I sure get into a lot of trouble, don’t I?
You shouldn’t steal so much.
好吧 我们在各种地方都能见面
Well, we meet in all kinds of places.
这就扯平了 行了 把手放回去 或者我把你的手放回去
That evens this. Stop. Fold your hands, or I’ll do it for you.
你口气真大 先生
You talk big, mister.
(旧金山 电♥话♥簿 1946年11月)
-好的 聪明人 -我不会的
-All right, wise guy. -I wouldn’t.
我告诉过你 我已经厌倦了被人摆布
I told you. I’m tired of getting pushed around.
你只会让自己气喘吁吁 不是吗 乔
You’ll only get yourself out of breath. Won’t he, Joe?
行了 卢
Cut it, Lou.
你现在应该做一点思考 谈一谈
Your move now is to do a little thinking. A little talking.
看 我已经拿到了你公文包里的文件
See, I’ve got the files that were in your briefcase.
I also know the address of the Treasury Department.
就是这个理论 对吗 让文件远离财政部门的人
That’s the theory, isn’t it? Keep the files away from the treasury boys.
拯救惠特 让他不用在联邦监狱中服刑十年
Save Whit from doing 10 years in a federal pen.
-现在 如果我说错了 你来纠正我 -我们可以这样做
-Now, you correct me if I make a mistake. -We may do that.
是 当然 政♥府♥可能会拍着惠特的肩膀说
Sure. Of course, the government may just pat Whit on the back and say:
回家吧 我们有我们需要的所有钱
“Go on home. We got all the dough we need.
We’ll never miss your million dollars.”
You wanna lay a price on that?
How did you know I had the briefcase?
I had Meta tailed.
You sure about that?
听着 除了文件之外 我不需要对任何事情有把握
Look, I don’t have to be sure about anything except the files.
现在 你是想谈生意 还是想玩过家家
Now, do you wanna talk business, or do you wanna play house?
What’s your idea?
你得到了文件 你也得到了埃尔斯的尸体
You get the files, and you also get Eels’ body…
in case you wanna keep it from the cops.
What do you want?
我想要梅塔把文件拿出来时 放在埃尔斯的保险箱里的宣誓书
I want the affidavit that Meta put in Eels’ safe when she took the files out.
上面写了一个谎言 说我杀了一个叫杰克·费舍尔的人
A lie that somebody put on paper that I killed a guy named Jack Fisher.
因为 你知道 我只是埋葬了他
Because, you see, I only buried him.
And you don’t get the gas for being the undertaker.
除了惠特 我们四个人知道那份宣誓书
Four of us knew about that affidavit outside of Whit.
Somebody talked.
-梅塔跟你说的吗 -不是
-Did Meta tell you? -No.
-给惠特·斯特林打个电♥话♥ -不 不用
-Put in a call for Whit Sterling… -No, sit down.
-我们最好不要让惠特插手这件事 -他是对的 凯西
-We better keep Whit out of this. -He’s right, Kathie.
你伤害了她的感情 卢 我可以告诉你 她是个敏感的女孩
Oh, you’ve hurt her feelings, Lou. I can tell you, she’s a sensitive girl.
-我自己也有点敏感 -而且你也不需要惠特
-I’m kind of sensitive myself. -And you won’t need Whit.
你需要做的是 让梅塔来打开埃尔斯办公室的那个保险箱
All you’ll need is Meta to unlock that safe in Eels’ office.
-我希望梅塔还在附近 -她在附近
-I hope Meta’s still around. -She’s around.
很好 那么你现在就可以开始了
Good. Then you can start right now.
我将在一个小时内给你打电♥话♥ 这样你就有时间找到她并到达那里
I’ll call you in about an hour. That’ll give you time to find her and get there.
Give you a little extra time to figure out how you’re gonna cross me.
But you won’t.
能帮我把钱破开吗 杰克逊
Will you bust this for me, Jackson?

这就对了 惠特·斯特林在里诺的蓝天俱乐部
That’s right. Whit Sterling at the Blue Sky Club in Reno.
-把门关上 -别忘了 那些女人在听
-Shut the door. -Don’t forget, those dames listen in.
-喂 -斯特林先生
-Hello? -Mr. Sterling?
-是 -请稍等
-Speaking. -One moment. Please.
-谢谢你 -请继续
-Thank you. -Go ahead.
-惠特 亲爱的 我是凯西 -一切都好吗
-Whit, darling, this is Kathie. -Everything all right?
-不好 -好事很少有
-No. -Seldom is.
I think you’d better stay where you are for a while.
-那么 你能告诉我为什么吗 -我现在不能说
-Well, could you tell me why? -I can’t talk now.
Things are mixed up.
Bailey mix them?
我不能在电♥话♥里说 我们正在努力找一架飞机
I can’t talk on the phone. We’re trying to get a plane.
But you’re bringing me something?
不 惠特 我现在无法解释 亲爱的 我只是想告诉你
No, Whit. I can’t explain now, darling. I just wanted to tell you.
I don’t want anything to happen to you.
-比如什么 亲爱的 -不要去太浩
-Like what, honey? -Don’t go to Tahoe.
小心点 在里诺等我 再见
Be careful and wait in Reno for me. Goodbye.
You look like I might be in trouble.
如果我们不找到贝利 你就会有麻烦
You will be if we don’t find Bailey.
I might be if I do.
布里奇波特服务站的经营者 在旧金山的谋杀案中被通缉
“Bridgeport service station operator sought in San Francisco slaying.
警方说 五年前的谋杀动机
Five-year-old murder motive, the police say.
今天清晨 律师伦纳德·埃尔斯
Leonard Eels, attorney, was found murdered in his apartment house…
在他位于富尔顿街1♥1♥4♥号♥的公♥寓♥里被谋杀 好吧
1♥1♥4♥ Fulton Street, early this morning.” Well.
杰夫·贝利 曾经是私♥人♥侦♥探♥ 最近是
“Jeff Bailey, at one time private detective and more recently…
operator of a small gas station in Bridgeport…
-因两起谋杀案被追捕 -我知道他不是好人
-is hunted for two murders.” -I knew he was no good.
我一直说 有一个人应该被赶出镇子
I said all along, “There’s a man who should be run out of town.”
看看这个 警方正在以两起谋杀案的名义追捕他
Look at that. Police are hunting him for two murders.
-我跟你说过 安 -安
-I told you, Ann. -Ann.
Oh, leave me alone.
库珀报告 道路现在封锁到布里奇波特以南20英里处
Cooper reporting. Road is now blocked 20 miles south of Bridgeport.
检查所有汽车 就这些了
Checking all cars. That is all.
-嗨 吉姆 -你好 埃德 你和那孩子谈过了吗
-Hi, Jim. -Hello, Ed. You talked to the kid yet?
他已经走了 车站锁得很严实
He’s gone. The station’s locked up tight.
-去了哪里 -可能是和贝利一起
-Gone where? -Maybe with Bailey.
这说不通 如果你被警♥察♥追着
Well, that doesn’t make sense. If you had the law on your tail…
would you let a guy working for you come up to chew the fat?
要抓他 我需要一个同伴
I’d want a partner, if I could get him.
-埃德 -怎么了
-Ed? -Yeah?
Our attention.
说 贝利昨天晚上坐飞机去了洛杉矶 此后没有踪迹
Says, “Bailey took a plane to L.A. last night. No trace since.”
Says, “May be headed this way.”
你会认为他试图躲在这里 是太傻了吗
Would you consider it too dumb for him to try to hole up here?
他回来这里的 当他来的时候 我就知道了
He’ll come here. And when he does, I’ll know it.
See you.
-他是什么意思 他会知道吗 -你去找谁 安·米勒
-What’s he mean, he’ll know it? -What do you suppose? Ann Miller.
Me? I’ll take the kid.
你还好吗 安
You all right, Ann?
我知道你想说什么 我不想听
I know what you’re going to say, and I don’t wanna hear it.
Jeff didn’t kill anybody.
He told me everything.
Has he got you mixed up in this?
-他有吗 -不管他被卷进什么事情了 我也是
-Has he? -Whatever he’s mixed up in, I am too.
好吧 我不会袖手旁观 看着他伤害你
Well, I’m not going to stand by and see him hurt you.
-如果他回到这里 -你会怎么做
-If he comes back here… -What’ll you do?
-你不会去找警♥察♥的 -我不知道我会做什么
-You won’t go to the police. -I don’t know what I’ll do.
不 吉米
No, Jimmy.
Do you expect me to help him get away?
He can read your lips.
Mr. Sterling is fishing.
不 是在高山上
No. In the high mountains.
告诉杰夫 我们正在派人找他
Tell Jeff we’re sending for him.
Where can we reach you?
当我们有消息时 乔会在加油站找到你
Joe will find you at the station when we have word.
I’m not so sure this is a bright idea.
You think of a brighter one on the way, come back with it.
He follow you from Tahoe?
你看到谁了 斯特林
Who’d you see? Sterling?
他们真是可爱的孩子 不是吗
Cute kids, aren’t they?
What are you scared about?
乔不会回来了 他一不小心掉进了河里
Joe isn’t coming back. He got careless and fell in the river.
你没听到我说的话吗 乔已经死了 凯西
Didn’t you hear what I said? Joe’s dead, Kathie.
Can’t you find some tears for him?
-来吧 -你想做什么
-Come on. -What are you gonna do?
和惠特谈谈 你不觉得我应该吗
Talk to Whit. Don’t you think I should?
是的 你当然应该 他想要见你 他在等你
Yes, of course you should. He wants to see you. He’s waiting for you.
拿着钓竿等吗 你告诉那孩子他在钓鱼
With his fishing rod? You told the kid he was fishing.
他 今天下午很晚才回来
