Don’t listen to her. Ted, she’s being a tyrant.
别听她的 泰德 她是个大独♥裁♥者
She’s got your balls on one of those things that cling back and forth.
你就好像提线木偶 被她牢牢把控
You know? Yeah.
你懂我意思吗 懂
You bitch. Brat.
你这个贱♥人♥ 婊♥子♥
Shut up! You shut up!
闭嘴 你给我闭嘴
No, you shut up! I will end you, and when I do…
不 你才给我闭嘴 我要杀了你 当我杀…
You know what? I’ll tell you… No. No. No. Okay, tell me.
你知道吗 我告诉你 好啊好啊好啊 告诉我啊
He’s my husband, I’ll talk to him the way I want to. I’m not living in Brooklyn!
他是我老公 我就要这样跟他说话 我不住布鲁克林
Do you know who I am? What’s wrong with Brooklyn, lady?
知道我是谁吗 布鲁克林哪里得罪你了
Are you Holly Kennedy?
Lf I am, will you sing? Yes.
如果我说是 你是不是要唱歌♥给我 是啊
No, I’m not. Please don’t make this an issue.
那我不是 拜托不要这样
I gotta sing and deliver a letter. A letter? What’s the song?
我要唱首歌♥并送上一封信 一封信 你要唱什么歌♥
“Yah Mo Be There. ” Just give me the letter.
希望之光 给我信就行了
I could get reported. By the leprechaun union?
这样我会被投诉的 被爱尔兰小妖精协会?
You know, I was in an off-Broadway play with Al goddamn Pacino.
知道吗 我在戏剧界可是小有名气呢
I don’t need this shit. You want the balloons?
不唱就算 那气球要吗
No. Fine.
不要 很好
You bastard.
There’s no way I’m doing this.
Yes, you are. – No, I’m not.
不行 你必须去 我不去
Oh, yes, you are. Oh, no, I’m not.
哦 你必须去 哦 不要 我不去
Remember the last time?
All you wanna do is ride around, Sally
你想做的就是周游世界 萨莉
Ride, Sally, ride
周游 萨莉 周游
All you wanna do is ride around, Sally
萨莉 你想要周游世界
Ride, Sally, ride
周游 萨莉 周游
One of these early mornings
You gonna be
Wiping those weeping eyes
Those weeping eyes, yeah
Thank you very much.
Oh, my God.
哦 我的天啊
Whoo! – One more!
Okay. I guess it’s time to give somebody else a chance here now.
好的 我觉得现在该给另一些人机会了
Who wants a shot?
Anybody else here willing to give it a go?
Yourself? No? Young lady.
你来 不要吗 小姑娘
Come on. Don’t be shy.
快点啦 别害羞啦
What about Holly? Stop it.
霍莉怎么样 闭嘴
Holly. I don’t know about that, John.
霍莉 这我可不知道 约翰
Holly’s my wife, by the way. My beautiful wife.
顺便说下 霍莉是我太太 我美丽的太太
And I do… I love Holly, I do.
我很爱很爱霍莉 很爱
But she would never have the guts…
…to do something like this.
Oh, no.
哦 不肯能的
In fact, she ate me head off about coming out tonight.
实际上 她今晚极力阻止我来这里
You know, she had a long day at the office.
知道吗 她在办公室度过了漫长的一天
Ah. She’ll never do it.
Oh, you think so?
You think she’d get up here? Okay, I’ll bet you 100 dollars…
你们觉得她会上来吗 好 我赌100块
…she doesn’t get up on this stage. Oooh.
Make it two.
What is she doing? What is she doing? Hahaha.
她在干嘛啊 她在干嘛啊 哈 哈 哈
That’s my wife, the surpriser.
她是我老婆 很吃惊吧
How can I put this in a way
So as not to offend or unnerve
There’s a rumor going all around That you ain’t been getting served
流言四起 说你即将离去
All right.
They say that you ain’t you know what In, baby, who knows how long
他们说你已不再是你 宝贝 谁知道这已有多久
It’s hard for me to say what’s right When all I wanna do is wrong
当我所做全是错误 我还能说什么是对的
Get off Twenty-three positions in a one-night stand
在短暂交汇时 褪去你所有的衣衫
Get off I’ll only call you after if you say I can
我会等着你同意 再打你电♥话♥
Get off, let a woman be a woman And a man be a man
脱掉吧 就让女人真女人 男人真男人
Get off If you want to, baby
如果你愿意 请褪下衣衫 宝贝
Here I am Here I…
我在这 我在
Oh! – Oh, God!
哦 哦 天哪
Do you mind coffee?
How do you feel? You look good.
好些了吗 你看起来还不错
I’m sorry, baby, but I have to say you were really good before…
对不起 宝贝 我是指在台上你真的不错
My nose is broken, Gerry. My ankle is twisted. Happy?
我的鼻子骨折了 杰瑞 我的脚踝也扭了 这下高兴了吧
Are you mad at me? I didn’t wanna go out…
你在生我的气吗 我根本就不想去的
…and you made me.
I hate karaoke and you forced me to go up there.
我讨厌卡拉OK 你硬逼我去那里
Come on, honey. It was nobody’s fault.
拜托 亲爱的 这不是谁的错
Oh, come here, baby. Give me a…
哦 过来 宝贝 给我
Give me a kiss.
Well, how long are you gonna be mad for?
好吧 你准备气多久啊
I never let him off the hook.
Anytime I was mad, I made him feel bad.
每次我一生气 就让他没好日子过
I was mad when we left the house that night.
那晚我们离开家的时候 我就在生气
I was mad at him because our apartment was too small. So stupid.
因为我们的房♥子太小 我就生他的气 真愚蠢
Baby, you were married.
亲爱的 你们结婚了
Married people make each other feel like shit on purpose sometimes.
It just feels good.
Gerry knew you were crazy about him. He told me all the time.
杰瑞知道你很爱他 他一直跟我说的
Well, I wish I would’ve told him that night.
So tell him now.
It’s slightly dirty. Just slightly.
有一点点污 就一点点
He’s delicious, isn’t he?
他真是秀色可餐啊 对吧
You could serve coffee on that ass.
Do you have to be so vulgar about men, like they’re pieces of meat?
你对男人就一定要如此猥琐吗 好像他们都是你的菜
I’m sorry, John. I forgot you’re sensitive about your flat ass.
对不起 约翰 我忘了你对你那扁平的屁屁很介意
You know, Denise, that’s why you’re not married.
知道吗 丹妮斯 这就是你单身的原因
Ahem. Women act like men…
…then they complain men don’t want them.
Oh, is that why? Oh.
哦 原来是这样啊
Okay. Because I thought it was something different.
好吧 和我想的不一样
I thought it was because I thought that I deserve the best.
And he’s out there. He’s just with all the wrong women.
而那个他就在那里 和那些错误的女人
And let me be clear.
After centuries of men looking at my tits instead of my eyes…
几个世纪以来 男人只会盯着女人的胸部 而不是眼睛
…and pinching my ass instead of shaking my hand…
掐着女人的屁♥股♥ 而不是握着她的手
…I now have the divine right to stare at a man’s backside…
那我现在 也完全有权盯着男人的后面
…with vulgar, cheap appreciation if I want to.
以一种猥琐 色情的眼光看 老娘想怎样就怎样
Well said. I thought so.
说得好 我也那么觉得
New York City, how we doing? Huh?
纽约城 你们好吗 啊?
Hey, guys, we’re here! Yay!
嗨 伙计们 我们在这呢
Give a warm welcome to our next singer.
Rumor has it this is her return engagement. Put your hands together…
有传言说这是她的回马枪 掌声有请
…for Holly.
This is for you, Gerry, you son of a bitch.
我都是为了你 杰瑞 你这个混♥蛋♥
I just wanna tell you
Nothing you don’t want to hear
All I want is for you to say
Oh, why don’t you just take me Where I’ve never been before?
I know you want to hear me Catch my breath
我知道你想听到我的声音 捕捉我的呼吸
I love you till the end
I love you till the end
I love you till the end
Okay, let me get this straight.
好了 我直说了吧
You’re straight, you’re single, and you own your own business?
你不是同性恋 你单身 你有工作 对吧
It’s my own club.
I’m doing a big renovation right now.
It’ll open in the spring. Mmhm.
I could show it to you if you want. It’s over on Tenth Avenue. Wanna go?
如果你愿意 我可以带你去 在第十大道 要去吗
Yeah. Let me just do one thing first.
What’s my name?
