



be ostracized指被社会排斥或忽略。它源于希腊语ostrakon(贝壳、瓦片或陶片)。当古代雅典的公民认为某人的权力过大并威胁到国家自由,因而决定驱逐此人时,他们就把他的名字写到瓦片或陶片上。如果有6000人投赞成票,那么这个可怜人就不得不离开雅典10年,但他可以保留自己的财产。不到10名市民曾以这种方式受到驱逐,到了公元前5世纪,这种做法被取消了。






英语单词 ostracize 正是来自陶片放逐法。它源自希腊语 ostrakizein ,而该词源自希腊语 ostrakon (陶片,瓦片,贝壳)。英语中 oyster 、 ostracean 、 ostracod 等单词均与此同源。

  • ostracize: [‘ɑstrəsaɪz] vt. 放逐,排斥,排挤
  • ostracism: [‘ɒstrəsɪz(ə)m] n. 排斥,放逐,陶片放逐法
  • ostracean:[ɔs’treiʃən] n. 牡蛎 adj. 牡蛎的
  • ostracod:[‘ɒstrəkɒd] n. 介形亚纲动物
  • oyster: [‘ɒɪstə] n. 牡蛎,生蚝,沉默寡言之人




1. ostracize someone – 排斥某人
2. ostracize from society – 从社会中排斥
3. ostracize from group – 从群体中排斥
4. ostracize from community – 从社区中排斥
5. ostracize from family – 从家庭中排斥
6. ostracize from friends – 从朋友中排斥
7. ostracize from peers – 从同龄人中排斥
8. ostracize from school – 从学校中排斥
9. ostracize from workplace – 从工作场所排斥
10. ostracize from team – 从团队中排斥
11. ostracize from club – 从俱乐部中排斥
12. ostracize from organization – 从组织中排斥
13. ostracize from church – 从教堂中排斥
14. ostracize from society – 从社会中排斥
15. ostracize from politics – 从政治中排斥
16. ostracize from industry – 从行业中排斥
17. ostracize from profession – 从职业中排斥
18. ostracize from academia – 从学术界中排斥
19. ostracize from culture – 从文化中排斥
20. ostracize from art – 从艺术中排斥
21. ostracize from music – 从音乐中排斥
22. ostracize from sport – 从体育中排斥
23. ostracize from media – 从媒体中排斥
24. ostracize from internet – 从互联网中排斥
25. ostracize from social media – 从社交媒体中排斥
26. ostracize from conversation – 从对话中排斥
27. ostracize from discussion – 从讨论中排斥
28. ostracize from debate – 从辩论中排斥
29. ostracize from negotiation – 从谈判中排斥
30. ostracize from decision-making – 从决策中排斥
31. ostracize from leadership – 从领导层中排斥
32. ostracize from power – 从权力中排斥
33. ostracize from influence – 从影响力中排斥
34. ostracize from recognition – 从认可中排斥
35. ostracize from respect – 从尊重中排斥
36. ostracize from dignity – 从尊严中排斥
37. ostracize from rights – 从权利中排斥
38. ostracize from privileges – 从特权中排斥
39. ostracize from opportunities – 从机会中排斥
40. ostracize from resources – 从资源中排斥
41. ostracize from benefits – 从福利中排斥
42. ostracize from services – 从服务中排斥
43. ostracize from assistance – 从援助中排斥
44. ostracize from support – 从支持中排斥
45. ostracize from care – 从关怀中排斥
46. ostracize from love – 从爱中排斥
47. ostracize from compassion – 从同情中排斥
48. ostracize from empathy – 从共情中排斥
49. ostracize from understanding – 从理解中排斥
50. ostracize from acceptance – 从接纳中排斥



ostracize (OS truh size) If you ostracize someone, you make him or her a pariah (see #6). This verb has the meaning of “expelling a person from a community,” either literally or figuratively. Like many words and prac-tices, this one came from ancient Greece where a citizen could be forced to leave a city by vote of his peers. Not yet having paper, the citizens voted with shards of pottery—ostraka, forerunners of the modern “blackball.”

•Although the charges of sexual harassment against Mr. Larrabee have been dropped, he continues to be ostracized by a number of people in his workplace.

•To help her psychology students understand the power of social ostra-cism, Ms. Ewalt had her class participate in an experiment: on a regularly scheduled basis, each member of the class spent two days being shunned by others—no communication, no sharing of a lunchroom table.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
排斥(OS truh size)如果你排斥某人,你会让他或她成为贱民(见#6)。这个动词的意思是“从社区中驱逐一个人”,无论是字面上还是比喻上。就像许多单词和短语一样,这一短语来自古希腊,在那里,公民可以通过同龄人的投票被迫离开城市。由于还没有纸,市民们用陶片投票,陶片是现代“黑球”的先驱

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一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
