

  1. placate an angry customer: 安抚愤怒的客户
  2. placate a crying child: 安抚哭闹的孩子
  3. placate a disgruntled employee: 安抚不满的员工
  4. placate a worried parent: 安抚担忧的父母
  5. placate a frustrated client: 安抚沮丧的客户
  6. placate a disappointed customer: 安抚失望的顾客
  7. placate a grieving friend: 安抚悲伤的朋友
  8. placate an upset colleague: 安抚不安的同事
  9. placate a nervous presenter: 安抚紧张的演讲者
  10. placate an anxious patient: 安抚焦虑的患者
  11. placate a scared child: 安抚害怕的孩子
  12. placate a jealous sibling: 安抚嫉妒的兄弟姐妹
  13. placate a resentful partner: 安抚怨恨的伴侣
  14. placate an offended coworker: 安抚受冒犯的同事
  15. placate an irritated neighbor: 安抚恼怒的邻居
  16. placate a worried spouse: 安抚担心的配偶
  17. placate a dissatisfied customer: 安抚不满的顾客
  18. placate an annoyed friend: 安抚烦恼的朋友
  19. placate a grieving family: 安抚悲伤的家庭
  20. placate a restless pet: 安抚不安的宠物
  21. placate a disappointed student: 安抚失望的学生
  22. placate an angry neighbor: 安抚愤怒的邻居
  23. placate a frustrated colleague: 安抚沮丧的同事
  24. placate a worried friend: 安抚担忧的朋友
  25. placate an upset customer: 安抚不安的顾客
  26. placate a resentful coworker: 安抚怨恨的同事
  27. placate an offended family member: 安抚受冒犯的家庭成员
  28. placate an anxious colleague: 安抚焦虑的同事
  29. placate a jealous friend: 安抚嫉妒的朋友
  30. placate an irritated sibling: 安抚恼怒的兄弟姐妹
  31. placate a disappointed partner: 安抚失望的伴侣
  32. placate an angry client: 安抚愤怒的客户
  33. placate a frustrated parent: 安抚沮丧的父母
  34. placate a worried coworker: 安抚担忧的同事
  35. placate an upset friend: 安抚不安的朋友
  36. placate a resentful sibling: 安抚怨恨的兄弟姐妹
  37. placate an offended coworker: 安抚受冒犯的同事
  38. placate an anxious family member: 安抚焦虑的家庭成员
  39. placate a jealous colleague: 安抚嫉妒的同事
  40. placate an irritated friend: 安抚恼怒的朋友
  41. placate a disappointed coworker: 安抚失望的同事
  42. placate an angry family member: 安抚愤怒的家庭成员
  43. placate a frustrated friend: 安抚沮丧的朋友
  44. placate a worried sibling: 安抚担忧的兄弟姐妹
  45. placate an upset partner: 安抚不安的伴侣
  46. placate an offended client: 安抚受冒犯的客户
  47. placate an anxious coworker: 安抚焦虑的同事
  48. placate a jealous family member: 安抚嫉妒的家庭成员
  49. placate an irritated colleague: 安抚恼怒的同事
  50. placate a disappointed friend: 安抚失望的朋友


placate (PLAY kate) There seem to be plenty of verbs that mean “to lessen someone’s anger or hard feelings,” and here’s another one. One “pla-cates” under the same conditions that one “mollifies.”

•A man of integrity, William made a point of never placating his enemies with lies or empty promises.

•Almost any political office involves a fair amount of groveling and manipulating in order to placate a constituency with a broad range of demands and needs.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
