
英 ['pælətəb(ə)l]美 ['pælətəbl]



adj. 美味的,可口的;愉快的



palatable 可口的


  1. palatable food: 美味的食物
  2. palatable flavors: 口感可口的味道
  3. palatable dishes: 美味的菜肴
  4. palatable desserts: 美味的甜点
  5. palatable wine: 美味的葡萄酒
  6. palatable cuisine: 美味的烹饪风格
  7. palatable aroma: 令人愉悦的香气
  8. palatable texture: 口感宜人的质地
  9. palatable flavors combination: 美味的味道组合
  10. palatable ingredients: 口感好的食材
  11. palatable soup: 美味的汤品
  12. palatable seasonings: 美味的调味料
  13. palatable appetizers: 美味的开胃菜
  14. palatable sauce: 美味的酱料
  15. palatable aroma of freshly brewed coffee: 新鲜煮的咖啡的香气宜人
  16. palatable combination of spices: 香料的美味组合
  17. palatable seafood: 美味的海鲜
  18. palatable texture of a tender steak: 嫩牛排的口感宜人
  19. palatable flavors of a homemade meal: 家常饭菜的美味味道
  20. palatable sweetness of a ripe mango: 成熟芒果的甜美口感
  21. palatable fusion cuisine: 美味的融合菜肴
  22. palatable presentation of a gourmet dish: 美味佳肴的精美呈现
  23. palatable balance of flavors: 味道的美味平衡
  24. palatable freshness of a salad: 沙拉的清新可口
  25. palatable combination of sweet and savory: 甜与咸的美味组合
  26. palatable aroma of freshly baked bread: 新鲜烤面包的香气宜人
  27. palatable texture of a creamy dessert: 奶油甜点的口感宜人
  28. palatable flavors of a spicy curry: 辣咖喱的美味味道
  29. palatable tanginess of a citrus fruit: 柑橘水果的可口酸味
  30. palatable aroma of a homemade pie: 自制派的香气宜人
  31. palatable richness of a chocolate cake: 巧克力蛋糕的浓郁美味
  32. palatable juiciness of a grilled steak: 烤牛排的多汁口感
  33. palatable flavors of a well-seasoned soup: 调味得当的汤的美味味道
  34. palatable spiciness of a hot chili: 辣椒的辣味可口
  35. palatable creaminess of a smoothie: 冰沙的奶香口感
  36. palatable combination of herbs and spices: 草药和香料的美味组合
  37. palatable zestiness of a lemonade: 柠檬水的清新口感
  38. palatable sweetness of a honey-glazed ham: 蜜汁火腿的甜美口味
  39. palatable crunchiness of a freshly baked cookie: 新鲜烘焙饼干的脆口感
  40. palatable flavors of a well-marinated chicken: 腌制得当的鸡肉的美味味道
  41. palatable tanginess of a vinegar dressing: 醋调味汁的可口酸味
  42. palatable richness of a creamy pasta sauce: 奶油面酱的浓郁美味
  43. palatable juiciness of a ripe watermelon: 成熟西瓜的多汁口感
  44. palatable combination of sweet and sour in a stir-fry: 炒菜中甜酸的美味组合
  45. palatable creaminess of a cheese sauce: 奶酪酱的奶香口感
  46. palatable tenderness of a slow-cooked roast: 慢炖烤肉的肉质鲜嫩
  47. palatable flavors of a perfectly seasoned grilled fish: 调味得当的烤鱼的美味味道
  48. palatable tanginess of a balsamic vinegar reduction: 巴尔萨米醋浓缩液的可口酸味
  49. palatable sweetness of a caramelized dessert: 焦糖甜点的甜美味道
  50. palatable combination of spices in a curry dish: 咖喱菜肴中香料的美味组合



palatable (PAL at able) This adjective means “acceptable to taste or sufficiently favorable to be eaten—pleasing to the palate.” “Potable,” on the other hand, means fit to be drunk.

•It is possible to survive in the forest by eating what is available in nature. Nuts and berries are palatable; rocks and pebbles are not.

•“This beef is not palatable!” cried the temperamental chef. “It is neither tender nor tasty. In fact, it resembles cardboard.”
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
适口的(PAL at able)这个形容词的意思是“可接受的味道或足以令人愉悦地食用”。另一方面,“可饮用”的意思是适合饮用。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
