Just the way it was.
你要打起精神 这事后果不该由我们承担
You gotta keep your head up.We’re not paying the piper on this.
绝对不 我们他妈的不会坐牢 知道吗
There’s no way.We’re not going to fucking jail. Okay?
家人来探视也只能隔窗相望 操♥他♥妈♥的
Family seeing us behind glass, fuck that.
Fuck that.
操 走吧
Fuck it. Come on.
Let’s go pay Pepe a visit.
我要一对五号♥电池 伙计
Let me get a couple AA batteries, bro.
安吉尔·泰佐 你认识吗
Angel Tezo. You know him, right?
不 我不认识
No, I don’t.
安吉尔·泰佐 你认识这狗♥娘♥养♥的吗 不
Angel Tezo, you know the cocksucker? No.
你不认识安吉尔·泰佐 不认识
You don’t know Angel Tezo? No, I don’t.
Fucking liar.
想装好人 给我跪下
Try to be a fucking gentleman.Get on your knees.
Get on your fucking knees
泰佐在哪 我不知道
Tezo, where is he? I don’t know.
You think I don’t know
你在帮他贩毒 傻♥逼♥
you’re running drugs here for him, you greasy fuck?
你在为安吉尔干活是吗 是的 我是
Angel, you work for him? You feel that? Yes, I do.
你是 那他在哪 我不知道 我不知道
You do. Where is he? I don’t know. I don’t know.
告诉我他在哪 我留你一条活命
You tell me where he is and you live.
我不知道 真的 我不知道
I don’t know. I’m telling you, I don’t know.
我知道你们有联♥系♥ 我不知道
I know you’re hooked up. I don’t know.
在哪 我不知道
Where? I don’t know
I’m gonna put a bullet right in your head.
You’re gonna die for that shit.
数到三 我就开枪
I’m gonna count to three,then I’m gonna shoot you.
那混♥蛋♥在哪 在哪 一
Where the fuck is he? Where is he? One.
我发誓 我不知道
I swear to God, I don’t know
他到底在哪 我不知道
Where the fuck is he? I don’t know
一 埃迪
One. Eddie
他知道他在哪 我不知道
He knows where he is I don’t know
埃迪 埃迪 他不知道
Eddie. Eddie, he doesn’t know where he is.
他知道 退后 二 三
He fucking knows Back off Two. Three
埃迪 搞什么鬼 伙计
Eddie, what the fuck, bro?
我在玩你 看见了吗 看见了吗
I’m fucking with you, man. See? See?
站起来 站起来 站起来
Get up. Get up. Get up.
看你的破鼻子 伙计 搞什么啊
Look at your fucking nose, bro. What the fuck?
告诉你 我明天还会来
Tell you what. I’m coming back tomorrow.
I want you to find out where that motherfucker is.
我们还是朋友 对吧 还是朋友吧
Hey, we’re still friends, right? We’re friends, right?
Let’s get out of here.
明天就会真枪实弹 知道不
Tomorrow, I’m gonna have bullets in my gun, though. All right?
把鼻子擦干净 伙计 圣诞快乐
Clean up your nose, man. Feliz Navidad, brother.
Let’s go.
I’m not playing
这么走对吗 对
Think that’s right to do that? Yep.
这么走不对 白丽 我会…
That is not right to do that, Bailey. I’ll have you…
那么走是不对的 你会被我困住
It is not right to do that. I could have you in cuffs.
太傻了 我知道会怎么样 你会跳过我的
That’s silly. I know what’s gonna happen next, you’ll jump me.
怎么样了 准备好了
How you doing? I’m good to go.
You all right?
最后一次机会反悔 不反悔
Last chance to slip out the back. Not a chance.
All right.
你想怎么走 这是步好棋
What are you gonna do? Yeah, that’s a good
白丽 什么
Bailey. Yeah?
You wanna come help Mo-Mo bake some Christmas cookies?
太好了 有星星 雪人和圣诞老人…
Oh, good. We got stars, we got snowmen,we got Santa Clauses…
If you forfeit the game, you lose.
我没有放弃 我赢了
I didn’t forfeit the game, I won.
至于你 先生 不能再喝了
And for you, mister, we got no more of this.
Come on, give me the drink.
不 不 弗朗西斯 把酒给我
No, no. Francis Give me the drink.
你喝得够多了 不
You’ve had enough for a while. No.
够了 亲爱的
You’ve had enough. My dear.
I know.
What have you done?
You gotta open it up to find out.
What does it say?
“Mo Cion Daonnan” 意思是说 “Mo Cion Daonnan. ”
“Mo Cion Daonnan” It says “Mo Cion Daonnan. ”
那是什么意思 “吾爱永恒”
“What does that mean? It means ” My love eternal. ”
可以了 他们可以吃 拿好了吗 亲爱的
They can go. They can eat them. You got it, sweetheart?
圣诞快乐 大家
Merry Christmas Hello?
哦 他们来了 奶奶
Oh, here they come, Mo-Mo.
瞧瞧谁来了 梅根阿姨 梅根阿姨
Look who’s here. Aunt Megan Aunt Megan
抱歉来晚了 吉米叔叔给你带礼物了哦
Sorry I’m late. Uncle Jimmy’s got presents for you.
在这呢 爷爷在这
There he is. There’s Pop-Pop.
我们能拆礼物了吗 圣诞快乐 还不行
Can we open presents now? Merry Christmas. Not yet.
圣诞快乐 老大
Merry Christmas, chief.
嗨 妈妈 圣诞快乐
Hey, Ma. Merry Christmas.
小丫头 你怎么样 小家伙
There’s my girl. How are you, buddy?
收到有趣的礼物了吗 收到了
You get good stuff? Yeah.
I heard Santa Claus comes out of the chimney.
哇 是只球
Whoa, it’s a ball
那是什么 我的呢
What is that? What about mine?
不许拆 没到时候 不能拆礼物
No opening, not yet. We don’t open yet.
哦 看看谁来了 妈妈 我们能拆礼物了吗
Oh, look who’s here. Ma, can we open the presents now?
可以 耶 拆礼物
Yes. Yeah, presents
好吧 你们能拆礼物了
Okay. You can open the presents.
嗨 圣诞快乐
Hey there. Merry Christmas.
圣诞快乐 你美极了
Merry Christmas. You look so beautiful.
Doesn’t she look beautiful?
好了 圣诞时间 上礼物
All right, Christmas time. Presents.
圣诞快乐 亲爱的 你看上去真美
Merry Christmas, sweetheart. You look beautiful.
Thank you so much.
快过来 老爸 谢谢 圣诞快乐
Come on, Dad. Thank you. Merry Christmas.
好的 孩子们 礼物 礼物 礼物
All right, kids. Gifts. Gifts, gifts.
嗨 帅哥 嗨
Hi, handsome. Hey.
How you doing?
我还好 你知道的 是吗 见到她了吗
I’m okay, you know. Yeah? Did you see her?
见到了 今天早晨去过了
Yeah, I went by this morning.
It’s the same.
天啊 又多一个
Holy smokes One more.
Rescue gear.
怎么回事 快说 屁进展都没有
What’s going on? Talk to me. Nothing. We ain’t got shit.
What do you know about Tezo?
是个低级毒贩 管理几个街区
He’s a lowlife dealer. He operates a couple blocks.
So you’re telling me we’re in the clear?
弗朗尼 我上周和杰克·吉尔利克射击时…
Franny, I was with Jack Gillick last week at the range…
他什么也没说 只字未提
He didn’t say anything? Not a word.
Are you sure about that?
我的人在四处活动 有消息我会知道的
My guys were doing something, I’d know about it.
我们得找到他 再给我点时间 打听
We gotta get this guy. Give me a couple days. Let me ask.
会搞清楚的 相信我 好吧
And we’ll find out. Trust me. All right. Yeah.
来吧 要错过圣诞团聚了 走吧
Come on, we’re missing Christmas. Come on.
好了 谁要火腿
All right, who wants ham?
我要刀子 热腾腾的食物
I need a knife. Hot stuff.
那个… 梅根 这是…
Where’s…? Megan, this is…
好了 给你
All right. There you are.
最后但也是最重要的 哦 土豆泥
Last but not least. Oh, potatoes.
他们不喜欢甘蓝 有点大了
They don’t want the Brussels sprouts. That’s a little big.
So we got sweet potatoes.
Do these kids need any sweet potatoes?
就是下个星期一 星期一
Only Monday of next week. Monday?
是啊 又不是今天才这样
Well, yeah. It wasn’t just today, right?
I bring back souvenirs…
