按哪个键 是红色的还是
What do I push? Is it the red or…
我以为是这个 不是这个
I thought it was the… It’s not this…
-有紧急情况 -转到大屏幕
-Incoming alert. -Put it on the screen.
The Berlin Zoo… 15 penguins missing.
-戴夫正在绑♥架♥其他企鹅 -辣么可爱辣么萌
-Dave’s kidnapping other penguins! -No doubt cute and cuddly.
-我们必须行动 什么 -我们必须行动 什么
-We have to move! What? -We have to move! What?
-该我们上场了 -伙计们 快集♥合♥
-Time for our A-game. -Everybody, huddle up.
大力熊 准备好飞机 我去启动北风泽塔程序
Corporal, ready the jet. I’m initiating North Wind Protocol Zeta.
12 more penguins taken from London Zoo.
好了 伙计们 机会来了
Okay, boys, this is it. The
mission we’ve been preparing for our entire lives.
我们不拿下戴夫 誓不罢休
We’re gonna take down Dave or die trying.
-科沃斯基 取消我们的表演课 -是的 长官
-Kowalski, cancel our improv class! -Yes, sir.
-瑞哥 上装备 -好
-Rico, equipify. -Hi!
菜鸟 给爷笑一个
Private, do that little thing I like.
-还是很搞笑 -老大 有好消息
-It’s still funny. -Skipper, good news.
-这次表演课取消不扣分 -长官 飞机准备好了
-I got them to credit our class. -Sir, the jet is ready.
好样的 宝贝儿们 就像十九届超级碗一样
Oh, yeah, baby! Just like Super Bowl 19!
They’re stealing my stuff!
不 这次任务不能交给
No! This mission has no place
for a pathetic waddle of useless penguins!
-说谁废物呢 -够了
-Who are you calling pathetic? -Enough!
看见没 瑞哥 所以说好东西不能留给你
See, Rico, that’s why you can’t have nice things.
知道吗 其实我也很懂电脑的
You know, I’m pretty good with computers myself.
穿上你们的睡衣吧 小企鹅们
Put on your jammies, penguin.
-他们睡着了更萌 -我可不这么想哦
-They are even cute when they’re asleep. -Not to me.
我要这些小鸭子离我远一点 别搀和我的任务
I want these butterballs out of my way and out of my mission.
Ship them to one of our safe houses.
The most remote place on the planet.
国际快递 目的地 马达加斯加
-我们到底在哪儿 -空气含氧量好低
-Where the heck are we? -Oxygen content is low.
I suggest we limit our breathing.
抱歉啦 我一飞起来就胀气
Sorry! I get gassy when I fly.
-就是这样 没错 -我们肯定是在飞机上
-Toot sweet! He does. -We must be on a plane.
What did North Wind do to us?
They gave us badges.
不是徽章 是镇定飞镖
Not badges, tranquilizer darts.
That low-down dirty dog is trying kick us off the mission.
He thinks we can’t save
the penguins because we’re just “Penguins.”
企鹅与我们血肉相连 他们是我们同类
Well, penguins are our flesh and feathers. They’re us.
And if anyone’s gonna save us, it’s us.
但是老大 我们正在五英里的高度
But, Skipper, we’ve got to be five miles up.
-这样我们的选择就很少了 -我的选择我做主
-That pretty much limits our options. -I make my own options.
帅呆了 老大 但是我们现在冲出飞机了肿么办
Brilliant move, Skipper, but now we seem to be outside the plane.
Well, kind of got caught up in the moment.
Well, hindsight’s 20/20.
好了 科沃斯基 该你来善后了
Okay, Kowalski, your turn to pick up the slack.
哦 要不搭那架飞机吧
Oh, why don’t we catch that plane?
鸟群撞击 记录下来
Bird strike, log it.
还有一个目标 在十二点方向
We’ve got another target at 12 o’clock.
好 也就十一点半
Good, it’s only 11:30.
跟着我飞 宝贝儿们 我们要火速前进
Follow me, boys! We’re going in hot.
-别炫耀了 菜鸟 -对准头等舱
-No one likes a show-off, Private. -Aim for first class!
I’m okay!
科沃斯基 这飞机是往哪儿开的
Kowalski, where does this aircraft go?
看这面包圈的奇怪形状 我觉得是飞往巴黎
From the odd shape of this bagel, I’d say we’re headed for Paris.
法国 算了吧 那里的税收太高了
France? Forget it! Not with their tax laws!
-那我建议空中转机 -我准了
-Then I would suggest a mid-air transfer. -Affirmative.
花生 花生 花生
Peanuts! Peanuts! Peanuts, peanut,
花生 花生 花生
peanut, peanut, peanut, peanut, peanut!
-没有花生了 老大 -那就椒盐脆饼干 菜鸟
-We’re out of peanuts, Skipper! -Try pretzels, Private.
我们的飞机来了 兄弟们
There’s our ride, boys.
我得走了 美女 危险就是我的情人
Can’t stay, doll. Danger is my mistress.
瑞哥 再飞高点儿
Rico, more height.
椒盐脆饼 脆饼 脆饼
Pretzels! Pretzels! Pretzel,
脆饼 脆饼 脆饼也没了
pretzel, pretzels! We’re out of pretzels!
是么 我们走得正是时候
Yeah? Then we’re leaving just time,
’cause these folks are gonna freak!
Deploy flaps.
Stay on target!
会赶上的 我们会赶上的
We’re gonna catch it, we’re gonna catch it!
哎呀 我们赶不上了
Crikey! We’re not gonna catch it!
等下 老大在哪儿
Wait a minute, where’s Skipper?
是时候开开脑洞了 快抓住那些箱子 伙伴们
Time to get creative. Start grabbing boxes, boys.
Going long!
哦 菜鸟 别摆弄那些背包了
Oh, Private, stop playing
with those backpacks. Find something useful.
这才对嘛 我们开动吧
Now we’re talking. Let’s get to work.
400 meters.
-三百米 -说美国话 科沃斯基
-300 meters! -Speak American, Kowalski!
抱歉 先生 218码 109码
Sorry, sir. 218 yards. 109 yards.
好了 下一步要做什么很明确了
Okay, then. It’s clear what we need to do next.
That feels right.
跳的漂亮 伙伴们 回到文明社会来
Impressive bouncing, boys. Now, then, back to civilization.
If we’re gonna take Dexter down,
we need to know where he’s gonna strike next.
以利亚 请把他们带走
Elijah, would you please take them away.
企鹅脚印 还是新鲜的 我们刚好跟戴夫错过了
Penguin footprints, still warm. We just missed Dave.
-见鬼 让他跑了 -那么多企鹅啊
-Blast it, he’s gone. -So many penguins!
-老大 他又开始暴躁饮食啦 -大力熊
-Boss! He’s stress-eating again! -Corporal?
-好了 好了 -揉揉肚子不要生气啦
-There, there. -Rub the angry out of the tummy.
大力熊 集中注意
Corporal? Fo… focus.
我们去拯救那些无助的企鹅 因为
We are going to save those helpless penguins, because…
因为我们是北风特工 而没人
we are the North Wind, and no one…
no one breaks the Wind.
No one breaks the Wind.
There’s a good Corporal. Now,
我们已经拯救了那四只企鹅 不是么
we rescued those four penguins already, didn’t we?
Shipped them off all cozy and
马达加斯加 为什么会有哔哔响的声音
snug to a Madagascar… How come there’s beeping?
先生 那些企鹅 就没到达马达加斯加
Sir, those penguins… They never made it to Madagascar.
什么 他们现在在哪儿
What? Well, where the dickens are they?
科沃斯基 报告我们的坐标
Kowalski, what are our coordinates?
From my calculations,
我们到达了爱尔兰 都柏林的中心
we’ve arrived in the center of Dublin, Ireland.
好了 勇士们 我们要入乡随俗 大河之舞
All right, soldiers, we got to blend in. Riverdance.
没时间去亲吻巧言石了 亲们
No time to kiss the Blarney stone, boys.
我们需要找到戴夫的具体♥位♥置 要快
We need to find intel on Dave’s location, pronto.
好嘞 你 告诉我戴夫在哪儿 快说
All right, you, where’s Dave! Give us the goods. Spit it out!
Don’t make me use shillelagh!
长官 那只是个鱿鱼宝宝
Sir, that’s… That’s a baby squid.
抱歉 孩子
Sorry, laddie.
沦落到这爱尔兰岛上 一点儿头绪也没有
Stranded on the Emerald Isle without a single clue.
-我跟爱尔兰没缘分啊 -老大 快看
-Well, so much for the luck o’ the Irish. -Skipper, look!
天呐 有人会说盖尔语吗
Begorrah! Does anyone speak Gaelic?
没有 不过看起来戴夫没闲着
No. But it looks like Dave’s been busy.
He’s stolen penguins from Guadalajara!
-马德里 -巴黎
-Madrid! -Paris!
-雅典 -班加罗尔
-Athens! -Bangalore!
-杜塞尔多夫 -大阪
-Dusseldorf! -Osaka!
-里约热内卢 -内罗比
-Rio de Janeiro! -Nairobi!
-阿姆斯特丹 -巴吞鲁日
-Amsterdam! -Baton Rouge!