peddle 英 [ˈpedl] 美 [ˈpedl]



  • Technology firms and consultancies are knocking on their doors peddling alluring concepts like the “digital oil rig” and the “oilfield of the future”.
  • Some now believe tech is like the tobacco industry — corporations that make billions of dollars peddling a destructive addiction.


[verb] try to sell (something, especially small goods) by going from house to house or place to place
[动词] 挨家挨户推销或巡回销售(某物,尤指小商品)


Peddle 一词于1837年逆构自名词 peddler (沿街叫卖的流动小贩、货郎),既可以表示“挨家挨户上门推销”,也可以指“到处巡回叫卖”,比如:

  • 他的工作是上门推销抹布和刷子。这项苦活令他劳累不堪。
    He worked as a door-to-door salesman peddling cloths and brushes. The toil had fatigued him.
  • 他到伦敦小画廊兜售自己的画作,结果以大败告终。
    His attempts to peddle his paintings around London’s tiny gallery scene ended in a fiasco.

可供四处兜售的不只是商品物资,还有某种思想、观点、消息等,因此 peddle 很自然地引申出“宣扬、散布、散播”一义,比如:

  • 散布恶意的谣言
    peddle vicious gossip
  • 散播过度的怀疑和悲观
    peddle inordinate doubts and pessimism

值得注意的是, peddle 的发音与表示自行车“踏板”的 pedal 一词相同,在听的时候要注意区别。


They peddle out such a fish as that by the pound in the markethouse there; everybody buys some of him; his meat’s as white as snow and makes a good fry.

出自美国著名作家马克·吐温的长篇儿童文学作品《哈克贝利·芬历险记》(Adventures of Huckleberry Finn)。该作品是小说《汤姆·索亚历险记》(The Adventures of Tom Sawyer)的续集,为美国文学史上相当重要的作品。


peddle” 是一个英语词汇,通常用来表示兜售、推销等意思。以下是与这个词相关的 50 个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. peddle goods – 兜售商品
  2. peddle products – 推销产品
  3. peddle merchandise – 兜售商品
  4. peddle wares – 兜售货品
  5. peddle items – 兜售物品
  6. peddle services – 推销服务
  7. peddle ideas – 推销观念
  8. peddle information – 兜售信息
  9. peddle solutions – 推销解决方案
  10. peddle drugs – 兜售药物
  11. peddle food – 兜售食品
  12. peddle clothing – 兜售服装
  13. peddle jewelry – 兜售珠宝
  14. peddle art – 兜售艺术品
  15. peddle crafts – 兜售手工艺品
  16. peddle books – 兜售书籍
  17. peddle electronics – 兜售电子产品
  18. peddle software – 推销软件
  19. peddle gadgets – 兜售小工具
  20. peddle toys – 兜售玩具
  21. peddle vehicles – 兜售车辆
  22. peddle real estate – 兜售房地产
  23. peddle antiques – 兜售古董
  24. peddle collectibles – 兜售收藏品
  25. peddle secondhand items – 兜售二手物品
  26. peddle handmade crafts – 兜售手工艺品
  27. peddle homemade products – 兜售自制产品
  28. peddle fresh produce – 兜售新鲜农产品
  29. peddle local specialties – 兜售当地特产
  30. peddle imported goods – 兜售进口商品
  31. peddle counterfeit goods – 兜售假冒商品
  32. peddle knockoff items – 兜售仿制品
  33. peddle stolen items – 兜售赃物
  34. peddle illegal substances – 兜售非法物品
  35. peddle fake products – 兜售假货
  36. peddle unauthorized copies – 兜售未经授权的副本
  37. peddle pirated software – 兜售盗版软件
  38. peddle pirated movies – 兜售盗版电影
  39. peddle pirated music – 兜售盗版音乐
  40. peddle pirated content – 兜售盗版内容
  41. peddle counterfeit currency – 兜售假币
  42. peddle fake IDs – 兜售假身份证
  43. peddle contraband goods – 兜售走私商品
  44. peddle bootleg products – 兜售走私产品
  45. peddle unauthorized merchandise – 兜售未经授权的商品
  46. peddle promotional items – 兜售促销品
  47. peddle discount goods – 兜售折扣商品
  48. peddle bargains – 兜售廉价货
  49. peddle exclusive products – 兜售独家产品
  50. peddle high-end items – 兜售高端物品


  • vend: offer (small items, especially food) for sale, especially either from a stall or from a slot machine
  • hawk: carry around and offer (goods) for sale, typically advertising them by shouting
  • tout: attempt to sell (something), typically by pestering people in an aggressive or bold manner
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
