pandemic 英 [pænˈdemɪk] 美 [pænˈdemɪk]



  • The 1918 pandemic was caused by a strain with a version of haemagglutinin called H1 and a version of neuraminidase called N1.
  • One of its implicit premises was the silliness of the pandemic of American nostalgia, especially for a culturally dubious decade that had ended less than a decade earlier.


[noun] a disease that spreads over a whole country or the whole world
[名词] 流行于整个国家或世界的疾病


Pandemic 源自希腊语 pandemos (关于所有人的;公开的、普通的),主要作名词表示“全国性或全球性的大流行病”,比如新一轮的霍乱大流行(a new cholera pandemic)、普遍的绝望情绪(a universal pandemic of despair)。

当 pandemic 作形容词时,自然便是指“疾病等大流行的、泛流行的”,比如大流行性的疟疾(pandemic malaria)。由此引申而来还可以表示“普遍的、全世界的”,比如对于核战争的普遍恐惧(pandemic fear of nuclear war)。

与同样表示“流行病”的 epidemic 的相比, pandemic 表示的区域范围更大。另外值得注意的是,还有些疾病只在某地流行或者特有,这种地方病在英语中用 endemic 表示,其作形容词时则表示“地方性的;(某地或某集体中)特有的、流行的、难摆脱的”。


No war on the face of the Earth is more destructive than the AIDS pandemic.

出自原美国国务卿科林·卢瑟·鲍威尔(Colin Luther Powell,1937年4月5日-)。科林·卢瑟·鲍威尔是一个美国梦的实现者,作为一个移民的后代,他靠着诚实和努力,成为了美国第一个混血种人上将,第一个混血种人参谋长联席会议主席,也是第一个混血种人国务卿。


pandemic (pan DEM ik) Yes, it sounds like “epidemic.” Just as that word means a spreading of a disease, “pandemic” suggests an even wider spread of the contagion. “Pan” comes from Greek meaning “all.” Like “epidemic,” it can be used figuratively.

  • Today we don’t regard “flu” as a very serious condition, but pandemic influenza in the early twentieth century was fatal to a large number of people.
  • “If the unemployment epidemic in this country is not to become a pan-demic, we must act now to decrease the number of jobs being outsourced to other countries,” said Dr. Mehta, who had made an extensive study of the situation.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
流行病(pan-DEM ik)是的,听起来像“流行病”。正如这个词意味着疾病的传播一样,“流行病”意味着传染病的更广泛传播。“Pan”来自希腊语,意思是“所有”。就像“流行病”一样,它可以用来比喻。

  • 今天,我们并不认为“流感”是一种非常严重的疾病,但20世纪初的大流行性流感对大量人来说是致命的
  • 梅塔博士对这一情况进行了广泛的研究,他说:“如果这个国家的失业流行病不想成为一场流行病,我们必须立即采取行动,减少外包给其他国家的工作岗位数量。”



pandemic” 通常用来表示大规模流行的、全球性的(尤指疾病)等意思。以下是与这个词相关的 50 个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Global pandemic – 全球大流行
  2. Severe pandemic – 严重的大流行
  3. Widespread pandemic – 广泛的大流行
  4. Ongoing pandemic – 持续的大流行
  5. Influenza pandemic – 流感大流行
  6. Contain the pandemic – 控制大流行
  7. COVID-19 pandemic – COVID-19 大流行
  8. Health crisis pandemic – 健康危机大流行
  9. Economic impact of the pandemic – 大流行的经济影响
  10. Manage a pandemic – 管理大流行
  11. pandemic response – 大流行应对
  12. Outbreak of a pandemic – 大流行爆发
  13. Address the pandemic – 应对大流行
  14. pandemic measures – 大流行措施
  15. Handle a pandemic – 处理大流行
  16. Fight against the pandemic – 打击大流行
  17. Global pandemic preparedness – 全球大流行准备
  18. Spread of the pandemic – 大流行的传播
  19. Impact of the pandemic – 大流行的影响
  20. Response to the pandemic – 应对大流行
  21. pandemic management strategies – 大流行管理策略
  22. Containment of the pandemic – 控制大流行
  23. pandemic situation – 大流行状况
  24. Mitigation of the pandemic – 缓解大流行
  25. Preparedness for a pandemic – 应对大流行的准备
  26. pandemic control – 大流行控制
  27. Effects of the pandemic – 大流行的影响
  28. Impact on healthcare systems – 对医疗系统的影响
  29. Global response to the pandemic – 全球应对大流行
  30. Escalation of the pandemic – 大流行的升级
  31. pandemic vaccination – 大流行疫苗接种
  32. pandemic preparedness plans – 大流行准备计划
  33. Impact on economies – 对经济的影响
  34. Lessons from the pandemic – 大流行的教训
  35. pandemic containment measures – 大流行控制措施
  36. pandemic research – 大流行研究
  37. Response to a global pandemic – 应对全球大流行
  38. Manage the pandemic‘s impact – 应对大流行的影响
  39. Preparedness and response to pandemics – 应对大流行的准备和应对
  40. pandemic surveillance – 大流行监测
  41. Addressing the pandemic‘s challenges – 应对大流行的挑战
  42. Global pandemic response coordination – 全球大流行应对协调
  43. pandemic emergency response – 大流行紧急应对
  44. pandemic-related restrictions – 与大流行相关的限制
  45. pandemic containment efforts – 大流行控制努力
  46. Impact on education systems – 对教育系统的影响
  47. Community response to the pandemic – 社区应对大流行
  48. pandemic preparedness and planning – 大流行准备和规划
  49. Effects on travel and tourism – 对旅游和旅行的影响
  50. Collaborative pandemic response – 合作应对大流行


  • epidemic: a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time
  • plague: any contagious disease that spreads rapidly and kills many people
  • pestilence: a fatal epidemic disease, especially bubonic plague
