[1] 杨万里:字廷秀,南宋诗人。《千家诗》注说:“准拟,预料也。春光未到之时,预料今春赏心乐事,必兴浓而稠密。岂知一春已过,而宴赏仍虚。盖年年花发而略不曾观者,非愁中无绪,则病中未能也。伤春之意,情见于词矣。”诗人忧国忧民,非愁即病,不能享受大好春光。这首诗从反面写出了自然之美,诗人对自然之爱。
[2] 准拟:预料,满以为。
[3] 浓:多。
[4] 枉却:辜负。
[5] 不带看花眼:没有游春赏花的眼福。
Grief in Spring
Yang Wanli
I thought this spring would bring more pleasure than before,
But I’ve enjoyed the eastern breeze and nothing more.
From year to year I have no eyes to enjoy flowers,
For I am laden with grief or ill in my bowers.
“Grief in Spring” is a seven-line poem written by Yang Wanli, a poet of the Southern Song Dynasty. This poem is about the poet’s feelings in his daily life: he is sad or sick, and he misses the beautiful spring day every year. This contradiction between subjectivity and objectivity makes the poet feel a lot of emotions and let out a hopeless sigh, while his sad and sick face, bitter smile and self-deprecation leave an unforgettable impression. This poem is a success of “Chengzhai style” because it is natural and unadorned.