
vt. 以高人一等的态度对待;经常光顾,惠顾;资助;保护




patronize 赞助,保护,屈尊


patronize (PAY tron ize) This verb has several meanings. The first is “to act as a patron or an active supporter.” It also means “to be a regular, paying customer.” It’s in this section because it also means “to treat in a condescending manner.”

  • Dulcey felt patronized when Mr. Finch told her she did “a surprisingly good job.” She didn’t think it should have been surprising to her boss that she could actually file his papers in alphabetical order.
  • For one week only, PCB, the huge drugstore chain, promised 50 percent off on all hair products to customers who regularly patronized their stores.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
光顾(PAY tron ize)这个动词有几种含义。第一个是“充当赞助人或积极支持者”。它也意味着“成为一个定期付费的客户”。它在这一部分,因为它也意味意味着“以屈尊俯就的方式对待”

  • 当芬奇先生告诉杜尔西她做得“出奇地好”时,她感到被屈尊俯就。她认为她居然可以按字母顺序提交他的文件,这对她的老板来说并不奇怪
  • 仅在一周内,大型连锁药店PCB就承诺向经常光顾其店铺的顾客提供所有美发产品的50%折扣。

