
pique (PEEK) This verb comes to us from the French and means “to prick” or “to provoke.” It also can be used as a noun to mean “a feeling of wounded pride” or “indignation.”

  • “Your description of the restaurant really piqued my curiosity. I’ve never tasted Asian-Lithuanian cuisine before, and it sounds delicious,” Patty said, patting her stomach.
  • In a fit of pique, Lotta threw away her scale and said, “I’m tired of trying to look like the skinny models in all the fashion magazines. I’m chubby and I like myself just the way I am!”

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]

  • 帕蒂拍着肚子说:“你对这家餐厅的描述真的激起了我的好奇心。我以前从未尝过亚洲立陶宛菜,听起来很美味。”
  • 洛塔一气之下扔掉了她的体重秤,说道:“我厌倦了试图让自己看起来像所有时尚杂志上的瘦模特。我很胖,我喜欢我现在的样子!”

