Farewell to a Banished Friend
Li Panlong
Green maple leaves are shivering in dreary rain:
Autumn is veiled in mist on far-off Southern plain.
Who would pity my banished friend in lonely boat?
Only white clouds across the endless river float.
《于郡城送明卿之江西》是 明代诗人李攀龙的写的一首七言绝句 。全诗低沉含蓄,一往情深。前两句写送别的凄凉,虽然全是写景,更重要的是通过萧瑟秋色,体现了自己无尽的怅惘,三、四句直写,同时又以天上飘浮的白云寄托自己的情感,笔意洒脱,抒情味极浓。这其间有离别的黯然销魂,也有对友人遭贬的同情与愤慨,意在象外。
The poem “Farewell to a Banished Friend” is a seven-line poem written by Li Panlong, a poet of the Ming Dynasty. The whole poem is low and subtle, with deep feelings. The first two lines are about the desolation of the farewell, although they are all about the scenery, but more importantly, they reflect his endless despair through the sluggish autumn colors, while the third and fourth lines are straightforward, and at the same time, the white clouds floating in the sky are used to send his emotions. In between, there is the gloomy feeling of parting, as well as the sympathy and indignation for the depreciation of a friend.