Maybe it was a miracle, you know, like the loaves and the fishes?
丽莎 跟我走吧
Lisa, come with me.
离开这个怪异的地方 – 宝贝 任何地方都可以
Let’s get out of this madhouse. – Whatever you say, baby.
斯奈普斯 你确定那个包里面都是现金么?
Snaps, are you sure there was cash in that bag?
没错 安东尼那小子偷得
Yeah. Little Anthony stole it.
如果是安东尼偷得 那么钱不是在他那儿么
If little Anthony stole it, then he’s got it.
不 你个猪头 他偷完之后又还给了我
No, you blockhead. He stole it, then he gave it back to me.
为什么要还给你?- 他要买♥♥回珠宝
Why’d he give it back to you? – To buy back the jewels.
什么珠宝?- 从我这里偷得珠宝
What jewels? – The jewels he stole from me.
珠宝也是从你这里偷得?- 是的 那样的话他才可以娶我的女儿
He stole jewels from you too? – Yeah, so he could marry my daughter.
丽莎 – 不是丽莎 是Theresa
Lisa. – Not Lisa. Theresa.
How come nobody’s never met this daughter Theresa?
Because she’s not my daughter, Capisce?
哦 你的女儿并不是你的女儿
Yeah, your daughter’s not your daughter.
And the cash that used to be the jewels is now your underwear.
你终于明白了!- 我明白了!
Now you got it! – I got it!
I don’t even know what I’m talkin’ about!
I’m back.
请坐 护士一会儿会叫你的号♥码
Take a seat. The nurse’ll call your number.
那女的回来了 – 哪个女的?Nora?
The skirt is back. – What skirt? Nora?
不 是另外一个– Theresa – 你知道的老板
No. The other one… Theresa. – You remember, Boss.
The one that’s not your daughter.
让她等会 我要找点东西 – 找什么?
Keep her on ice. I’m lookin’ for somethin’. – What?
象这样的一个包 – 啊哈 不用担心了
A bag just like this one. – Ah, don’t worry about that.
I gave it back to Underwood’s chauffeur.
你说什么?- 就是放在书房♥的那个
You did what? – It was sittin’ here in the library before…
so I switched the bags for ya.
你没有看到Einstein?- Connie在那儿么?
And where was Einstein? – Was Connie in here?
Connie 你在那儿么?
Connie, was you in here?
I didn’t see him.
Why don’t you go stand over there next to your girlfriend?
内衣 内衣?嗯– ”Underwood ” Underwood Underwood
Underwear. Underwear? Und- “Underwood.” Underwood. Underwood.
Mr. Provolone will see you in the library.
Connie?- 走吧
Connie? – Come on.
And now he’s back again for another drop.
And you knuckleheads thought that Snaps was goin’ straight.
哦 好吧 稍等一下!
Oh, that’s okay. I’ll get it!
哦哦哦 欢迎再次光临
Well, well. The man who started it all.
听着 Underwood 你的司机又把包拿错了!
Look, Underwood, your chauffeur snatched the wrong bag!
Well, do something about it, and pronto!
嗯 有什么事?- 可以和您单独谈谈么?
Now, what can I do for you? – Can we talk in private?
Connie 退下 – 老板我能够听一会么?
Connie, am-scray. – Can’t I stick around, Boss?
每次我离开了最后都出乱子 – 那先呆着吧 不过不要废话
Every time I leave, I fall behind. – All right. Stay, but shut up.
普罗沃龙先生 我很后悔 我做了一件蠢事
Mr. Provolone, I’m desperate. I’ve done a stupid thing.
哦 这个你告诉过我了 – 不是那件
Yeah, I know. You already told me. – No.
我 我刚才甩开安东尼走了 但是他却是我唯一深爱的人
I mean, I-I walked out on Anthony, the only man I’ve ever loved.
宝贝 相信我这是你做得最正确的事了
Honey, that’s the first smart move you’ve made.
我到处找他 包括他的公♥寓♥ 却找不到他
I looked for him everywhere. I tried his apartment, and he wasn’t there.
你知道哪里可以找到他么?- 不知道 不过无论他在那里
Do you know where I can find him? – No. But wherever he is…
he’s probably stealing another 50 Gs from me.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have another appointment.
我想我可能知道那小子在哪儿了 – 哪里?
I may have an idea where he is. – Where?
比我想像的要近点 听我说你现在要老实呆在这屋子里不要出去
Closer than I thought. Now, I want you to stay in here and don’t come out.
然后我来帮你搞定 妹子 – 她不是你的女儿么
You owe me this, sister. – I thought she was your daughter.
Shut up.
哦 安东尼小鬼
Well, little Anthony.
你是不是还欠我点东西 嗯?
Thought you could pull a fast one on me, huh?
您是不是忘记了 普罗沃龙先生 为了交还珠宝我已经把现金还给你了
You must’ve forgotten, Mr. Provolone. I gave you the cash in exchange for those jewels.
Yeah? But you were supposed to get the underwear.
什么内衣?- 这个我知道 是女佣的内衣
What underwear? – I know! The maid’s underwear.
Connie 闭嘴
Connie, please.
好极了 这次你别想再拿什么包来交换了 我已经受够了
Bingo. And I’m not givin’ you another bag in return. I’m onto that racket.
我不知道你在说些什么 但是这些珠宝本来就是你的
I don’t know what you’re talking about, but you can have the jewels.
Do you believe the cojones on this guy?
He’s just giving me back my own dough.
拿着 Connie 给我盯紧了 好险又出差错
Here, Connie. Watch this. Look who I’m talkin’ to.
那么 你是来归还我的财产来得?
So, you’re just givin’ me back my own rocks, huh?
我现在意识到就算世界上所有的珠宝 堆在一起都是黯淡无光的–
Yes. I’ve realized that all the jewels in the world are worthless to me now-
now that I’ve lost Theresa.
这家伙太有诗意了 – 如果您有机会再看到她的话
This guy’s a poet. – And if you ever hear from her again…
请带我向她转告 “我爱你”“很抱歉伤了你的心”
please tell her that I still love her and that I’m sorry I hurt her.
Theresa现在在书房♥ – 她在?
Theresa’s in the library. – She’s here?
没错 她也在疯狂得找你
That’s right. And she’s crazy about you.
安东尼 我很抱歉
Anthony, I am so sorry.
不不不 都是我的错
No, no, no. This whole thing was my fault.
我来开 可能是Underwood的司机来送我的钱
I’ll get it. Maybe that’s the Underwood chauffeur with my dough.
He’ll get it.
你好 我是来应聘的
Hello. I was sent by the employment agency.
我并不想显得失礼 但是我马上还要有其他的应酬
I don’t mean to seem discourteous, but I got another appointment comin’ up.
请坐 女士
Sit down, honey.
我不会耽搁你太多时间的 普罗沃龙先生
I’ll try not to keep you, Mr. Provolone.
这是我的简历 我可以做轻度家务 一些烹饪–
Here’s my references. I do light housekeeping, some cooking-
You don’t by any chance answer front doors, do ya?
哦 看上去很不错 Roxanne
Well, all this looks pretty good, Roxanne.
你做女佣多久了?- 我第一次开始做女佣是给一位叫James Bonomo的先生开始的
So how long you been a maid? – My first job was for a man named James Bonomo.
Jumpin’Jimmy Bonomo?嘿 Aldo 我为Jumpin’Jimmy工作过
Jumpin’ Jimmy Bonomo? Hey, Aldo, she worked for Jumpin’ Jimmy.
You remember him… nervous little guy?
当然记得 很豪爽大方的一个人
Sure, sure. I remember him. Bighearted sweet guy.
Give you the shirt off his back 他什么时候去世的来着?
Give you the shirt off his back. When did he die?
嗯 我记得是在27年
Let’s see. Uh, got the chair in ’27.
简直无法相信 想当初我还给他开过车
I don’t believe this. I was a driver for Jumpin’ Jimmy.
那是我出来混的第一份工作– 哦不 是事业的第一份工作
That was my first job in the rackets-I mean, industry.
没错 斯奈普斯
That’s right, Snaps.
乐克茜?- 现在你记起我了么?
Roxy? – Then you remember me?
Remember you? How could I forget? You were my first-
我们曾经– 你怎么会在这里?
I mean, we were- How do you like that?
What a small world!
天啊 我真的很喜欢她!但是
Geez, I had a real thing for her. But–
你突然消失了 怎么回事?
You just disappeared on me. How come?
呃 我觉得我的工作不足以抚养我的孩子
Well, I-I didn’t think I was working in the best atmosphere to raise my baby.
你的孩子?- 她现在已经是个大姑娘了
You had a baby? – She’s a big girl now.
In fact, she’ll be getting married soon.
啊哈 我真为你感到高兴 Roxanne 那个新郎是什么人?
Ah. I’m so happy for you, Roxanne. Say, who’s the lucky guy?
哦 是一个非常成功的会计师
Oh, he’s a very successful accountant.
月收入有1 400元
He makes 1,400 a month.
喔呜 那可真是挣得不少
Wow, that’s a lot of dough.
Wait a minute.
他是不是叫做安东尼 Rossano吧?
Say, his name wouldn’t happen to be little Anthony Rossano, would it?
你认识他?- 认识?
You know him? – Know him?
任何人都不认识 也不能不认识他啊!
Sometimes I think I don’t know anybody else but him!
Wait. Then you gotta be Theresa’s mother.
你连特蕾莎也认识?- 是的
You know Theresa too? – Well, I should.
After all, she’s my daughter.
怎么你全都知道了 – 知道什么?
Then you’ve known all along. – Known what?
就是你和我– 我们–
That you and I… that we…
Don’t you get it, Boss? She had your kid.
Theresa really is your daughter.
这种事我再明白不过了 – 不不 这不可能
I’m gettin’ good at this. – No, no, it can’t be.
你好象很吃惊的样子 – 当然 今天早上就这件事最不可思议
You seem surprised. – Well, nothin’ this mornin’ would surprise me except this.
But you said you knew that she was your daughter.
我的意思是她自己说她是我的女儿 但我并不知道我是她的父亲
I knew she said she was my daughter, but I didn’t think I was her father.
I should’ve told you…
but I lost touch when I was sent to the convent.
哦 别这样 现在没事了
Come on. Come on. It’s okay. It’s okay.
This day has been an emotional roller coaster.
由于特蕾莎a的原因 我父亲把我送进了修道院
My father sent me to the nuns to have Theresa.
He said I brought shame to the family.
