“And power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth…
他们要杀死他 他得到一把宝剑
…and that they should kill one another. There was given unto him a great sword.
当他拆开第三个封条时 我听见第三个野兽说 过来看啊
And when he had opened the third seal,I heard the third beast say,’Come and see.”‘
很好 拿些黄油和糖浆来
Very good. Fetch me some butter and some syrup.
“And I beheld,and lo,a black horse…
他坐在上面 拿着天平 我听见有个声音…
…and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. And I heard a voice…
在四个野兽中想起 一斗小麦一分钱
…in the midst of the four beasts say,’A measure of wheat for a penny…
…and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.’
当他打开第四个封条时 我听见第四个野兽说
And when he had opened the fourth seal,I heard the voice of the fourth beast say:
过来看 我望过去
‘Come and see.’ And I looked…
我看见一匹苍白的马 上面有他的名字
…and behold a pale horse,and his name that sat on him…
…was Death…
…and hell followed with him.”
Here’s a towel for you.
Dinner will be ready pretty soon.
The way he waded into McGill and his men,you should have seen him.
听起来他和迈吉尔 勒胡的手下没什么两样
Well,he sounds no different than McGill or Tyson or any of LaHood’s rough men.
At least he wasn’t afraid of them.
这正是我们需要的 一个勇敢的人
That’s what we need here,someone they can’t scare.
你怕他们 赫尔
You scared of them,Hull?
他应该怕 可是他太傻了
Well,he should be. But he’s too all-fired stubborn.
问题是我当然怕 他们把我吓坏了
But I was scared and that’s the point,they knew it. LaHood’s got us all scared.
林奎斯特走了 不知道为什么
Lindquist left and he didn’t even know where he was going.
他只是说 我走了
“I’m just going,” he said.
只剩下你一个 死不承认
The colony is beaten,Hull. The only one who doesn’t know it is you.
我也不走 直到把勒胡的人全部赶跑
And me. I’m not leaving until LaHood’s men are whipped. Every last one.
住嘴 梅根 看你干的好事
Hush,Megan! Now,see what you’re doing,Hull Barret?
她说起话来 更像你女儿
You got her talking more like your daughter than mine.
告诉她没门 我们斗不过他们
Tell her this is nonsense,this business about fighting.
谁说要跟他们斗 -你告诉那个陌生人的
Who said anything about fighting? -You did,talking about this stranger.
你说的 那个陌生人是个枪手吗?
What is he,a gunman?
我宁愿他是 那我愿出一块金子换取他的保护
I half hope he is. I’d sure chip in an ounce of dust for a little protection.
你要雇杀手 -谁说我要雇杀手啦
From a hired killer? -Who said he was a hired killer?
梅根 我们回家
Megan,we’re going home.
莎拉 你别这样 -那你让她走
Sarah,please. -Then get rid of him.
好吧 我保证让他走 马上
I will. I promise I’ll– -Today.
晚饭后好吗? -不 现在就走 就走
No,right after supper. -No,not after supper.
莎拉 不 他是我的救命恩人
Now! -Sarah,he saved my life.
Good evening.
Hope I’m not the cause of all this excitement.
Do you mind?
Oh,go right ahead.
There’s nothing like a shot of whiskey…
…to whet a man’s appetite.
炖肉做得很好 夫人
Fine looking fricassee there,ma’am.
Don’t want it to get cold.
I apologize. I mean–
我是说 我不知道你
I didn’t realize–
I’ll be damned.
来 过来坐下
Here,come right down here.
我去拿饼 这是你的菜 这儿有黄油和糖浆
And I’ll get you some biscuits here. There’s your stew,some butter and syrup.
你还想要点什么 牧师?
Is there anything else you want?
有人作伴 你们不吃吗?
Just some company. Aren’t you gonna join me?
妈妈 赫尔 -当然
Ma? Hull? -Well,of course.
Well,how do you do?
And thank you for helping on Hull’s behalf this morning.
我叫 我叫莎拉维勒
I’m Sarah Wheeler.
这是我女儿梅根 -梅根
This is my daughter,Megan. -Megan.
I guess we kind of got carried away there…
看你收拾那帮家伙的样子 我没想到…
but from the way you handled those men,I never would have thought–
Will you say grace?
对我们将得到一切 我们真心感激
For what we are about to receive,may we be truly thankful.
阿门 阿门
Amen. -Amen.
一小时以前你就该接♥班♥了 -抱歉 乔希
You should’ve started over an hour ago. -I apologize,Josh.
本来我早就该到了 在大夫那儿 耽搁了一会儿
We’d have been here,but we got tied up at the sawbones’.
What the hell happened?
我们跟巴瑞那小子干了一仗 老板 他到城里来
Well,we had a little set-in with Barret,boss. We’s in town and….
And you got whipped? In LaHood,California,by a tin pan?
Well,there was a stranger who kind of give him a hand.
陌生人 -大个子
A stranger? -A big guy.
Who’re you talking about?
他跟巴瑞走了 我们没有追查
He left with Barret. He didn’t stick around to chat.
迈吉尔 负责修水闸
McGill,take the sluice.
贾克 泰森 埃拉姆 看着水窖 -是 先生
Jagou,Tyson,Elam,take over the monitor. -Yes,sir.
那个勒胡 你们跟他不对付?
This man,LaHood,I take it he’s the one you all are feuding with.
对 他和他的儿子 那个老勒胡 有权有势
Yeah,well,him and his son. Old Coy LaHood,he’s a powerful man.
He come up here– I guess in ’54 or ’55,I think it was.
and he was the first man to strike it rich.
挣了点钱 就申请新的开矿权
He saved himself a poke,then he’d stake new claims and he’d mine them out…
…and then buy some more. Last couple years…
两年前他就开始使用大水枪了 -是的
…he’s been using big hydraulic monitors. -Oh,yeah.
这地方全他妈让他毁了 原谅我的法语
They blast a place to hell. Excuse my French.
早安 梅根 -早安
Morning,Meg. -Hello.
早安 -勒胡现在更凶了
Good morning. -LaHood’s more powerful now than ever.
But Carbon Canyon’s the only place his crew hasn’t ruined yet.
He’s greedy for it too.
Does he have any lawful rights to your canyon here?
没有 我在萨克拉门托注册过
Oh,no. My claim is filed in Sacramento. Same as everybody else’s.
他们也同样 只有我们离开勒胡才有权来
The only way LaHood can take this land legally is if we leave it.
I take it he’s been kind of persuasive.
他们都走我也不在乎 我留在这儿
I don’t care if they all leave,I’m staying here.
He killed my dog and my Grandpa.
这附近没有法官吗 你们可以去告他
Isn’t there any law around,someone you can take your case to?
就算有 也早被勒胡收买♥♥了
Even if there was,LaHood would own them like he owns everything else.
And there’s not much a lawman could do even if we had one.
Because LaHood,he ain’t killed anyone yet.
Meg’s grandpa’s heart gave out.
I’ve been sort of taking care of Sarah and Megan ever since.
You know,it ain’t that we’re living in sin…
…and it ain’t that I don’t wanna marry her.
几年前有一天 他的丈夫
It’s just that,one day a few years back,her husband…
…Megan’s father,he lit out on her…
…and left her with a half-growed child.
从那以后 想让她相信男人
Since then,getting her trustful of a man has been….
Well,you know,it ain’t been easy.
不过我们会结婚 你来证婚怎么样
But when we get hitched,how about you doing the hitching?
如果你要等那女人拿定主意 那可要等很久的
If you’re waiting for a woman to make up her mind,you may have a long wait.
Yeah,I guess so.
Meantime,why don’t you put me to work?
不不不 你不能干
Oh,no,I couldn’t ask you to….
你不能干这个 我是说 只要你精神上
Well,I mean,maybe if there was something spiritual.
要是没有实践 精神就一文不值 告诉我 在哪儿?
Well,spirit ain’t worth spit without a little exercise. Now,you tell me where.
真的 好吧
Yeah? Well,okay.
You know,I always thought that if I could split that rock there…
…and get to the gravel underneath…
…there’s gold been waiting since the beginning of time.
两年来 每天早上我都来这儿
Now,every morning for two years,I’ve been coming out here,and you see…
…it’s like this rock and me,we have a kind of agreement.
不是我征服它 就是它征服我
I’m gonna do it in or it’s gonna do me in.
Well,I’d hate to lay odds on who’s gonna win.
是吗 这样的
Yeah? Well….
我曾想过把它炸掉 可是 你知道这样做
You know,I thought of drilling it and blasting the son of a gun,but that would–
会破坏这山涧? -是的 把它堵住了 一切都完了
That would wreck the stream? -Yeah. Dam it up,be the end of everything.
只要努把力干活 很少有解决不了的问题
Well,there’s plain few problems can’t be solved with a little sweat and hard work.
赫尔 牧师先生
Hull? Mr. Preacher?
Somebody’s coming.
You recognize them?
