


  1. deliver a panegyric: 发表颂词
  2. glowing panegyric: 热情洋溢的颂词
  3. write a panegyric: 写颂词
  4. deliver an eloquent panegyric: 发表雄辩的颂词
  5. panegyric for a hero: 为英雄的颂词
  6. panegyric at a ceremony: 典礼上的颂词
  7. panegyric for a leader: 为领导的颂词
  8. panegyric for a scholar: 为学者的颂词
  9. panegyric for a historical figure: 为历史人物的颂词
  10. deliver a moving panegyric: 发表动人的颂词
  11. panegyric for a mentor: 为导师的颂词
  12. panegyric in honor of a pioneer: 为先驱的颂词
  13. panegyric for a philanthropist: 为慈善家的颂词
  14. deliver a poignant panegyric: 发表深情的颂词
  15. panegyric in celebration of a life: 为庆祝生命的颂词
  16. panegyric for a cultural icon: 为文化偶像的颂词
  17. panegyric for a visionary: 为远见者的颂词
  18. panegyric for a national hero: 为国家英雄的颂词
  19. deliver a powerful panegyric: 发表有力的颂词
  20. panegyric for a trailblazer: 为开拓者的颂词
  21. panegyric for a humanitarian: 为人道主义者的颂词
  22. deliver a heartfelt panegyric: 发表真挚的颂词
  23. panegyric for a business leader: 为商界领袖的颂词
  24. panegyric for a spiritual leader: 为精神领袖的颂词
  25. panegyric for a national icon: 为国家偶像的颂词
  26. deliver a touching panegyric: 发表感人的颂词
  27. panegyric for a cultural luminary: 为文化名人的颂词
  28. panegyric in memory of a loved one: 纪念亲人的颂词
  29. panegyric for a visionary artist: 为有远见的艺术家的颂词
  30. deliver an inspiring panegyric: 发表激励人心的颂词
  31. panegyric for a beloved teacher: 为心爱的老师的颂词
  32. panegyric for a cultural pioneer: 为文化先驱的颂词
  33. panegyric for a political leader: 为政治领袖的颂词
  34. deliver a heartfelt panegyric for a mentor: 发表对导师的真挚颂词
  35. panegyric for a fallen hero: 为阵亡英雄的颂词
  36. panegyric for a respected elder: 为受人尊敬的长者的颂词
  37. panegyric for a fallen soldier: 为阵亡士兵的颂词
  38. deliver a moving panegyric for a sibling: 发表感人的兄弟姐妹颂词
  39. panegyric for a literary master: 为文学大师的颂词
  40. panegyric for a beloved neighbor: 为心爱的邻居的颂词
  41. panegyric in praise of a cultural heritage: 赞美文化遗产的颂词
  42. panegyric for a sports legend: 为体育传奇的颂词
  43. deliver an eloquent panegyric for a friend: 发表雄辩的朋友颂词
  44. panegyric for a social reformer: 为社会改革者的颂词
  45. panegyric for a fallen firefighter: 为阵亡消防员的颂词
  46. panegyric for a renowned scientist: 为著名科学家的颂词
  47. panegyric for a legendary musician: 为传奇音乐家的颂词
  48. deliver a heartfelt panegyric for a colleague: 发表对同事的真挚颂词
  49. panegyric for a cultural iconoclast: 为文化偶像破除者的颂词
  50. panegyric for a beloved friend: 为心爱的朋友的颂词


panegyric (pan e JYRE ik) Originally a speech of praise, this noun now extends to the written form as well. Its Greek root words, pan (all) and agora (gathering place, marketplace), allow us to see the origin—a man

addressing an assembled crowd, perhaps at a funeral, where praise comes most easily—and help us remember the meaning.

•In 431 BC, Pericles delivered a now famous panegyric for those soldiers fallen after the first battles of the Peloponnesian War.

•“Should college recommendations for my students be pure panegyric?” mused Mr. Isaacson as he began the daunting task of helping his students complete their college application requirements.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
