
1. 形容词用法: “portly”是一个形容词,用于描述一个人的体形或体态。它通常指的是一个人的身体偏肥胖或肥硕的状态。以下是一些关于”portly”的详细用法:

  • 体态:”portly”用来形容一个人的体态,特别是对那些显得圆胖或丰满的人。它暗示了身体的庞大、圆润或肥胖的特征。
  • 健康和外貌:”portly”通常暗示了一个人的体形与健康状况或外貌之间的关联。它可能表明一个人的体重超过了正常范围,或者可能与缺乏锻炼和不良饮食习惯有关。

2. 示例用法: 以下是关于”portly”的一些示例用法:

  • “The man had a portly figure and struggled to fit into the small chair.”(那个人身材肥胖,坐进小椅子里很吃力。)
  • “She greeted us with a warm smile, her portly frame filling the doorway.”(她面带微笑迎接我们,她肥胖的身形占满了门口。)
  • “The portly gentleman waddled down the street, his belly protruding from his tight-fitting suit.”(那个肥胖的绅士摇摇摆摆地走在街上,他的肚子从紧身西装中凸出。)



  1. portly gentleman – 肥胖的绅士
  2. portly figure – 肥胖的身材
  3. portly appearance – 肥胖的外貌
  4. portly man – 肥胖的男人
  5. portly woman – 肥胖的女人
  6. portly frame – 肥胖的体型
  7. portly physique – 肥胖的体格
  8. portly build – 肥胖的体形
  9. portly belly – 肥胖的肚子
  10. portly waistline – 肥胖的腰围
  11. portly appearance – 肥胖的外表
  12. portly stature – 肥胖的身材
  13. portly presence – 肥胖的存在
  14. portly charm – 肥胖的魅力
  15. portly face – 肥胖的脸庞
  16. portly cheeks – 肥胖的脸颊
  17. portly body – 肥胖的身体
  18. portly frame – 肥胖的身躯
  19. portly gait – 肥胖的步态
  20. portly build – 肥胖的体格
  21. portly posture – 肥胖的姿势
  22. portly appearance – 肥胖的外观
  23. portly figure – 肥胖的形象
  24. portly profile – 肥胖的轮廓
  25. portly physique – 肥胖的体貌
  26. portly body shape – 肥胖的身体形状
  27. portly size – 肥胖的尺寸
  28. portly waist – 肥胖的腰部
  29. portly hips – 肥胖的臀部
  30. portly chest – 肥胖的胸部
  31. portly appearance – 肥胖的外表
  32. portly physique – 肥胖的体态
  33. portly posture – 肥胖的姿势
  34. portly build – 肥胖的体型
  35. portly frame – 肥胖的身躯
  36. portly figure – 肥胖的体形
  37. portly individual – 肥胖的个体
  38. portly body type – 肥胖的体型
  39. portly features – 肥胖的特征
  40. portly physique – 肥胖的体格
  41. portly belly – 肥胖的腹部
  42. portly waistline – 肥胖的腰围
  43. portly appearance – 肥胖的外观
  44. portly demeanor – 肥胖的风度
  45. portly silhouette – 肥胖的轮廓
  46. portly profile – 肥胖的侧面
  47. portly physique – 肥胖的体貌
  48. portly body shape – 肥胖的身体形状
  49. portly size – 肥胖的尺寸
  50. portly appearance – 肥胖的外貌



portly (PORT lee) Although this adjective has the same meaning as corpu-lent, someone who is portly is generally more comfortable with his or her size. Although the word once meant “majestic” or “grand,” it is now only used to connote “pleasingly plump.”

  • The portly woman waltzed gracefully onto the dance floor, obviously comfortable with her large size and slim dance partner.
  • The portly gentleman tucked a napkin under his chin and dug into a heaping plate of spaghetti and meatballs, oblivious to the amused stares of the slimmer diners at the restaurant.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
portly(PORT lee)虽然这个形容词与corpu lent的意思相同,但肥胖的人通常对自己的身材更满意。尽管这个词曾经的意思是“雄伟”或“宏伟”,但现在只用来表示“令人愉悦的丰满”

  • 这位身材魁梧的女士优雅地跳上舞池,显然与她身材魁梧、身材苗条的舞伴在一起很舒服
  • 这位身材魁梧的绅士把餐巾夹在下巴下,狼吞虎咽地吃了一盘意大利面和肉丸,没有注意到餐厅里苗条的食客们有趣的凝视。


一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
