[1] 《千家诗》注说:“此咏湖之作。言西湖之景,当六月之时,风光云物之佳丽,非四季之可比。莲叶满湖,接天之碧而无穷际。荷花贴水映日,而红妆娇艳,别有一般风韵。荷花如此妩媚,而湖光山色之美可知矣。”这首诗用荷花这个典型的景色来描写西湖之美,是一粒沙中见世界的写法。净慈,净慈寺,位于西湖南岸。
[2] 四时:指春夏秋冬四季。
[3] 无穷:无边无际。
[4] 别样:分外,特别。
The Lakeside Temple at Dawn
Yang Wanli
The uncommon West Lake in the midst of sixth moon,
Displays a scenery to other months unknown.
Green lotus leaves outspread as far as boundless sky,
Pink lotus blossoms take from sunshine a new dye.
“The Lakeside Temple at Dawn” is a group poem by Yang Wanli, a poet of the Song Dynasty. These two poems describe the beautiful scenery of West Lake in June, and express in a twisted way the love for his friend Lin Zifang. The second of them is widely recited. The first two lines of the poem are led by the word “after all” and follow in a single breath, which not only harmonizes the pings and tones, but also emphasizes the unique feelings that pass through the heart in an instant. Then the poem goes on to describe the extraordinary scenery that moved him, focusing on the “different” and charming red lotus flowers in the midst of endless turquoise, and the very different and beautiful scenery of West Lake in June. The last two lines of the poem are intertextual, with interlocking meanings, making the poem both vivid and subtle.