He held a hypodermic and a small bottle.
他把针头伸进去 抽入淡黄色液体
He stuck in the needle and drew up a pale yellow liquid.
他递了给我 – 拿好 待会我说要的时候给我
He handed it to me. – Hold that till I ask for it.
We returned to the room.
哈利的眼睛炯炯有神 瞪得很圆
Harry’s eyes were bright and open.
Dr. Ganderbai cautiously rolled up Harry’s sleeve
挽到手肘处 但没动他的手臂
to the elbow without moving the arm.
他尽量站得离床远一些 小声说…
He stood well away from the bed. He whispered…
我要给你注射 只扎一下 不要动
I’m going to give you an injection. Just a prick. Don’t move.
不要收紧腹部肌肉 要让肌肉放松
Don’t tighten your stomach muscles. Let them go limp.
哈利看着注射器 微笑肌又开始抽搐了
Harry looked at the syringe. His smiling muscle began to twitch again.
甘德拜医生拿了橡胶管 紧紧绑在哈利的二头肌上
Dr. Ganderbai took rubber tubing and tied it tight around Harry’s bicep.
He sponged a small area of the forearm with alcohol.
他拿起注射器 眯眼看着刻度
He held up the syringe, squinting at the calibrations,
squirting out some fluid.
Harry was sweating all over his face
面部发光 像面霜化在了皮肤上
so it shone like face cream melting on his skin,
running down the pillow.
我看到他前臂的蓝色血管 在止血带下面鼓了起来
I could see the blue vein on his forearm, swollen under the tourniquet.
针头在血管上 甘德拜平拿着针筒 与手臂相对
Needle above the vein, Ganderbai holding it flat against the arm,
sliding the needle sideways into the vein,
动作缓慢而坚定 进针时宛如在戳芝士
slowly and firmly so it went in smooth as into cheese.
哈利合上眼睛 随后又睁开 但是他没动
Harry closed his eyes and opened them again but didn’t move.
甘德拜身子往前探 嘴巴靠近哈利的耳边
Ganderbai leaned forward, mouth close to Harry’s ear.
现在你就算被咬了也没事 但是别动 我很快就回来
Now you’ll be all right even if it bites, but don’t move. I’ll be back in a moment.
我问:“他安全了吗?” – 能不能救他还不好说
“Is he safe now?” I asked. – It might or might not save him.
甘德拜擦了擦前额 站着轻咬嘴唇
Ganderbai wiped his forehead and stood nibbling his lip.
There is a way to do this. There is a way to do this.
他说得很慢 试图一边说 一边思考
He was speaking slowly and trying to think while he talked.
We’re going to administer an anesthetic
to the creature where it lies.
It was a splendid suggestion.
这不安全 蛇是冷血动物
It’s not safe. A snake is cold-blooded.
Anesthetic doesn’t work well with cold-blooded animals.
但我没别的办法了 乙♥醚♥或者氯仿?
But I don’t have any other ideas. Ether or chloroform?
I nodded.
用哪个? – 他在问我吗?我不知道啊
Which one? – Was he asking me? I don’t know.
他拉着我的手臂 走去客厅
He pulled me to the hall.
Drive to my house.
The boy will be waiting for you.
Here’s the key to my poisons cupboard.
把氯仿拿来 上面有橙色标签
Take chloroform. It has an orange label.
上面印着药名 我留在这里 以防出现意外情况
The name is printed on it. I’ll stay in case anything happens.
Be quick!
我的鞋… – 你用不着穿鞋
My shoes… – You don’t need shoes.
我开得很快 15分钟就带着药瓶回来了
I drove fast, and in 15 minutes I was back with the bottle.
他知道我们要怎么做 但是他很慌张 这也是合情合理的
He knows what we’re going to do, but he’s understandably losing his nerve.
I’m not sure how much longer he can last.
哈利躺在床上 保持跟之前一样的姿势
Harry was lying in the same position as before.
他面部惨白 全是汗 他把目光转向我
His face was white and wet. He turned his eyes towards me.
I smiled at him and nodded.
The doctor picked up the tube he’d used as a tourniquet,
now with a paper funnel fitted into one end.
He untucked a section of sheet from under the mattress,
took the rubber tube, inserted it,
让它滑入被单 靠近哈利的身体
and slid it under the sheet towards Harry’s body.
Not sure how long it took to slide that tube in.
可能过了20或40分钟 我感觉管子没动
It may have been 20 minutes, or 40. I never saw the tube move,
but the visible part of it grew gradually shorter.
Dr. Ganderbai himself was sweating now,
large pearls on his forehead and upper lip,
but his hands were steady,
and his eyes were glued to the sheet above Harry’s stomach.
He held out his hand for the chloroform.
我扭出塞子 把瓶子放在他的手上
I twisted out the stopper and put the bottle into his hand,
not letting go until I was sure he had a good hold.
蒲伯先生 我现在要把床垫浸湿 你身体下面会觉得冷
Mr. Pope, I’m going to soak the mattress. It’s going to be cold under your body.
要做好准备 不要动 – 赶紧的吧!
Be ready for it and don’t move. – Get on with it!
For the first time, Harry raised his voice.
甘德拜医生抬头 看了看他 然后继续操作
Dr. Ganderbai looked up, watched him and went back to business.
他往漏斗里倒 等氯仿顺着管道流下去
He poured into the funnel and waited while it ran down the tube.
他又倒了一些 再次等待
He poured some more and waited again.
氯仿那股令人作呕的浓烈气味 在卧室里飘散
The heavy, sickening smell of chloroform spread over the room
bringing faint, unpleasant memories
让人想起在有长白桌子的 白色房♥间里的护士和医生
of nurses and surgeons in a white room with a long white table.
Ganderbai was pouring steadily,
我能看到浓烈的蒸汽纷飞 就像烟雾一样环绕在纸漏斗上方
and I could see the heavy vapor swirling like smoke above the paper funnel.
他停顿一下 又倒了一点 然后把瓶子递回给我
He paused, poured one more and handed the bottle back to me.
他慢慢抽出橡胶管 然后站起来
Slowly he drew out the rubber tube, then stood up.
The strain of this procedure must have been enormous
because he sounded like this…
保险起见 我们等15分钟
Give it 15 minutes to be safe. – I leaned over to tell Harry.
我们等15… – 我听见了!
We’ll give it– – I heard him!
这一次 甘德拜医生迅速转身 他的小脸突然显得十分不悦
This time Dr. Ganderbai sprang ’round, his face suddenly angry.
他盯着哈利 像冰冷的石头 哈利的微笑肌开始抽搐
Stared at Harry, a cold stone. Harry’s smiling muscle began to twitch.
We waited 15 minutes by the bed.
Dr. Ganderbai watched Harry’s face
万分好奇、极度紧张 又醒目地凝视着他
in the most curious, profoundly intense, arresting gaze,
concentrating all his will power
on keeping Harry absolutely still and quiet.
他的目光一刻都没有挪开 虽然他一声不吭
He never took his eye away, and although he made no sound,
he seemed to be shouting at him.
就像是… – 不许动!不准说话!
Something like… – Don’t move or speak!
You’re not spoiling this now! You hear me?
哈利躺着 嘴巴抽搐着
In this silence, Harry lay there twitching his mouth,
满头大汗 闭上眼睛 然后睁开
sweating, closing his eyes, opening them,
looking at me, the sheet, the ceiling,
never looking at Dr. Ganderbai.
不过不知怎的 甘德拜医生一直关注着他
Yet somehow, Dr. Ganderbai was holding him.
It was like someone was blowing up a huge balloon,
马上就要吹爆了 但我没法转身离开
that it was going to burst, but I couldn’t turn away.
最终 甘德拜医生点了点头 我知道他准备好继续了
Finally Dr. Ganderbai nodded, and I knew he was ready to proceed.
Go to the other side.
我们每人拿着被单的一边 一起把它掀开
We’ll each take a side of the sheet and draw it back together.
请放慢动作 保持静止 蒲伯先生
Very slowly, please. Keep still, Mr. Pope.
The whole of Harry’s chest was visible now.
I saw the white cord of his pajama trousers
neatly tied in a bow.
再往下一点 我看见一颗珍珠母纽扣
A little farther below, I saw a mother-of-pearl button,
something I never had on my pajamas,
门襟纽扣 更别提是珍珠母做的了
a fly-button, let alone a mother-of-pearl one.
真奇怪 人有时候
Odd how one sometimes
has frivolous thoughts at exciting moments.
Nothing else was on his stomach.
别动 蒲伯先生
Don’t move, Mr. Pope.
Ganderbai peered around along Harry’s body and under his legs.
小心点 它可能藏在裤腿的任何地方
Be careful. It could be anywhere, up the pajama leg.
Harry sat up.
It was the first time he’d moved.
他跳了起来 站在床上 疯狂地抖动双腿
Harry jumped up, stood on his bed, shook his legs violently.
We thought he’d been bitten.
Ganderbai was scrambling for a scalpel,
但是哈利停止跳跃 站着不动了
but then Harry ceased leaping, stood still,
朝下看了看床垫 然后大喊…
looked down at the mattress and shouted…
It’s not there!
甘德拜医生站直身子 他看着哈利
Dr. Ganderbai straightened up. He looked at Harry.
哈利没事 他没被咬
Harry was all right. He hadn’t been bitten.
He wasn’t going to get bitten or killed.