Yeah, same.
You ever been to Seattle?
没有 你呢? -去过
No. You? -Yeah.
I’m headed up there now.
It’s nice there.
是呀 我相信
Yeah, I’ll bet.
The manslaughter trial of former midwife and passionate home-birth advocate,
伊娃伍德沃德的过失杀人一案 今天将在法♥院♥完成审判
Eva Woodward, is wrapping up in court today.
这位45岁的女子被控 造成一在家出生的婴儿死亡…
The 45-year-old is charged with the home-birth death of a baby.
好 行了 谢谢
Okay, good. Thank you.
她本该告诉…等我一下 你好 玛莎
Well, she could have told– Just give me one second. Hey, Martha.
Thank you for agreeing to this.
我向你保证 她会被判入狱的
I can assure you she will serve time in prison.
整个过程应该会很简单 -我知道
It should be a walk in the park. -I know.
All rise.
Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye.
萨福克郡的所有民众 如你想在本庭正义的象征
All persons having anything to do before the Honorable Judge Spencer,
尊敬的斯宾塞法官面前发言 请聚拢过来
now sitting in the County of Suffolk, the justices of this court, draw near.
注意留神 法官会听取你的心声
Give your attention, and you shall be heard.
God save the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
现在开庭 你们可以入座了
The court is open. You may be seated.
昨天 我们听取了 人♥民♥起诉伊娃伍德沃德案的开庭陈词
Yesterday, we heard opening arguments on State versus Eva Woodward.
地方检察官提起公诉 承担举证责任
Prosecution through the district attorney carries the burden of proof.
所以 从控方开始 你可以传第一位证人了
Therefore, the prosecution will go first. You may call your first witness.
尊敬的法官 联邦政♥府♥传玛莎魏斯出庭
Your Honor, the Commonwealth calls Martha Weiss.
魏斯女士 请上前来 由工作人员带领宣誓
Ms. Weiss, please come forward and be sworn in by the clerk.
Stand there, please.
Raise your right hand.
你是否承诺说出真♥相♥ 全部真♥相♥ 只说真♥相♥?
Do you promise to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?
我承诺 -请说出你的姓名
I do. -Please state your name.
Martha Weiss.
我可以发问了吗 法官大人? -请吧
May I, Your Honor? -Please.
Could you please tell the court
how the defendant came to be the midwife for the delivery of your baby?
She was standing in for our original midwife
who couldn’t make it to the house in time.
但你听说会由她来代替 原来的助产士芭芭拉时
But you weren’t happy when you heard she was going to be coming
instead of your chosen midwife, Barbara.
我不了解她 不过我当时觉得应该没问题
I didn’t know her, but I thought it would be fine.
You trusted her to safely deliver your baby.
是的 -我能问一下你为什么会相信她吗?
I did, yes. -May I ask why you trusted her?
我想是因为芭芭拉相信她 因为她是合格的助产士
Because, um, Barbara did and because she was qualified, I guess.
在分娩期间 伍德沃德女士给婴儿测了心率
During the labor, Ms. Woodward was taking the baby’s heart rate
检查婴儿的情况 看看她是否经得住分娩过程?
to see if the baby was okay and that she could handle the labor?
她第一次检查孩子心率时 心跳很有力 对吗?
The first time she checked the baby’s heart rate, it was strong, yes?
Yes, it was.
How many times did she check the heart rate?
About three, I would say.
三次? -是的
Three times? -Yes.
就这么多?只有三次? -是的
That’s all? Only three times? -Yes.
然后她让你去泡个盆浴 -是的
And then she told you to take a bath. Yes.
你在泡盆浴时 她测量了婴儿的心率吗?
Did she take the baby’s heart rate while in the bath?
没有 -那么让我弄弄清楚
No. -So, let me get this straight.
你在泡盆浴时 在持续的一段时间里
There’s a sustained period of time while you were in the bath
where the baby’s heart rate was not being monitored.
Did she ever communicate to you explicitly that a lowered heart rate
心率降低可能意味着婴儿处于窘迫中 可能导致她的死亡?
could mean that the baby was in distress and that this could cause her death?
She didn’t say that to me.
如果你知道有这种风险 你会要求去医院吗?
If you knew about the risk, would you have demanded to go to the hospital?
Of course I would have wanted to know that.
你会愿意伤害你的宝宝吗? -当然不会
Would you ever willingly harm your baby? -Of course not.
不会 所以在你人生中 最艰难的时刻之一
No. So if in one of the most difficult moments of your life,
during a difficult labor,
the woman who you’ve decided to put your trust in,
这个曾经历过数百次分娩 经验远远超过你的人
who’s been present at hundreds of births, has far more experience than you do,
turns to you and says, “You must go to the hospital right now,”
would you have gone in? Yes or no?
会 我会的
Yes, I would have.
我没其他问题了 法官大人
No further questions, Your Honor.
莱恩先生 你要盘问证人吗?
Mr. Lane, cross-examine?
谢谢您 法官大人
Thank you, Your Honor.
首先 你痛失爱女 请允许我表示深切的哀悼
First, may I say how deeply sorry I am for your loss?
Thank you.
我能否问一下 你当初为什么决定在家分娩?
May I ask you why you decided on a home birth?
I wanted the baby to decide when she wanted to come.
Would it be fair to say you were absolutely determined
你执意要那么做 可以这么说吗?
to have a home birth, that you had your heart set on it?
是的 -而你的伴侣也同意这么做
Yes. -And your partner agreed with you?
我们说好了要一起做的 对
We agreed to do it together. Yes.
你们都知道 如果出现了问题
And you both knew if there was a problem,
你可能会需要去医院分娩 对吗?
you may have to go to the hospital to deliver the baby. Is that true?
当然 没错
Of course, yes.
因为你当时知道 在医院里 如果出现问题
Because at a hospital, you knew that should a problem arise,
会有相关设备… -对 我知道
that there was equipment– -Yes, I knew that.
There was expertise in a crisis-
对吗? -对
right? -Yes.
然而 当分娩出现问题
And yet, when complications did arrive,
and your midwife suggested you may consider going to the hospital
因为婴儿出现心律不齐时 你却决定要留在家里
because of a heart arrhythmia, you decided to stay at the house.
对 但她当时没告诉我心律不齐的事
Yes, but she didn’t say that to me. No.
让我问你一个问题 你之前说你信任你的助产士 对吗?
Let me ask this. You said earlier you trust your midwife. Is that right?
对 -好 你信任你的丈夫吗?
I did. Yes. And do you trust your husband?
我的伴侣吗? -是的
My partner? -Yes.
对 我信任…信任的
Yes, I do… did.
Because your partner has given testimony
that your midwife strongly advised you should go to the hospital.
You say you’re working together as a team.
当你的伴侣要求你去医院时 你拒绝了
And when your partner asked you to go to the hospital, you refused to go.
Is that correct?
Is that correct?
I wanted to stay at home myself.
And you actively and adamantly stated that to your husband
that you didn’t want to go to the hospital?
没错 是的
I did. Yes.
The few moments after your baby was born,
was her breathing disturbed
or was there anything to indicate her condition was poor?
没有 一点… -你听到她哭了吗?
No, not at– -Did you hear her cry?
有一点 -你抱她了吗?
Yes, a bit. -Did you hold her?
是的 我抱了… -她的身体是暖的还是凉的?
Yes, I held– -Was her body warm or cold?
I can’t remember that.
你不记得了? 你注意到什么不对劲的地方吗?
You can’t remember that? Did you notice anything strange?
Did you notice that her feet were turning blue and purple?
我没在看她的脚 -你看她的手了吗?
I didn’t look at her feet. -Did you look at her hands?
你没有看她的手和脚 你注意到她眼睛的颜色了吗?
You didn’t look at her feet or her hands. Did you notice the color of her eyes?
Did you notice whether she had blonde hair,
还是深色头发 很多头发 还是没有头发了吗?
dark hair, lots of hair, no hair?
是的 她…
Yes, she…
你说什么? -是深色头发 是的
Pardon me? -It was dark. Yes.
她的头发是深色的 好
Her hair was dark. Yes.
Did you notice anything else?
她的指甲很长?或者她的脚趾… 她有十根手指…
That her fingers were long? Or her toes… Did she have ten fingers–
我说了 我看的是她的脸 -你看的是她的脸
I said I looked at her face. -You looked at her face.
What did you feel when you were holding your baby?
How did I feel?
对 抱着自己刚出生的孩子 你是什么感觉?
Yes, how did you feel holding your baby you had just given birth to?
