Um, she’ll be along.
I don’t know.
Back in?
Are you done already?
很好 -你在打什么鬼算盘吗?
Good. -You planning something?
What? No, nothing.
你在盘算什么 -什么?
You’re planning something. -What?
You’re planning something.
我邀请了苏珊 只是想让她给点法律建议
Oh, I invited Suzanne over, just for some legal advice.
For what?
你找到我的钥匙了! -我想是的
Oh, you found my keys! -Guess so.
就在碗里 很有意思
It was just in the bowl, which is funny.
Anything else?
现在没有了 -你还好吗?
Um… No, not right now. -You okay?
好吗? -想喝点什么吗?来杯茶?给
Yeah? -You need a drink? Cup of tea? Here.
不用了 谢谢
No, I’m good, thank you.
她在这里 莉兹 -别这么叫我
There she is. Liz. -No, don’t call me that.
嘿 你好吗? -你好 亲爱的
Hey, how you doing? -Hello, darling.
你好吗?嘿 -这些是给你的
‘Sup? Hey. -These are for you.
我觉得是岩蔷薇 -真漂亮 是菊花!
It’s a sun rose, I think. -How beautiful. -Chrysanthemums!
我给你买♥♥了这个 这是…
I got you this, it’s a…
是给我的? -他们说会亮
This is for me? -It lights up, they said.
我能帮些什么忙? -真不错
How can I help? -Oh, wonderful.
嘿 当心脚下 哥们
Hey, watch the foot, man.
When did that happen?
也许就在刚才进来时 我来清理
Probably just now walking in. I’ll clean.
He stepped in his own shit?
进客厅里来吧 看上去很不错吧?
Come in the living room. Doesn’t it look nice?
你好 -你好
Hi. -Hi.
是的 很漂亮 嗨 -你好吗?
Yeah, looks nice. Hi. -How you doing?
很高兴见到你 你也是 克里斯
Nice to see you. You too, Chris.
我在布置这套房♥子 -看上去很棒
I’ve been staging. -Looks great.
知道这是什么意思吗? -不知道
Do you know what that is? -Not really, no.
好 我来演示一下 看到这把椅子独自在这里吗?
Okay. I’m gonna demonstrate. So, you see this chair all by itself?
看到了 -看上去有点孤独悲伤 对吗?
Yeah. -It looks kinda lonely and sad, right?
于是 我就找了个颜色亮丽的垫子
So then, I find a colorful and cheerful cushion.
放在这里 马上就漂亮很多了吧
Put it there. And right away, you see, instant beauty.
是的 你想坐下吗?
Yeah. You wanna sit down?
看到了吗? -嗯 想坐下吗?
You see it? -Yeah. Wanna sit down?
I’ve been staging all over town.
不是为了赚钱 只是爱好 替我的朋友们布置的
Not for money. Just like a hobby. You know, for my friends.
我去摆桌子吧? -好的
Why don’t I go set the table? -Okay.
那个… -玛莎?
So… -Martha?
想要我借把梳子给你吗? -梳子?不用
Do you wanna borrow a brush? -A brush? No.
不用吗?好吧 你的衣服很漂亮
No? Okay. And your outfit’s adorable.
这样的场合 我以为你会穿得更讲究点
Not as dressy as I thought you’d be for the occasion.
克里斯 你有饮料吗? -我去把花放到水里
Chris, you got a drink? -I’m gonna put this in water.
我来祝一下酒 -好
Make a little toast. -All right.
敬你们 -祝酒?
To you guys. -A toast?
To getting out of the house.
让你们自己… -说得是 干杯
Making yourselves… -I know. Cheers.
接触外界 舒畅胸怀 -我叫肖恩
Put yourself out there. Feel better. -Sean.
哦对 我叫苏珊 -是堂姐吧?
Hey. Yeah, Suzanne. -Cousin?
是的 很高兴认识你 -嗯 我也很高兴
Yeah. Nice to meet you. -Yeah, you too.
那天 教堂的那个家伙说了些事…
The other day, the uh, the guy at the church was saying something…
家伙?牧师吗? -是牧师
The guy? The pastor? -The pastor.
He was doing, like, a sermon.
And he said, uh…
something pretty deep.
He said, “Time heals all wounds.”
And I was like, “Yeah.”
“That’s pretty good.”
你平时都怎么打发时间的? 还弹琴吗?
What are you doing with your time? You still playing?
没有 已经有段时间没有弹了 只是在工作
Uh, no, it’s been a while. Uh, I’m just working.
我只在他们付钱让我去演奏时 才表演 所以…
The only type of playing I do is if they pay me over there, so…
在教堂吗? -是的
At the church? -Yep.
Well, that’s exciting. –
场景不同 这是肯定的 -场景不同
Different scene, that’s for sure. -Different scene.
对 是有信徒 比追星族强
Yeah. Oh, you get that. Better than a groupie.
其实差不多吧 -没错
Kinda the same thing. -That’s true.
你们当时那个乐队很不错 -谢谢
It was a good band, man. -Thank you.
乐队不错 时机也很好 -没错
Good time to be in a band. It was.
当时垃圾摇滚很流行 -我的天
That whole grunge revival scene. -Oh, man.
非常疯狂 当时有“白色条纹乐队” 对吗?
It’s crazy. When you had the White Stripes, right?
有“白色条纹乐队” 还有谁? -还有“蜂窝乐队”
Stripes were there. Who else? -Mm-hmm. They had the Hives.
Hives, Strokes, Beck.
不 贝克不一样 他的风格更加柔和 你们几个更粗犷 风格硬一点
Nah, Beck is different. He’s softer. You guys had a grit. Harder.
Um, what was it the Stripes did?
需要帮忙吗? -“白色条纹”好像是…
You need help? -Stripes were like, um…
要帮忙吗? -不用 我刚喝过一杯
Help? -No. I just had another glass.
What was it? They were brother–
They were husband– They were brother–
They were pretending to be brother and sister,
or to be husband and wife.
“白色条纹”吗? -是的
Stripes? -Stripes, yes.
There was this thing.
他们干嘛的? -很聪明
Who are they? -Smart.
“白色条纹”吗? -他们是个乐队?
The White Stripes? -Are they a band?
You’re funny.
你不知道“白色条纹”是谁? -不知道
You don’t know the White Stripes? -No.
真的? -这是…
Really? -This is…
真的 “白色条纹”? -这太不可思议了
No. The White Stripes? -This is insane.
拜托 2001、2002年 你是在岩洞里度过的吗?
Come on, 2001, 2002, were you living under a rock?
他们给可乐广♥告♥写过歌♥ 《七国联军》
They did a Coke commercial. “Seven Nation Army.”
那首歌♥ 天啊 -是呀
That fucking song, boy. -Yeah.
对 我知道这首歌♥ -是呀
Yeah, I know that song. -Yeah.
他们是在… -对
They play it at the– -Yes.
所以 他们的故事是这样的 他们是双人组合
So, the story with them goes, there’s a two-person band.
一个男生 一个女生 男生叫杰克怀特
Uh-huh. -Boy and a girl. Boy’s name is Jack White.
女生叫… -梅格
Girl’s name is, uh… -Meg.
梅格 他们是一个乐队的 但他们的乐队是…
Meg. And they’re in a band, but their band is, uh…
They’re in a marriage…
他们是夫妻 可他们对外人说他们是姐弟
They’re in a marriage, they’re telling people they’re brother and sister.
他们其实是结了婚的 然后在全世界面前散伙
They’re actually married, falling apart in front of the world.
举例来说吧 比如索尼和雪儿
So, like Sonny and Cher.
看着他们 大家都会想 “我的天啊”
It’s like, you look at them, and everybody’s like, “Oh, my God.”
“他们是在吵架吗?” 大家不是在听他们的音乐
“Are they fighting?” They’re not listening to the music.
是对他们的八卦感兴趣 -没错
You’re into the gossip. -Exactly.
Not into the music.
If you’re watching a couple play music,
你想的不是 “这歌♥怎么了?这演奏怎么了?”
you’re not thinking, “What’s up with the song, this instrumentation?”
你想的是:“他们之间有性♥爱♥吗? 他们是怎么相遇的?有孩子吗?”
You’re thinking, “Are they fucking? Where’d they meet? Do they got kids?”
It’s terrible.
但你看着唐尼和玛丽时 完全相反
You look at Donny and Marie. Opposite.
但他们的音乐很烂 所以不管怎样你都不会在意
Yeah, but their music sucked, so you didn’t care either way.
But you didn’t wanna think about anything happening.
没错 如果他们的音乐很烂 而且他们是兄妹…
It’s true. If they sucked and they were brother–
正是 我就是这个意思
Yes, so my point. –
嘿 那你的乐队后来怎么了?
Hey, so what happened with your band?
我不知道 很蠢
Uh, I don’t know. So stupid.
Everybody kind of grew up and moved on.
去了不同的乐队 不同风格?
To different bands or different sounds?
没有 只是…
No. It’s just…
“好吧 太好了 你去当爸爸吧 你没时间一起演奏了”
It’s like, “Okay. Great. You go be a dad. You don’t have time for this.”
把我当小孩一样看待 -乐队其他人吗?
Looking at me like I’m a child. -Rest of the band?
是呀 他跟我说话的口气我不喜欢
Yeah. I mean, the way he talked to me, I didn’t like that.
Well, he was older than you.
对 但他说话一副盛气凌人的样子
