That’s progress!
Ah, a salesman!
先生 我的灯坏了 你能帮我看看吗
Excuse me, sir, but my lamp is broken.
It’s the plug. Could you take a look?
We’ll wait in the booth.
Sir, come this way.
Tell me, is this your pipe?
不是他 他比较矮 而且有披着围巾
This isn’t him.
先生 真对不起
Sir, I’m so sorry.
我喜欢轻歌♥剧 我问我的表妹是否想要跟我一起去
I like operetta,
and I asked my cousin to join me.
Is it working now?
What was wrong with it?
先生 我太高兴了 多谢你 需要多少钱
I’m so happy. Thank you so much.
Do I owe you anything?
不用 不用
你太好了 谢谢
You’re very kind. Thank you.
先生 对不起 请问新月展览区在哪里
Excuse me, sir. The New Moon booth?
-夫人想要参观什么 -新月展览区
– May I help you? – New Moon.
This way, ma’am.
先生 你忘了你的外套
My dear sir, you forgot your coat.
Allow me to help you.
Please forgive me.
Let me count.
先生 那边有人叫你
Someone’s calling you.
嘿 胡洛 你还记得军队吗
Hey, Hulot!
From the army!
We did the Eiffel Tower.
各位先生女士 这边…
Stay together. We’re leaving.
I’m confirming Mexico for Saturday. Flight 612, 2:30p.m.
Sir, we’re closing now.
Thanks again.
I’ll be back.
-你没事吧 -我没事
It’s nothing.
-先生 -什么事
-我认错人了 对不起 -喔 没关系
For your rugs and carpets, there’s just one product…
先生 对不起 这是…
Excuse me, sir, but…
胡洛 你不认得我了吗
Hulot! Don’t you recognize me?
我是史耐勒 我们一起在军队服役
Schneider, from the army!
我很快回来 在这里等我
I’ll just be a minute. Wait for me here.
What traffic!
人家说”时间就是金钱” 车子是新的
Like they say, “Time is money.”
It’s the deluxe model.
我已经买♥♥了两天 用现金买♥♥的
Got it two days ago 鈥?cash!
The parking meter is my garage.
你有零钱吗 我只有大钞
You got any change? I only have big bills.
等一下 我们会找到一法郎
Let me find one franc.
这里有一个 正是我们需要的
Here we go.
好了 来吧 我带你去看看我家
There. That does it.
Come see my place.
我在这里买♥♥了一间公♥寓♥ 你何不进来坐一下
I bought an apartment in this ultramodern building.
Come in for a minute. Have a drink.
-我不行 -好啦 跟我进来喝一杯威士忌
Come on. Have a little scotch.
你怎么了 怎么回事
What happened to you?
What happened, my friend? Let me see.
I bumped into something.
Come have a quick drink.
You’ll see.
Right into the door 鈥?bam!
I’m taking my vacation in June this year.
Hulot, it’s been a real pleasure.
Bye now.
-我还以为我们约好了 -我在”快克”那里等
You don’t understand. I waited for you.
-那是什么 -一家自助餐馆 我六点就去那里了
At the Quick Snack. I was there at 6:00.
What do you think of the “Last Look”?
What are you doing there?
你应该按另一边的按钮 是自动化的
Other side. The red button.
是用英文写的 稍微往下一点 按
It’s automatic. It’s written below in English.
在那里 是的 看到吧 你要再喝一杯吗
There you go. See?
One last scotch? A quickie?
不要吗 你可以随时来拜访 再见
You sure?
You’re always welcome. Bye now.
各位女士 请使用快速清洁器
Ladies, use Quick Cleaner,
because Quick Cleaner is 鈥?/i>
Please meet for the “Paris by Night” tour in the lobby.
-喔 好极了 请你放在桌上 -我会非常小心的
Your dress, miss.
I was very careful. – Thank you.
You’ll look beautiful.
你穿上它一定会很漂亮的 不 不 我不想要
No, I couldn’t possibly.
你太好了 谢谢
查理 新的团队来了
Georges, could you announce that Group E is arriving?
This is Group E.
-你们跟随这位小姐 -好的
Follow this young lady.
Last call for Economic Airline’s evening tour.
各位女士 姓名在A到L之间的人去蒙马特
Ladies, A to L are going to Montmartre…
and M to Z to Montparnasse.
这些人去蒙帕纳斯 你的姓名呢 那是去蒙帕纳斯
对不起 先生 你是胡洛先生吗
Pardon me, but aren’t you Mr. Hulot?
-今早我找了你两个小时 -你认得我…
I looked for you for two hours this morning.
Look here. You were in our company’s building.
快点 继续工作
Okay, boys, snap to it.
Let’s get to work.
Those things go in the back.
You’ll get lost in there.
小心点 劳勃
Watch out. You’re on the transformer.
The Royal Garden. One moment.
是的 我们今晚营业 是的 非常高雅
Yes, we’re opening tonight.
Yes, very exclusive.
好的 两位 你的大名
Table for two? What’s the name?
Is the sign connected? Does it work?
Turn it on!
Go on!
It’ll be very classy.
I’ll surround the band with spotlights.
Those are customers.
Gentlemen, get all your tools out of here!
You were supposed to be done painting.
Get out!
– That’s enough. – Just doing my job.
Table six.
Your shoe.
Look after them, will you?
看看这个 外国人会怎么想
Nice work on the decor!
Looks great for our foreign guests!
You’re a specialist, right?
Go out and fix that right away.
你穿这样不能进去 吉拉德
You can’t go out there like that.
Can you go out there?
拿胶水和木板 你不会找不到 你马上就能看到在哪里
Here’s the superglue and the tile. You can’t miss it.
Right when you go out.
-决定了吗 非常精致美味 -两份”皇家比目鱼”
Yes, very good.
-什么是”皇家比目鱼” -这是我们的特别餐点之一
– Two Turbots 脿 la Royale. – What is that exactly?
One of our specialties, madame.
用白酒烹调 上面再淋上酱汁
It’s poached in white wine, then bathed in a cream sauce.
It’s delicious.
-能给我们酒类清单吗 -过来一下
Let’s have the wine list.
先生 这是你的桌子
Your table, sir. Two?
这不是我的桌子 我的桌子是那张
That table is reserved, sir.
Start changing reservations now and we’re in trouble.
-看看这道菜 端不过去 -换另一边
Look at the sauce.
Then turn it the other way.
The other way? There.
I see. Why is that?
-那就从门端过去 -喔 从门端过去
Then use the door.
Instead of arguing, you might pack up your tools.
Oh, great!
喔 对不起
-你的外套 夫人 -不 我要穿着
– Your coat. – I’ll keep it. Come along.
Is this table to your liking, or would you prefer 鈥?
这不关你的事 回去厨房♥
Back in the kitchen.
That’s enough now. Go on.
Table six.
你发疯了吗 劳勃 你上过餐饮学校吗
Are you crazy?
Robert, you have restaurant training? – Yes, sir.
Table six, quickly.
What are you waiting for? Give them a menu.
Look at that!
That will do.
Bring that here.
Go on.
Now it has to be seasoned.
And now he’s putting the sauce on top.
-我们已经预订了这张桌子 -抱歉
We called in a reservation.
