If I forget to tell you later, I had a really good time tonight.
如果一会我忘了告诉你 今晚我过得非常开心
Thank you.
When you’re not fidgeting, you look very beautiful…and very tall.
当你不是坐立不安的时候 你非常的漂壳…而且很高
Well, it should be a pretty smooth flight, Mr Lewis.
这次飞行会是相当顺利的 路易斯先生
The weather is clear all the way up to San Francisco.
We should be there in about 50 minutes.
We’re late. No, it’s all right.
我们晚了 没关系
Opening night never starts on time. Okay.
首场演出的歌♥剧 从来没有准时开始过 好
Programme, sir? Thank you.
节目单 先生 谢谢
Nice to meet you.
Right this way, Mr Lewis.
Doris. Edward, how are you? It’s nice to see you.
多里斯 爱德华 你好吗 见到你很高兴
Always nice to see you. Sir? Good evening, Edward.
每次见到你都很高兴 先生 晚上好 爱德华
Wonderful. Wonderful news. Congratulations. Hey, come here.
好消息好消息 恭喜你 过来
You gotta look at this. It’s all right. I’ve already seen it.
你应该从这看看 我已经看过了
Oh. If you’re afraid of heights, why do you get seats up here?
如果你有恐高症 你为什么要坐在这
Because they’re the best.
Is there anything else, sir? No, thank you.
还有什么事吗 先生? 没有 谢谢
The glasses are there. Enjoy the opera. Oh.
你们的眼镜在这儿 欣赏歌♥剧吧 哦
So…you said this is in Italian.
Mmhmm. So how am I gonna know what they’re saying?
嗯 那我怎么知道唱什么呢?
These are broken. Mine are broken.
这个东西坏了 我的坏了
No, no, it’s okay. It’s all right.
不 没有坏 是这祥
Oh. You’ll know. Believe me, you’ll understand.
哦 你会懂的 相信我 你会明白的
The music’s very powerful.
There’s a band.
People’s reactions to opera the first time they see it is very dramatic.
人们第一次看歌♥剧时的反应 是很浪漫的
They either love it or they hate it.
If they love it, they will always love it. If they don’t,
如果他们热爱它就会永远热爱 如果不
they may learn to appreciate it,
but it will never become part of their soul.
但它永远不可能溶入他们的灵魂 成为他们生命的一部分
Did you enjoy the opera, dear?
你喜欢歌♥剧吗 亲爱的?
Oh, it was so good I almost peed in my pants.
真是太棒了 我都差点尿裤子了
She said she liked it better than Pirates of Penzance.
Oh! Yes.
哦 对
No, don’t touch. I move the queen. I like the queen.
不 别碰 我喜欢皇后 我要做皇后
No, you can’t move the queen there.
I thought you were gonna do that!
Why don’t we finish this tomorrow? It’s really late, and I have to work.
我们干嘛不明天再下? 真的很晚了 我明天还要工作
Why don’t you not go to work tomorrow? Take the day off.
明天你为什么非要去上班呢? 放一天假吧
Me not work? Yeah.
我不上班? 对啊
I do own the company.
Here are the storage reports you wanted, and Mr Lewis called.
这是你要的存仓报告 还有路易斯先生来过电♥话♥
What’d he say? He said he’s taking the day off.
他说什么? 他说他今天休假
He’s taking the day off? That’s what he said.
他今天要休假? 他是这么说的
I’m starving. There’s a snap dog vendor over there. Do you have any money?
我饿了 那有个卖♥♥热狗的 你有钱吗?
I have money. I don’t know what a snap dog is, but I have money.
我有钱 我不知道什么是热狗 但我有钱
Well, I’m gonna give… You’ll buy a snap dog, we’ll cop a squat under a tree somewhere.
好 我要给你…是你要买♥♥一个 我们可以找个树荫地坐下来
Cop a what? Cop a squat.
找个什么? 找个荫凉的地方
All right. Read the first two pages.
好吧 读读前两页
I was talking to someone. I was talking to…
我正在打电♥话♥ 正在说…
“…death ever, my hopeless cries,
“…曾经的死亡 我的希望在哭泣
and look upon myself and curse my fate.”
贬低自己 诅咒命运的无常”
He sleeps.
I love you.
What are you thinking about, sitting here all by yourself?
The fact that this will be our last night together.
实际上 今天将是我们在一起的最后一夜
Then you’ll finally be rid of me.
Well, you’ve been pretty tough to take.
My business is almost over, so I’ll be going back to New York.
我在这儿的事情基本上办完了 我就要回纽约去了
I’d really like to see you again.
You would? Yes. Yes, I would.
你想吗? 是的 我想
I’ve arranged for you to have an apartment, have a car,
我已经为你租了公♥寓♥ 买♥♥了车
have a wide variety of stores guaranteed to suck up to you…
any time you wanna go shopping.
Everything’s done.
What else?
You gonna leave some money by the bed when you pass through town?
你每次路过这个城市时 会在床头给我留些钱吗
Vivian, it really wouldn’t be like that.
薇薇安 我不是这个意思
How would it be? Well, for one thing, it would get you off the streets.
那是怎样? 至少你不必到街上去
That’s just geography.
Vivian, what is it you want?
薇薇安 你想要什么?
What do you see happening between us? I don’t know.
我们之间是怎么了? 我不知道
When I was a little girl,
my mama used to lock me in the attic when I was bad, which was pretty often.
每次我做错事 妈妈就会把我锁在阁楼上 常常这样
And I would…I would pretend I was a princess…
我就幻想 我是个公主…
trapped in a tower by a wicked queen.
And then suddenly, this knight…
突然 来了一个骑士…
on a white horse, with these colours flying,
骑着一匹白马 身后彩云缭绕
would come charging up and draw his sword.
他举起手 拔出长剑
And I would wave, and he would climb up the tower and rescue me.
我向他挥手 他就爬上塔楼 把我救了出来
But never, in all the time…
that I had this dream, did the knight say to me,
“Come on, baby. I’ll put you up in a great condo.”
“来吧 宝贝 我送你到一个豪华公♥寓♥去”
Yes. I had to call.
什么事? 我必须给你打电♥话♥
I just got off the phone with James Morse. Get this.
He wants to meet with you today.
What about? He wouldn’t say.
有什么事? 他没有说
Edward, I think we got him. His nuts are on the block.
爱德华 我认为我们赢了 他走投无路了
We got him.
Look, if he’s really caving in, I want to get him…
听着 如果他真是顶不住了 我想让他…
to commit his stocks to us this afternoon. Hmm?
今天下午就把股份卖♥♥给我们 如何?
No, that’s no good. If he’s really caving in, I don’t want to wait ’til this afternoon.
不 这样不好 如果他真顶不住了 我不想等到下午
Have Morse meet me downtown this morning. Goodbye.
今天上午就安排摩西跟我见面 再见
I have to go now.
I want you to understand.
I heard everything you said,
but this is all I’m capable of right now.
It’s a very big step for me.
I know. It’s a really good offer for a girl like me.
我知道 对一个像我这样的姑娘来说 这是个很好的安排
I’ve never treated you like a prostitute.
You just did.
Yes, Barnard Thompson here, Miss Vivian.
我是汤普森 薇薇安小姐
Could you come down to the front desk? There’s someone here who wants to speak to you.
你能到大厅服务台来一下吗? 有人找你
She says her name is Miss De Luca. Let me talk to her.
她说她是路卡小姐 让我来跟她说
Let me…Let me just talk to her.
Yo, Viv, babe. Would you come down here?
宝贝 你下来一下好吗?
The sphincter police won’t let me through.
Okay. She’s on her way. Fine.
好 她这就下来 好
Mr Thompson. Yes.
汤普森先生 是
The window washer is refusing to come down.
It’s a Saturday. Wait here, please. Watch her.
今天是星期六 你在这 看着她
Yes, sir.
是 先生
Fifty bucks, Grandpa. For 75, the wife can watch.
就要50元 老爸 有老婆在场 75元
Listen, I’ve been calling you. Yeah, I know. They told me at the Banana you were looking for me.
我一直在给你打电♥话♥ 我知道 “蓝香蕉”的人告诉我说你一直在找我
You were supposed to come by Tuesday. I left the money at the desk.
你星期二就该来 我在前台给你留了钱
I was hidin’ out from Carlos. Well, if you picked up the money,
我不能让卡罗思找到我 如果你来把钱取走
you wouldn’t have to hide.
Hey, I was busy. I had a life, you know. Nino got beat up.
我也有我自己的生活 尼诺被人打了
We had to visit him in the hospital. Rachel got arrested. It was a mess!
我们必须到医院去看他 雷切尔被抓起来了 糟透了
Anyway, I got the money. Thank you very much for saving my ass.
现在 我拿到钱了 太谢谢了 你救了我一命
Now Carlos can get off of it. You know, he was talking about you last night.
我可以摆脱卡罗思了 昨天夜里他还谈起你
He would bust something if he saw you in this outfit.
如果他看到你这身漂亮的衣服 他会发狂的
I was afraid to hug you up there. I might wrinkle you!
我都不敢拥抱你 害怕把你的衣服弄皱了
You look really good. Over there? No, something in the shade.
你看起来真美 就那? 不 我们找个荫凉地
You clean up real nice.
Sure don’t fit in down on the boulevard looking like you do, not that you ever did.
绝对看不出你是一个街头妓♥女♥ 一点痕迹都没有
Well, thanks, but it’s easy to clean up when you got money.
拜托 如果你有钱 是很容易的做到的
