What’s the matter? You couldn’t make it on the outside?
I came to return this suitcase and collect the old.
是这个么?- 没错
Is this it? – Yes.
I realized that one wasn’t mine when I tried to open it.
少废话 走吧你 马上有银行家来我们这里做客 可不能留些不三不四的人在周围
Go on. Beat it. We got bankers comin’, and we don’t need no riffraff around here.
放糖么?- 哦不
Sugar? – Oh, no.
Thank you.
Who told you I was in love with you?
But I thought you were in love with me.
谁说的?- 你父亲
Who told you that? – Your father.
哦 他有没有告诉你我怀孕了?
Oh. And did he tell you I was pregnant?
没有 他只是–怀孕了!?
No, he did… You’re pregnant?
不 我只是为想嫁给Oscar而欺骗他们
No. I just told him that so I could marry Oscar.
Oscar是谁?- 我家的前任chauffeur
Who’s Oscar? – Our ex-chauffeur.
其实 我所做的一切都是为了可以离开这个家!
You see, I’d do anything to get out of this house!
哦 我可以体会你的感受 – 当然 你见过我的父亲 知道他的为人
Oh, I do know how you feel. – Of course. You’ve met my father.
哦不 我是想起了我的母亲
Oh, no. I was thinking of my mother.
She can be so possessive.
这么说你能理解我了 Poole博士?
Then you know what I’m going through, Dr Poole?
叫我Thornton 是 是的 我能
Thornton. Y-Yes, I do.
at the risk of being forward-
什么 Thornton?
Yes, Thornton?
从你的家族传统来看 你的谈吐和语言出奇的好啊
Your diction is surprisingly good, considering your genealogy.
That’s the sweetest thing anybody’s ever said to me…
肯定是来拿那堆内衣的 在这里
That must be the chauffeur to pick up the underwear. There it is.
I got it.
你又回来干吗?- 那家伙又回到那里干吗?
What are you doin’ back here? – What’s he doin’ back there?
我知道那批珠宝还在你那 – 没错 当然
I see you’ve still got the jewels. – Yeah, sure.
毫无疑问 我一直在盯着这些宝贝
Yeah, sure. I wouldn’t let these babies out of my sight.
就在今天早上 我还拥有着
This morning, I had everything-
珠宝 还有Theresa
the jewels, Theresa.
但是现在我却一无所有 – 哦 希望你不要太往心里去
Now I have nothing. – Well, don’t take it too hard.
我现在都没有地方去找她 因为我根本不知道她的真实姓名和地址
I can’t even call her because she never told me her real name or address.
Consider yourself lucky.
我想和你做个生意 先生
I’ll make you a deal, Mr. P.
What kind of deal?
Well, I’ve become attached to those jewels.
因为它们可以提醒我Theresa的存在 我可以花五万美金从你那里买♥♥回来
They remind me of Theresa. I’d like to buy them back from you for $50,000.
Now, where’d you come up with another 50,000 smackers?
从您那里偷的 – Connie!
I stole it from you. – Connie!
什么事 老板?
What is it, Boss?
You took my gun.
Now you’re tryin’ to tell me you stole another 50,000 clams…
since the last time I saw you?
Remember that dummy corporation I set up for you to hide your protection income?
还记得那个长着小胡子的出纳么?- 没错
Remember who you made treasurer as a beard? – You didn’t.
I just wrote out a cheque to myself. As treasurer…
the bank asked me no questions.
Only a rat would steal another guy’s extortion money.
我想说的就这么多 你还给我珠宝
Here’s my offer. You give me back the jewels…
那本应该是我的 我把不属于我的钱还给你
that are rightfully mine, and I’ll give you back the money, which isn’t.
好吧 算你小子狡猾
All right. I guess you outsmarted me.
你把钱给我 我还给你珠宝
You give me that money, and I’ll give you these jewels.
钱在外面车上 我出去去拿
It’s out in the car. I’ll be right back.
And I want that document back that I signed too.
没问题 它就在这里
No problem. Got it right here.
叫你小子操蛋 现在看我怎么收拾你
I got him. This time I got him.
又拿了一包 简直胆大包天
Another drop. In broad daylight.
把包给我 – 我们最好同时交换
Give me the bag. – Let’s exchange them at the same time.
Good idea.
That’s it.
我要通知那些报纸媒体 让他们瞧瞧我这次的战果
I’m callin’ the gentlemen of the press. I want ’em to see me make this pinch.
还好么 老板?- 你走路怎么跟鬼一样?
Everything okay, Boss? – Why don’t you make some noise when you walk?
安杰洛 到你的办公室来 我要和你谈谈
Angelo. Come up to your office. We have to talk.
好的 稍等 Connie!
All right, all right. Connie!
什么事 老板?- 你能不能等会儿再吃?
Yeah, Boss? – Will you stop eatin’ and listen up?
把这个包拿到书房♥里 不要做任何事
Take this bag and bring it into the library. And no matter what you do…
don’t take your eyes off this bag even for a second.
明白?- 没问题 老板
Get me? – Yeah, Boss.
你已经通知家政服务中心了 他们很快会派一个新人过来
I just called the maid service, and they’re sending someone over.
你叫我上来就是说这个?- 安杰洛 人们都不愿意到咱家来干活
You got me up here for that? – Angelo, nobody wants to work for you.
我希望你对新人好点 不要再向对Nora那样
Now, I want you to be nicer to this woman than you were to Nora.
Nora?她已经嫁给Underwood fortune了
Nora? She’s marrying into the Underwood fortune.
I oughta get a commission.
嗨 图米
Hey, Toomey.
这次来了一个司机 看来他想把城里所有拿包的都叫来
This time it’s a chauffeur. He’s got bagmen all over the city.
您有什么事 将军?- Underwood先生叫我
What can I do for you, General? – Mr. Underwood sent me…
to return Mr. Provolone’s suitcase.
多谢 – 等等 同时我还要拿回Nora小姐的提包
Thanks. – And I’m here to collect Miss Nora’s suitcase.
哦好的 我想他把包放到书房♥里了
Oh, right. I think he put it in the library.
进来等会吧 德国兄弟
Park it in here, Fritz.
给 同时带我向凯撒大帝问好
Here you go. Give my regards to the kaiser.
好吧 我会对新人态度好点的 – 我去准备午餐时穿的衣服
I promise I’ll be nice to the help. – I’m going to dress for lunch.
真喜欢和你聊天 Thornton
I love talking to you, Thornton.
You’re so deep-dish.
丽莎 下个月我将前往
Lisa, I’ll be leaving next month on the Île de France…
for a linguistics symposium in Brussels.
Brussels? The one in Europe?
是的 – 记得邮寄给我几张明信片
Yes. – Do send me a postcard.
你可以直接邮到这里 这个“金色的鸟笼”
You can address it here, in care of my gilded cage.
I don’t suppose you’d consider-
不过 我是说–
Well, I mean to say-
我我我 不知如何说起 – 没事 尽管说吧
I-I-I can’t ask. – Come on. Spill it.
I was wondering if you would accompany me?
我可以么?- Poole博士!
Will I? – Dr Poole!
过来一下 我们谈谈
Get in here. We gotta talk.
Please forgive me.
好的 博士 请坐 我们说到哪儿了?哦对了
Okay, Doc, sit down. Now, where were we? Oh, yeah.
为了让你娶我女儿 我曾经向你许诺过几件事情
I made you an offer earlier to marry my daughter.
是的 做为交换给我一大包女人内衣
Yes. In exchange for a bag of women’s underwear.
别扯那些内衣了 下不为例 我的意思是那些许诺依旧会实现
Nix the underwear. It never happened. Now, the offer still stands.
斯奈普斯·普罗沃龙从来都是说到做到 这个众人皆知
And anybody’ll tell you that Snaps Provolone’s word is his bond.
没错 博士 即使在以前 他也是出了名的诚实恶棍
That’s right, Doc. Even in the old days, he was known as an honest crook.
That’s an oxymoron.
哦博士 你不用和他说这些
Gee, Doc, you shouldn’t oughta said that.
让他一边凉快去吧 你水平已经那样了
Leave Connie alone. He does the best he can.
I’m sorry.
好的 博士 做为娶我女儿的报答
Okay, Doc, here’s the deal. Marry my daughter…
and you can use all the dough in this bag to start your linguistics school.
Most men spend their whole lives tryin’ to get their hands on what’s in here.
还好 普罗沃龙先生
That’s right, Mr. Provolone.
I’ve never seen so much money.
看 这个是钱
Look. Here’s money…
and-and here’s more money.
还有… 哦 看
And… Oh! Look.
Here’s a lovely new twenty-dollar bill.
Poole博士 你可以先去花♥园♥里遛跶一会么
Dr Poole, would you be so kind as to step into the garden…
while I have a conference with my associate?
Please. Correct me if I am wrong…
but did I or did I not tell you to keep an eye…
on this particular bag?
我盯了 我一直在看着这包内衣
I did. I watched the bag of underwear the whole time.
It wasn’t underwear when I left! It was 50 grand in cash!
Poole说得没错 你这个低级白♥痴♥!
Poole was right. You are an ox and a moron!
How did 50 grand change into underwear?
That’s what I’m askin’ you!
也许是个灵异事件 就象面包和鱼一样?
