And everything was fine.
Sort of.
或许你在做梦吧 蒲伯先生
Maybe you were dreaming, Mr. Pope.
The way he said it,
I knew his teasing was not seriously intended.
他只是极度紧张过后 放松了下来
He was easing up after the extreme strain.
哈利却不这么想 他穿着睡衣站在那里
Harry didn’t take it that way. He stood in his pajamas,
盯着甘德拜 很快他的脸就红了
glaring at Ganderbai. The color began to spread over his cheeks.
Are you suggesting I’m a liar?
甘德拜医生完全静止不动 看着哈利
Dr. Ganderbai remained still, watching Harry.
哈利在床上往前迈了一步 眼神在闪光
Harry took a pace forward on the bed. A shining look in his eyes.
你这个肮脏的孟加拉沟鼠 – 我说道:“快住嘴 哈利”
You dirty, little, Bengali, sewer rat. – “Shut up, Harry,” I said.
你个肮脏卑鄙的棕皮肤小… – 住嘴!
You dirty, brown, filthy, little… – Shut up!
落后种姓… – 你闭嘴!
Backwards-caste… – Shut your mouth!
甘德拜离开了房♥间 我跟着他走向纱窗门廊
Ganderbai left the room. I followed him onto the screened porch.
他失心疯了 他不知道在胡说什么
He’s out of his mind, doesn’t know what he’s saying.
我们摸黑走过了车道 来到医生的老莫里斯汽车旁
We went across the drive in the darkness to the doctor’s old Morris Motor car.
他坐上了车 我说:“你的表现非常出色”
He got inside. “You did a miraculous thing,” I said.
你救了他一命 – 我觉得不是
“You saved his life.” – No, I don’t think so.
我是说 你或许… 你对他有救命之恩
I mean, you might’ve… He owes you his life.
我是说 你对他有救命之恩 医生 – 不 并没有
I mean, he owes you his life, Doctor. – No, he doesn’t.
I’m sorry.
You can’t be.
甘德拜医生发动了引擎 开车走了
Dr. Ganderbai started the engine and drove off.
(达尔从1950年1月 开始创作《毒》)
(他的角色“伍兹” 与皇家空军第80中队)