
pathos (PAY thoss or PAY-thohs) Another word straight from classical Greek, pathos is the Greek word for “suffering” (think “sympathy” or “empathy”). A play or other work of art that arouses feelings of pity, con-cern, or tenderness in the viewer or reader may be said to possess pathos.

  • A sense of pathos welled up in the hearts of the usually tough members of the team when they saw the photographs of famine victims, and they vowed to raise money for the relief effort.
  • Dostoevsky has scenes of great pathos in his novels: who can read, without pity, of a poverty-stricken widow, herself ill, forcing her little children to dance and sing for money in the streets?

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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pathos(PAY thoss或PAY thohs)另一个直接来自古典希腊语的词,pathos是希腊语中“痛苦”的意思(想想“同情”或“同理心”)。一部戏剧或其他艺术作品,如果能引起观众或读者的怜悯、同情或温柔,可以说是具有悲情的

  • 陀思妥耶夫斯基的小说中有很多悲情的场景:谁能毫无怜悯地读到一个贫穷的寡妇,她自己生病了,强迫她的孩子在街上跳舞唱歌要钱


