, Jimmy. Kiss my fucking ass.
住手 住手
Wait, wait
He’s up in Morrisania in the Bronx at the bitch’s place.
在哪 在哪 你们联♥系♥了 在他女人家
Where? Where? You talk to him? At his bitch’s place.
叫什么 叫什么 埃斯特 埃斯特
Who? Who? Esther, Esther
埃斯特什么 妈的告诉我 埃斯特什么
Esther fucking what? You better fucking tell me Esther what?
You tell him where he is
埃斯特什么 凯恩 混♥蛋♥ 凯恩
Esther fucking what? Kane. Kane, nigga Kane
他妈的埃斯特·凯恩 把孩子放下 混♥蛋♥
Esther-motherfucking-Kane, nigga Now, put the baby down, nigga
求你了 来 你没事了
Please. Come here. You’re okay.
不 求求你了 警官
Oh, no Please, please, officer.
哦 天哪 他很漂亮
Oh, God. He’s beautiful.
你要敢泄露半点风声 我会回到这
You breathe a word of this, and I come back here.
割开你的喉咙 干♥你♥的妻子 杀你的孩子
I’ll slit your throat, fuck your wife and kill your kid.
Look at me.
你要是向安吉尔告密 后果更严重
You tip Angel off, I’ll make it even worse.
I’ll send an ambulance over.
Oh, shit.
快走 快走
Go, go, go
嗨 图克
Hey, Took.
不 不 不 放过我吧 伙计
Oh, no, no, no. No, come on. Leave me alone, bro
图克 我什么都没做
Come on, Took. I didn’t do nothing.
你要去哪 放过我
Where you going? Leave me alone, yo
下来 笨蛋 下来 别这样
Come here, dipshit. Come here. Come on.
想躲我 想逃跑 给我趴在墙上
You run on me? You running from me? Get up against the wall.
好吧 闭嘴
All right Shut up.
好了 你身上有毒品
All right. You got a demo in here?
如果我割伤了手 我就会变得…
If I cut my hand, I’m gonna get
在我口袋里 口袋里
In my pocket. My pocket.
什么口袋 另一个口袋 另一个
What pocket? The other pocket, bro. The other one.
You been smoking too much of this devil’s shit.
It’s messing with your mind.
你的老朋友来看你 你都不认识了
Your old friend Ray come to check up on you, you bug out on me?
老朋友 很久没见到你了
Old friend Ray? I haven’t seen you in a long time.
What you expect B?
I just come to talk with you.
聊两句 怎样
We’re gonna have a little talk, okay?
你冷静了吗 冷静了吗 我很冷静 伙计
You chill? You gonna chill out? I’m chill, B.
你看起来不太冷静 很冷静 我会冷静的
Okay, you don’t look chill. I’m chill, yo. I’ll chill.
你想我怎样 伙计 你吓到我了
What you expect, bro? You scared me, man.
这是什么 破机场 给我 给我
Whoa What is this, the fucking airport? Give it over. Give it.
你想怎么样 你知道规矩
What do you want from me? You know how it works.
像以前那样 互相帮忙
Come on. We help each other out, just like old times.
好吗 为什么
Okay? Why?
给我些线索 我就会给你点好货
Give me some good skank, I’ll give you your cook-up.
什么 怎么样 我要找安吉尔·泰佐
What? Okay? I want Angel Tezo.
You and every other cop in the city’s asking that shit, B.
I don’t know shit, B.
是吗 你不是帮他干活吗
Oh, yeah? You weren’t steering for him?
和他堂兄闹翻了 别骗我
Getting cracked out with his cousin? Don’t shine me.
我以我的一切发誓 伙计
I swear on everything I love, yo.
我告诉你的话他会把我♥干♥掉的 老大
He’ll smoke me if I talk to you, yo. Chill.
If I pop you for this,
you’re dodging dicks in Rikers before Friday.
行行好吧 你自己选吧
Come on. Take your pick.
把东西还我 想要回去
Give me my shit. Want your shit?
我选择我的东西 求你了 想要你的东西
I pick my shit. Come on. Want your shit?
不 别 这就是你的东西
No, stop. There’s your shit.
别玩了 特尔尼 别这样
Stop playing, Tierney Man Tierney, come on, yo.
这算什么 我是开慈善机构的 不 不
What is this, a charity I’m running? No, no.
我们是来交易的 你得给我点线索
We’re here to trade. You gotta sell me something.
没线索 别 别 别
Nothing? No, no, no
别 太糟糕了 最后一根了
No Too bad. Last one.
别玩了 冷静 别 还剩一根
Stop playing. Chill. No. A little bit.
别这样 求你了 你说呢
Come on, please. What do you think?
你觉得怎样 有话要说吗 好吧
What do you think? Got something? All right.
他在哪儿 有谁在帮他 给我点线索
Where’s he at? Who’s helping him? Just give me something.
别 雷 别 别 最后一根了 好 好 好
No, Ray, no, no, last one. All right. All right. All right.
米勒 我有泰佐的线索 派后援
Miller, I got a line on Tezo. I got a line on Tezo. Send backup.
我正在过去 莫里桑尼亚中♥央♥大道433号♥
I’m on my way there right now. 433 Central Avenue, Morrisania.
是的 不 我知道 但我们错过了 明白吗
Yeah, no, I know. I know, but we missed it. We missed it, okay?
我在那和你碰面 到时再解释
Just- I’ll see you there. I’ll explain it there.
Come on.
呼叫总部 我听到枪声 枪声
Audubon 6 to Central, I got shots fired. Shots fired.
布朗克斯区中♥央♥大道433号♥ 请求增援
433 Central Avenue in the Bronx. I need backup.
我现在准备进入 请立刻支援
I’m going in. I need backup forthwith.
Go away.
把他弄起来 伙计
Get him up, man
垃圾 别碰我
Pig Get the fuck off me
Fuck you
Open his fucking mouth.
Give me something.
Give me something.
Fucking answer.
I want a fucking name.
