We reserved this table.
What’s going on here?
-发生什么事 -我们已经预订了这张桌子
I phoned to reserve this table. I won’t sit anywhere else.
-发生什么事 -只是有点短路
– What is it? – Just a short circuit.
Fix it quickly.
Keep on with your work.
– No one’s on the floor. – Someone has to start.
看看椅背 留下了痕迹 快点处理一下
Look at those marks. It’s the chairs.
Do something about it. Fix it.
Take it to the kitchen.
别站在这里 没什么好看的
Move along. There’s nothing to see.
-你的香烟 先生 -谢谢
You see that?
Let’s have a look.
-看看这个 -我在后面看不到
Look at that.
I can’t see from back here. Am I supposed to be an acrobat?
-你以为我是特技演员吗 -你应该有积极的态度
I need to see.
-晚安 先生 两位吗 -不 三位
I recommend the Turbot 脿 la Royale.
I don’t much care for fish.
Waiter, can’t you handle this table?
No. From there to there.
Hurry up, gentlemen.
That’s a good one!
This is for you, whenever you’re ready.
You’re really gonna love it!
My dear, I can’t believe my eyes!
What are you doing here?
So good to see you.
We have an excellent table. Come join us.
-这里可以吗 -好的
Will this table do?
How “tourist.”
Pretty color, isn’t it?
You see her shoes?
– So chic. – It’s a flood of tourists.
Where’s the architect?
There he is. – What is it?
Look at this!
Get waiters who know how to move around the tables.
Go get me more of this. – That’s good stuff. I’ve taken it.
Tea, please.
你在这里 胡洛 我之前找不到停车位
Hulot! The army, remember? Come with me.
I couldn’t stop earlier in the street.
-我还没付钱 -我来买♥♥单
– I haven’t paid. – It’s on me.
I work at the Royal Garden nightclub. You’ll be my guest.
You’re the architect. You can’t just leave!
Take care of the architect.
No? Okay.
Ah, you’re the orchestra?
Please show this gentleman the way.
Sorry to bother you, sir…
你告诉我是五十个人 但我们已经做了一百二十份晚餐
but we expected 50 people, and we’ve served 120.
我已经没有香煎板鱼 也没有里肌肉和红酒烩鸡
I don’t know what to serve.
There’s no more sole, no filet mignon, no coq au vin.
All I have is cold chicken. – Then serve that.
-我们能用晚餐吗 -对不起 我们只剩下冷冻晚餐
Are you serving dinner? – We have only cold dinners.
Waiter, remove the menu.
What happened to you?
– A Royal chair. – I’ll serve for you.
Could you take that table of American tourists?
Sure, right away. Don’t worry.
But let’s trade.
No, that’s not for this table.
Take this away.
Find the right table.
I took care of the American women.
If you need anything else, just let me know.
Is the nightclub in here?
Come on in.
– There’s no butter. – Just one moment.
You jacket’s torn.
Look at this.
Look what happened.
Them and their iron chairs.
Hulot, find the architect.
No, that way.
My friend!
What’s going on?
What’s going on here?
You’ll be my guest. It’s my pleasure.
That guy’s in international finance.
I was wrong. It’s the other guy.
No, I want you to take this back. It’s cold!
If it keeps up like this, we’re finished.
你能处理吗 我们需要空调
Can’t you do something? We need air.
It’s the latest self-regulator.
I can’t serve this.
– It’s melted. – Of course. It’s an oven in here.
我没办法 这上面写的不是法文
It’s not my fault if it’s not in French.
The master… up there.
The bar.
It’s working.
What are you waiting for? Go ahead.
Get all that out of here.
Our great French chef.
Find out what’s causing it.
-留下帐单 好的 -你 快点
The check.
Come on, get a move on!
Our guest of honor.
我要你当我的贵宾 把菜单给我
I’m in a hurry.
My champagne, and get me that ice.
-那是什么 -是冰
What’s that? – Ice.
Iced champagne.
Don’t just stand there.
It’s the same thing every night.
And the party goes on!
Music! Music!
-你呢 你会弹钢琴吗 -我不会
No, I don’t play piano.
你为什么站在这里 你没看到客人在等吗
My friend, what are you doing there?
Nothing to do? Can’t you see customers are waiting?
Wake up.
-你看这个…-是的 是的 快点
– Well done. – I suppose it’s my fault?
Hurry up.
你能帮我吗 我的蝴蝶结掉进酱汁里面了
Can you help me out?
My tie fell in the sauce. Mind lending me yours?
This is getting to be 鈥?
I’ll give it back.
We’re all meeting at the Golden Corkscrew.
你弹得很美 我以前是个受欢迎的歌♥手
That’s very pretty.
I was a big singer…
I had a big hit that went like this.
You’re fired. He’s the new architect.
Wait a minute. I have an idea.
你就像是拿破仑 法国厨房♥的皇帝
Napoleon, the emperor of French cuisine.
Where is the rue Piccolo and the Golden Corkscrew?
Rue Piccolo…
I hope you had a nice evening.
This is no time for business.
It’s on me. It’s a party.
Understand? Come on, have fun.
Meet me for coffee at the drugstore.
– I love Paris at this hour! – I do too.
Hey, how about getting a little drink?
-那位先生很适合 -我很快就回来
Can’t a guy have a little fun?
One letter.
No, to the right.
No, keep going.
That’s good.
Come take a look.
– How you doing? – Fine, and you?
Yep, it’s broken down.
Hi, Nenette.
This is really too much.
Madame, come now.
French-style! Have a drink on me.
Let’s have some coffee.
Ah, something’s broken.
Mr. American, climb up here and do my job if you want.
Where’s my espresso?
Robert, bring your glass over here.
Okay, that’s enough.
Beat it.
Now, how long is this?
I’m your impresario. I’ll take you to New York.
喔 法国国家铁路局 你好吗 SNCF
No, no more.
A very modern musician.
French-style, of course.
I’m paying for everyone. Keep the change.
Meet my pal Hulot.
All fixed now. No need to panic.
These are our latest sponges.
对不起 先生
Excuse me, sir.
I’d like 鈥?
What do you want?
-哪里有卖♥♥礼品 -在商店的最里面
Your fancy goods, please?
At the back of the store.
“Ideal Cheese”是什么意思 他们不能写法文吗
– What does that mean? – I don’t know.
Can’t they use French?
Come on.
你能帮我包起来吗 这应该是个惊喜
That one. Could you wrap it?
– Very well. – It’s a surprise.
我能要一个样品吗 这个 是的 真的很漂亮
– I’d like a sample, please. – This one?
Yes, it’s very pretty.
喔 我的巴士来了 我的巴士来了 我得走了
这不是出口 出口在那边 请从那边出来
Sir, that’s not the exit.
This is the exit. Please go around.
先生 对不起 能请你把这个
Sir, could you please give this
to the young lady getting on the bus?
Carrots, shoes,
a nice head of lettuce,
leeks, and Camembert.
-一位先生要求我将这个交给你 -给我的吗 谢谢
喔 你看那边的飞机
Now see here, son.
Come on, kids.
Get in, quick.
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