如果你不添乱的话 你们既可以幸福生活
Before you interfered you both would’ve lived
我们又可以做朋友 就不会搞成今天这样了
and we would still be friends, instead of ending up like this.
It wasn’t meant to be.
Giving up so easy?
Don’t you believe in second chances?
说句老实话 我信
To tell you the truth, l do.
闪开 闪开 闪开
Go, go, go.
Let’s go.

Any records? Any papers?
Explosion destroyed everything.
Are we trying to salvage that or what?
I guess we don’t get the machine.
Any sign of Jennings?
没有 恐怕他已经死了
No, I’ m afraid he didn’t make it.
矮子在想什么 开个托儿所吗?
What was Shorty thinking, starting a nursery?
我的意思是 我们要靠这些花草来过活了
l mean, these plants are on life-support.
有什么意见吗? 他说过他是个园艺能手的
What do you mean? Really? He told me he had a green thumb.
Gangrene is more like it.
幸亏他遇到我了 我可是个生物学家
Lucky for Shorty, I’ m a biologist.
我和他都幸运 因为我生物很烂
Lucky for both of us. Since l failed biology,
-我可是一点忙都帮不上 -真说老实话
-I’ m no help to either one of you. -So you say.
太糟糕了 因为我正在找个合伙人
Too bad, though, because I’ m looking for a partner
-我要开个公♥司♥ -真的吗? 做什么生意?
-for a start-up company. -Really? Doing what?
We’re gonna save the world.
l don’t think I’ m your guy.
不过 你能让一个想给你打下手的人 跟着你混混吗?
But would you settle for someone who wants to help you change it?
-没问题 -好的
-OK. -Good.
那么我们之间该怎么了结呢 迈克?
So how does it end for us, Michael?
我是说 我们的未来是怎样的?
I mean, what’s in our future?
你知道的 我不清楚 不过我有点喜欢那样
You know, l don’t know. l kind of like it that way.
-我确实知道一件事 -什么事?
-l do know one thing. -What’s that?
l never want to forget anything ever again.
打断一下 打断一下 小鸟们来了
Break it up, break it up. The birdman cometh.
-矮子 -这是我们的晚餐
-Shorty. -It’ s dinner.
-你找到他们了 -是的 我找到了
-You found them. -Yes, l did.
-是谁一天到晚就为人♥民♥服务的? -是你
-Who does everything for everybody? -You do.
-说对了 -你是我的英雄
-You’re right. -You’re my hero.
Thank you very much.
-你听见了吗? 我是英雄 -很好
-You hear that? I’ m a hero. -That’s great.
我想我记得 这些鸟儿是我们的吗?
l think l remember. Are those our birds?
是的 当然是 我们俩一起买♥♥的啊
Yes, of course they are. We bought them together.
你能记得这些鸟了? 了不起 你过去可以预见未来
You remember the birds? Well done. You could see into the future
and all you remember are Polly and Tweety there.
Why not remember something that’d make us rich?
-等一下 -干什么?
-Wait a second. -What is it?
-我觉得还有其他东西 -不 没有了
-l think there was something else. -No, no, no.
信封都空了 别想这些了
The envelope’s empty. Don’t worry about it.
等一下 我正在反向思考
Hold on. I’ m working backward here.
“如果只顾好高婺远 你会错过垂手可得的财富”
“lf you only look where you can’t go, you will miss the riches below.”
l must’ve known you’d never get rid of these birds.
我当然不会 它们是家庭的一分子
Of course not. They’re family.
那么这就对了 到底我想暗示什么呢?
So l knew this would be here. What only looks where it can’t go?
A caged bird.
“You will miss the riches below.”
The riches below.
What is that?
很好 这是值9000万的彩票
Well, that’s a $90-million lottery ticket.
-等一下 等一下 -这可是9000万
-Wait. Wait a minute. -It’ s $90 million.
-太帅了 -我引以为豪
-Nice. -Yes, I’ m proud of it.
等等 不对
Wait a minute. No.
-等等 -干什么?
-Wait. -What are you doing?
You know what?
我想现在应该谈一下我佣金的事了 33%吧
l think now’s a good time to discuss my commission, 33%.
-不是5%吗 -不 是33%
-I thought it was 5. -No, 33.
-33% -他应得的
-Thirty-three percent! -He deserves it.
It was found on my premises.
回头再给你钱 我去把奖券兑现了
I’ ll get back to you. I’ m gonna cash this in.
