
potable (POTE uh bul) As “edible” is to eating, so “potable” is to drinking. In addition to this adjective form, it can also be used as a noun. “Potion” and “potation” are related nouns.

  • Lavinia felt sure that water in all foreign countries, including Canada, was not potable, so only bottled water touched her lips while she was on the road.
  • In addition to the huge platter of shrimp and crabs, Brenda and Bob offered their guests a wide array of potables, some adorned with tiny paper parasols.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
可饮用的(POTE uh bul)正如“可食用”指的是吃,那么“可饮用”指的就是喝。除了这个形容词形式外,它也可以用作名词。“Potion”和“potation”是相关名词。

  • 拉维尼亚确信,包括加拿大在内的所有外国的水都是不可饮用的,所以在路上只有瓶装水能碰到她的嘴唇
  • 除了一大盘虾和螃蟹外,Brenda和Bob还为客人提供了各种各样的饮料,有些还装饰着小纸伞

