Yeah, but it was just so condescending.
“我比你好多了 因为我有孩子”
Like, “I’m so much better than you because I have kids.”
是呀 那样不对
Yeah, that wouldn’t be right.
没错 “这有什么关系吗?”
Right. It’s like, “What does it matter?”
又不会改变你的生活 -不 那样做不对
It doesn’t change your life. -No, to go do that.
当你们年轻时 你正要有所成就
When you’re young like that, on the verge of breaking through.
当然 非常有道理 -这口气什么意思?我不明白
No. Makes total sense. -What’s that tone? I don’t understand.
怎么回事? -什么口气?
What’s going on? -What tone?
玛莎 我们只是在聊天 -怎么了?我刚才是在赞同他的观点
Martha, we’re just talking. -What? I was agreeing with him.
是呀 我们也赞同 大家都赞同
Yeah, we’re agreeing also. Everybody’s agreeing.
所以 有什么问题吗? -问题?
So what’s the problem? -The problem?
别太为难他了 我们只是在闲聊
Don’t give him a hard time. We’re just talking.
We’re just trying to keep it light.
对 轻松
Right. Light.
嗯 我…
Yes. I am…
Okay, okay, okay.
对不起 我说那话时没想那么多
I am sorry. I did not put that together.
说“宝宝”的事 我没意识到 -哦 我的天
“Baby,” I didn’t know. -Oh, my God.
我们来这里干什么? 这太扯了 什么鬼?
What are we even doing here? This is completely nuts. What the fuck?
Well, as long as you’re asking.
苏珊 我问了她关于…
Suzanne– I’ve consulted with her about the–
关于什么? -关于案子的事
About what? -About the case.
You’re the prosecutor on the case?
对 -没错 她是名很优秀的律师
Yeah. -Yes. She’s an excellent lawyer.
And she’s family, you know?
她爱我们 她来这里 是确保我们得到应得的
She loves us. She’s here to make sure we get the right thing.
听着 这案子早就胜算在握 大家都恨那个女人 所以 我就只…
Look, the case is already won. People hate this woman. So, I’ll just…
没错 我不想让他们对你评头论足
Yes, exactly. And I don’t want them to judge you.
他们? -别人
“Them”? -The people.
“别人” 你说“别人”指的是朱迪思?
“People.” By “people,” you mean Judith?
我真的… -闭嘴 克里斯
I really– -Fuck off, Chris.
如果你指的是她 我那天去商店买♥♥个苹果
If you’re talking about her, I went to a store to get an apple.
20分钟后 我还在同一家店里买♥♥同一个苹果
Twenty minutes later, I’m in the same store getting the same apple.
我知道 因为我跟他见面时到晚了 多晚 25分钟?
I know because I met him late. How late, 25 minutes?
I spent a minute getting an apple.
剩下来的时间 我是被困在那里的 你那朋友不停地问这问那
The rest of the time, I spent there stuck, stranded, getting grilled by your friend,
trying to figure out what the fuck she wants from me.
And you’re worried about them judging me?
事实上 这甚至都跟他们对我评头论足无关
It’s not even about them judging me, actually.
而是跟你希望我的言行 符合他们的观点有关
It’s about how you want me to be to fit their opinion.
You wanna arrange me.
你需要心理治疗 -我不需要治疗 谢谢你 阿尼塔
You need therapy! -I do not need therapy. Thank you, Anita.
好吧 -你需要 混♥蛋♥
You do. Asshole. -All right.
谁在乎他们怎么想? 这是我的事 我的身体
Who cares about what they think? This is about me. This is about my body.
是我 你明白吗?
This is me. Do you understand that?
是的 我明白这一点 亲爱的
Yes, I understand that, dear.
But have you decided to go to the trial?
我不打算出席你那该死的庭审 -为什么不呢 亲爱的?
I’m not going to your fucking trial. -Why not, honey?
She has to pay for her incompetence.
这事跟钱有关吗? -没有!
Is this about money? -No!
Is it about what people think?
It’s about you.
It’s about you having to face this thing–
我在面对这件事 我在面对!
I am facing this! I am facing it! I am facing this!
我不这么认为 我们需要正义
Well, I don’t think you are. We need– we need some justice here.
不 是你需要 这是你想要的 这是你的需求 这是你做事的方法!
No, you need. That is what you want. That is what you need. That is your way!
这不是我做事的方法! 这是你的需求!
That is not my way! That is what you need!
玛莎 如果你当初按我的方法来
Martha, if you had done it my way,
you’d be holding your baby in your arms right now.
你猜怎么着 你…
You know what? You–
You’re ashamed.
You’re so ashamed of me.
你觉得丢人 因为我失败了 “真是太丢脸了!”
You’re ashamed because I failed. “Oh, what a disgrace!”
“What a disgrace!”
I failed!
没错 -你觉得丢人
Yes. -You’re fucking ashamed.
And I’m ashamed of me.
That I wasn’t a good enough mother
没有教会你怎样站出来 为自己争取权利
to teach you how to stand up and speak for yourself, for God’s sakes.
没教会你怎样应对这种事 没能像我母亲当初教我那样
And to deal with this. Like my mother taught me.
我父亲进集中营后 我母亲找到了一间小屋 一个空棚屋
After my father went into the ghetto, my mother found a shack, an empty shack,
她住进了棚屋 生下了我
that she went into and gave birth to me.
Without any help at all.
她需要出去偷食物时 就把我藏在地板下面
She stashed me under the floorboards when she had to go out and steal food
她偷食物 是为了确保 自己有足够的奶水 我不会饿死
so she could make milk enough to keep me alive,
but just alive.
不能让我有力气哭 免得我们被抓
Not strong enough to cry, or we’d be caught.
等到她终于能带我去看医生时 医生建议她直接放弃我
When she finally got me to a doctor, he advised her to just let me go.
That I wasn’t…
我太虚弱了 活不了的
I wasn’t strong enough to survive.
But when she absolutely insisted,
他用手抓住我的双脚 像抓鸡一样抓起来 说
he picked me up by my feet and held me up like a chicken and said,
“If she tries to lift her head,
then there’s hope.”
你知道我怎么做的吗 玛莎?
And you know what I did, Martha?
I lifted my head.
That’s what I’m asking you to do now.
看在老天的份上 抬起头 为自己争取
Lift your head and fight for yourself, for God’s sakes!
出席庭审 面对那个女人
Go out there and face that woman.
告诉她你的感受 失去孩子的感受
Tell her what it’s like for you now, what this feels like.
你必须这么做 玛莎 你必须说出你的真♥相♥
You have to do this, Martha. You have to speak your truth.
否则 你将永远也无法面对此事
Otherwise, you’re never gonna be able to deal with this.
You’re never gonna be able to move on.
你得要翻过这一章 玛莎
You’ve got to move on past this, Martha.
够了 别说了
Stop it. Stop it.
也许我该去烧壶茶 我知道我爸在这种时候总会烧壶茶…
Maybe I’ll go make some tea. I know my dad always makes tea when–
When his daughters loathe him?
I think Martha’s starting over.
很好 对不起 我…
Good. I’m sorry. I–
I never liked you.
不是因为你穷 -不 而是因为我…
And it’s not because you’re poor. -No, it’s ’cause I’m, um–
因为我不是知识分子 我不会…用华丽的文字
‘Cause I’m not an intellectual, and I’m not– I don’t use big words.
还因为我是个粗人 我…
And ’cause I’m rough and I’m–
这个词是《拼字涂鸦》里学的 因为我“土里土气”
Well, here’s a Scrabble word. ‘Cause I’m boorish.
What do you want?
What do I want? I want to…
我也许想要回老家 是的 这是我最想要的
I probably want to go home. Yeah, that’s what I want the most.
And why don’t you?
We don’t all live like this, you know.
Take it and…
don’t come back.
Just tell Martha– Tell her anything you want.
告诉她你父亲病了 或者你爱上了别人
Tell her your father’s sick or you fell in love with somebody else.
I don’t care what.
只需要让她知道 你永远不会再回来就行
But just make sure she knows you are never coming back.
Found a little party pooper here. -Huh?
Party pooper. -Oh.
我只是想告诉你 我之前不知道
I just wanted to say that I didn’t know
that she didn’t tell you I was gonna be here.
Oh, that’s all right.
You a cat or a dog person?
“猫星人” -是吗?
Cat person. -Yeah?
I’m a cat person too.
Bullshit. –
You know what a cat’s favorite breakfast food is?
什么? -卜卜鼠
What? -Mice Krispies.
You are far too entertained by that.
I wish we’d met earlier, you know.
是呀 我同意
