


  1. Impressive panoply: 令人印象深刻的陈列
  2. Full panoply: 完整的装备
  3. Dazzling panoply: 眩目的陈列
  4. Military panoply: 军事装备
  5. Royal panoply: 皇家盛装
  6. panoply of colors: 多彩的陈列
  7. panoply of options: 丰富的选择
  8. panoply of talents: 多种才华
  9. panoply of achievements: 众多成就
  10. panoply of emotions: 多种情绪
  11. Cultural panoply: 文化陈列
  12. Historic panoply: 历史盛况
  13. Technological panoply: 技术装备
  14. panoply of stars: 星光熠熠
  15. panoply of traditions: 丰富的传统
  16. panoply of sounds: 多样的声音
  17. panoply of instruments: 各种乐器
  18. panoply of flavors: 丰富的味道
  19. panoply of experiences: 多样的经历
  20. panoply of cultures: 多元文化
  21. panoply of costumes: 多样的服饰
  22. panoply of artworks: 众多艺术作品
  23. panoply of exhibits: 多样的展品
  24. panoply of knowledge: 渊博的知识
  25. panoply of symbols: 丰富的象征
  26. panoply of activities: 多样的活动
  27. panoply of voices: 多种声音
  28. panoply of opinions: 众多观点
  29. panoply of challenges: 各种挑战
  30. panoply of possibilities: 无限可能
  31. panoply of wildlife: 丰富的野生动物
  32. panoply of landscapes: 多样的景观
  33. panoply of attractions: 众多景点
  34. panoply of flora and fauna: 丰富的动植物
  35. panoply of characters: 众多角色
  36. panoply of stories: 丰富的故事
  37. panoply of adventures: 多样的冒险
  38. panoply of heroes: 英雄辈出
  39. panoply of challenges: 各种挑战
  40. panoply of emotions: 多样的情感
  41. panoply of rituals: 丰富的仪式
  42. panoply of celebrations: 庆祝盛况
  43. panoply of festivals: 众多节日
  44. panoply of colors: 多彩斑斓
  45. panoply of flavors: 丰富的口味
  46. panoply of scents: 众多香味
  47. panoply of flavors: 多种滋味
  48. panoply of sights: 众多景象
  49. panoply of ideas: 丰富的思想
  50. panoply of talents: 多样的才能



panoply (PAN uh plee) This noun is used for a striking or splendid display, often used in association with events such as a coronation or a state funeral. It originally denoted a full suit of armor, which must, in its fully polished condition, have given off quite a sheen.

•When Doreen first visited the United Nations, she was delighted by the panoply of flags of all the countries represented there.

•The panoply of the funeral of Pope John Paul II fascinated even viewers who had no religious associations with the ceremony.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
panoply(PAN uh plee)这个名词用于引人注目或精彩的展示,通常与加冕典礼或国葬等活动相关。它最初表示一套完整的盔甲,在其完全抛光的状态下,一定会散发出相当的光泽。
•教皇约翰·保罗二世(John Paul II)葬礼的全貌甚至吸引了与仪式没有宗教关联的观众。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
