I’m okay. I thought that was you. I like this hat.
我很好 我想那肯定是你 我喜欢这帽子
It’s new. Yeah? It’s nice. Yeah. Thanks.
是新的 是吗? 真漂亮 当然 谢谢
Come meet my horse, Vivian. Well, Edward’s waiting for me. I don’t wanna…
过来看看我的马 薇薇安 爱德华正在等我 我不想…
Well, come on. He’s right here. Okay, I’ll… Just for a second, though.
来吧 他就在这里 好的我…等一会儿吧
I didn’t know you were playing today.
Uh, I was asking for directions. There she was.
我正在打听路怎么走 在那遇上了她
Oh, so you just ran into her? That’s great. Jesus.
你们是碰巧遇上的? 真不错 上帝
So, then, what does she do? She…Does she work?
她是做什么工作的? 她有工作吗?
She’s in sales. Sales? That’s terrific.
她是搞销♥售♥的 销♥售♥? 那太棒了
That’s good. What does she sell?
很不错 她是卖♥♥什么的?
Why do you wanna know?
Now just hear me out on this, okay? I’ve known you a long time, you know.
你好好听我说 我们认识已经很长时间了
I, uh, I see some differences in you this week, like the tie and, uh…
我看得出来 你这星期有很大变化 比如这领带…
I’m wondering if maybe this girl isn’t the difference.
Especially when I see her talking to David Morse.
尤其是我看见她正在 跟戴维·摩西谈话
I introduced them at dinner the other night.
那天吃晚餐 是我介绍他们认识的
So, what? Now they’re best friends? I mean, this girl appears from out of nowhere.
他们现在是好朋友吗? 这个姑娘好像是突然冒出来的
Now she’s talkin’ to a guy whose company we’re tryin’ to buy.
现在跟她谈话的小伙子 正巧是我们要收♥购♥的
That’s a little convenient, don’t you think? I don’t believe this.
这也太巧了 你说呢? 我不觉得
Edward, how…
爱德华 你…
How do you know that this girl hasn’t attached herself to you…
你怎么知道这个姑娘 不是故意讨你欢心…
because she’s bringing information back to Morse?
This happens. Phil. Phil. Industrial espionage goes on almost every…
这种事发生过 菲利普 工业间谍经常…
Phil. Phil! Listen to me. What?
菲利普 你听我说 什么?
She is not a spy. She is a hooker. Oh!
她不是间谍 她是个妓♥女♥ 啊
She is a hooker.
I picked her up on Hollywood Boulevard…in your car.
Yes. Oh, you are…
是 你…
Yes. Oh, man!
是的 老兄
You know, you’re the only millionaire I ever heard of…
who goes looking for a bargain-basement streetwalker, you know?
I’m sorry I told you. Senator.
我真后悔告诉你 参议员
Senator Adams. I’m pleased you could make it.
亚当斯参议员 我很高兴您能来
Thank you. I hope the information I gave you was helpful.
Oh, absolutely, yes. Thank you for it. Now there’s no change in it, is there?
当然有帮助 谢谢您 没有什么变化吧
No, it’s still bogged down.
没有 还在委员会搁浅呢
Having a nice time, Vivian? Yeah, I’m having a great time.
感觉还好吧 薇薇安? 我感觉简直好极了
Must be quite a change from Hollywood Boulevard, hmm?
Yeah, Edward told me.
But don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me.
别担心 我会替你保守秘密的
Listen. Maybe, uh…
听着 也许…
you and I could get together sometime after Edward leaves.
等爱德华离开以后 我们可以找个时间呆在一起
Yeah, sure. Why not?
是啊 有何不可?
Well, then we’ll just have to do that, hmm?
那好 我们就一言为定了
Hi, tailgaters. I’d like to mention a couple of our silver sponsors:
And we’d like to give a great big thanks to our platinum sponsor,
Edward Lewis Enterprises.
The ball is in for chukker number four.
You all right? I’m fine.
你没事吧? 我很好
“Fine.” Oh, that’s good. Seven “fines” since we left the match.
“很好” 回来的路上 你已经说了七个”很好”
Could I have another word, please?
Asshole. There’s a word.
混♥蛋♥! 这就是别的词
Think I liked “fine” better. You know what? Just tell me one thing.
我还是更喜欢”很好” 你知道吗? 我只想知道一件事
Why did you make me get all dressed up?
Well, for one thing, the clothing was appropriate.
No. What I mean is, if you were gonna tell everybody I’m a hooker,
不 我的意思是 如果你要告诉所有人我是妓♥女♥
why didn’t you just let me wear my own clothes, okay? I did not…I did not…
你干嘛不干脆让我穿着我自己的衣服 我…我不是…
I mean, in my own clothes, when someone like that guy Stuckey comes up to me,
如果我穿着自己的衣服 斯塔基的那个家伙来找我时
I can handle it…I’m prepared.
I’m very sorry. I’m not happy with Stuckey at all for saying that or doing that.
我很抱歉 我也不喜欢斯塔基对你说的话 对你做的事
But he is my attorney. I’ve known him for ten years.
可他是我的律师 我认识他已经有十年了
He thought you were some kind of an industrial spy. The guy’s paranoid.
他以为你是某种工业间谍 那家伙是个偏职狂
What are you, my pimp now? You know, you think you can just pass me around to your friends?
那你呢 想给我拉皮条吗 你以为你能随便把我让给你的朋友吗
I’m not some little toy! No, you’re not my toy.
我不是你的小玩具 是的 你不是我的玩具
I know you’re not my toy. Vivian. Vivian! I’m speaking to you. Come back here.
我知道你不是我的玩具 薇薇安! 我在对你说话 你到这来
I hate to point out the obvious, but you are, in fact, a hooker, and you are my employee.
不想把话那么明白 可事实上你是妓♥女♥ 而且我现在雇了你
Look, you don’t own me! I decide! Okay?
听着 我并不属于你 这由我决定 懂吗?
I say who, I say when, I… I say who!
我自己挑选什么人 什么时间 我… 我自己挑选什么人!
I refuse to spend the next three days fighting with you!
I said I was sorry. I meant it! That’s the end of it!
我已经说过对不起了 这事到此为止了
I’m sorry I ever met you.
I’m sorry I ever got into your stupid car.
As if you had so many more appealing options.
I’ve never had anyone make me feel as cheap as you did today.
从来没有人像你今天这祥 使我感到自己这么下♥贱♥
Somehow I find that very hard to believe.
Where you going? I want my money. I wanna get outta here.
你要到哪去? 把我的钱给我 我想离开这
Come on!
I’m sorry.
I wasn’t prepared to answer questions about us.
被问到我们俩的关系时 我毫无准备
It was stupid and cruel.
I didn’t mean it.
I don’t want you to go.
Could you stay the week? Why?
你呆到周末好吗? 为什么?
I saw you talking to David Morse. I didn’t like it.
我看见你跟戴维·摩西谈话 我不喜欢
We were just talking.
I didn’t like it.
You hurt me. Yes.
你伤害我了 是的
Don’t do it again.
First guy I ever loved was a total nothing.
The second was worse. My mom called me a bum magnet.
第二个就更差 我妈妈说我是流浪汉磁铁
If there was a bum within a 50-mile radius, I was completely attracted to him.
如果方圆50英里之内 有一个流浪汉 他就一定会被我迷住
That’s how I ended up here. I followed bum number three.
你知道我是怎么到这来的 我跟着3号♥流浪汉来的
So here I was: no money, no friends, no bum.
现在我在这 没有钱 没有朋友 没有流浪汉
And you chose this as your profession?
I worked at a couple fast-food places.
Parked cars at wrestling.
I couldn’t make the rent. I was too ashamed to go home.
可我付不起房♥租 我实在没脸回家乡去
That’s when I met Kit.
这时 我遇到了凯特
She was a hooker and made it sound so great.
她是个妓♥女♥ 还把这活说得好像挺伟大
So one day I did it.
所以有一天 我也干了
I cried the whole time.
But then I got some regulars and, you know, it’s not like anybody plans this.
后来我有了一些常客 这跟选择职业不是一回事
It’s not your childhood dream.
You could be so much more.
People put you down enough, you start to believe it.
人们把你看得很低贱 你自己也开始相信了
I think you are a very bright, very special woman.
我认为你是个非常聪明 非常独特的女人
The bad stuff is easier to believe.
那些侮辱人的话 更容易使人相信
You ever notice that?
No, I don’t want to talk to him now. Tell him I’ll call him on Monday. Yes, sir.
不 我现在不想跟他谈话 告诉他我周一电他 好的
Where you going? Did he sign this? No, he said he had to leave.
你要去哪? 他签过字了吗? 没有 他正要走
Hey, Edward, you can’t disappear now. We’re in this too deep.
爱德华 你现在可不能失踪 我们已经陷得太深了
Don’t panic, Philip. Morse isn’t going anywhere. I’ll be back here in the morning.
别慌 菲利普 摩西掀不起大浪 我明早回来
Did you send the tickets to the hotel? Yes, sir. Thank you.
请你把票送到饭店去好吗 是 先生 谢谢你
Where are you going? I have a date. With the hooker?
你要到哪去? 我有个约会 跟那个妓♥女♥?
Be careful, Philip.
说话小心点 菲利普
Do I look okay? Mm.
我看起来怎么样? 嗯
Mm? Something’s missing.
嗯? 好像缺点东西
Well, nothing else is gonna fit into this dress, I’ll tell ya that.
让我告诉你吧 没有什么能配得上这裙子的
Oh, maybe something in this box.
I don’t want you to get too excited. This is only on loan.
我不想让你期望大高 这是租来的
They really let you borrow this from the jewellery store?
I’m a very good customer.
If you were gonna buy this, how much would it cost? Quarter of a million.
如果你真的买♥♥这首饰 要多少钱? 25万
A quarter of a million dollars?
So where we going?
It’s a surprise.
