What have you two been doin’ up there? – Get out of my way.
靠 换以前的话–
Why, I oughta-
Get outta here!
Theresa!Theresa 回来!
Theresa! Theresa, come back!
越来越热闹了 斯奈普斯一定又再玩花样
There’s too much activity. Snaps is up to somethin’.
太平静了 普罗沃龙那小子肯定又在憋坏呢
It’s too quiet. Provolone is up to something.
天啊 这衣服 简直是件艺术品
Bravo. This suit, she a work of art.
当然 她是Finucci的骄傲
Of course. She’s a Finucci.
阿哈 这个Finucci穿起来的确让我感觉很好 一百五十元
Ah, you Finucci’d me pretty good on this one. One hundred and fifty bucks.
I’ll just write you boys out a cheque.
普罗沃龙先生 我想和您谈谈。
I demand to speak with you, Mr. Provolone.
Finuccis 先出去!
Finuccis, out!
说吧 需要我帮你做些什么阿 伙计
So, what can I do for you, kid?
I guess you’re pretty pleased with yourself.
如果我父亲健在的话都会为我自豪 没有使用任何暴♥力♥手段 拿回了本属于我的钱
My father would have been proud. I got my money back, and nobody got shot.
别高兴太早 你只是一时诡计得逞 – 最好想清楚 如果我是你我可不动这玩意儿
Not so fast. I’ve been tricked. – I wouldn’t do that if I were you.
不要忘了 普罗沃龙先生 今天可是您“从良”的日子
You forget, Mr. Provolone, you’re going straight today.
你说得没错 但是并不是每个人都象我一样 比如他们
You’re right, I am going straight today, but they’re not.
他们是谁?- 你没有听说过Finuccis么?
And who are they? – You don’t recognize the Finuccis?
来自西西里岛 国内最残忍♥的职业杀手
Sicilians. The most vicious contract killers in the country.
They don’t look that vicious to me.
不要被外表所迷惑 只要我一句话 他们就会–
Don’t let that fool you. One word from me, and it’s-
嗯?但是安东尼 如果你非常想要回珠宝的话 我还可以给你一个选择
Hmm? But, Anthony, if it’s the jewels you want, you can have ’em.
继续履行你的合约 娶了我的女儿
Just keep your part of the bargain and marry my daughter.
真正的那个?- 当然是真的了!丽莎·普罗沃龙
The real one? – Of course the real one! Lisa Provolone.
但是我和她从来没有接触过!- 如果这样的话
But I’ve never even met her! – Not according to this.
这个东西可要曝光了 – 把它给我!
It’ll hold up in any court. – Give me that!
这上面可是白纸黑字写着 你是我女儿肚子里孩子的亲生父亲
This document says that you are the father of my daughter’s baby.
哦 这么说你的女儿真的怀孕了?
Oh, now you’re telling me that your real daughter is pregnant?
怎么你还有什么问题么?- 我绝不能娶丽莎!
You got a problem with that? – I am not marrying Lisa!
I am marrying Theresa!
安东尼 安东尼 可爱的安东尼
Anthony, Anthony, little Anthony.
We are talkin’ about my baby’s baby.
这不可能!- 那好!菲努奇斯!
Forget it! – Fine! Finuccis!
好的 等等 我同意了 不用叫他们
All right, all right, all right. Call off your dogs.
菲努奇斯 请坐!
Finuccis, sit!
明智的选择 你现在可以现在这里等一等
Wise decision. Now wait here. I’ll get your fiancée.
It’s about time you two kids met.
What do you want?
能帮我们催一下Signor 普罗沃龙先生么?11:00前我们还要赶着去做另外一个家伙
Could you tell Signor Provolone we in a hurry? We gotta do another guy 11:00.
你们一天还不止干一个?- 哦 有时一天还可能有7 8个呢
You do more than one a day? – Oh, sometimes we do six, eight a day.
这个生意做起来蛮残酷的 如果我们稍微松懈的话 就只好周末加班了
It’s a cutthroat business, and if we get backed up, we gotta work weekends.
我们可不想加班 – 呵呵 我们都是爱家男士
And we no like that. – No. We family “man.”
You treat it like it’s a normal business.
To us, it’s art.
Show him the picture.
What do you think of this?
这是你们做的?- 还能是谁?当然是菲努奇的杰作
You guys did this? – Who else? That’s a Finucci.
哦 这张图片的背后凝聚了我们很多的心血呀
Oh, we get plenty business from this picture, huh?
没准那天我们给你也来一次 嗯?
Maybe someday we do you too, huh?
我敢保证我们帮你弄了以后 别人肯定认不出你来了
And when we get through with you, nobody gonna recognize you.
你脸色有点苍白 – 你没事吧?
You look a little pale. – You okay?
马上就要看到你要嫁的那家伙了 条件还不错
Now, this guy’s willing to marry you, so be nice.
但是我要嫁的是Oscar!- 我比你还渴望想找到他
But I want Oscar! – I want him more than you do…
但是他早就不知去向了 不过现在安东尼可以顶替他
but he’s on the lam, and Anthony’s taking the rap for him.
太感谢您了 但是不管怎样没有爱情 没有浪漫怎么可以?
Thank you very much. Whatever happened to love? Whatever happened to romance?
Whatever happened to waiting until the wedding night?
安杰洛 拜托!不要在下人面前讨论这些
Angelo, please! Not in front of the help.
哦不 他可不是什么下人 Connie 你先去吃点东西吧
Trust me, he’s no help. Connie, go wrap your teeth around some lunch.
丽莎 这就是你的未婚夫 安东尼 Rossano
Lisa, this is your husband-to-be, Anthony Rossano.
丽莎 – 你好 – 你好 丽莎
Lisa. – Hello. – Hello, Lisa.
You see that? You’re hittin’ it off already.
有时 包办婚姻也会产生完美果实的 – 嗯
Sometimes, arranged marriages work out the best. – Mmm.
Oscar比他聪明伶俐的多 – 谁是Oscar?
Oscar was cuter. – Who’s Oscar?
一个车夫 – 你说她肚子里的孩子是个车夫的?
The chauffeur. – You mean she’s having the chauffeur’s baby?
你为什么不给 Walter Winchell打电♥话♥?
Why don’t you just phone it in to Walter Winchell?
安杰洛 还是让这对小情侣单独呆会吧
Angelo, let’s leave the two lovebirds alone.
没错 你们可以互相多了解一下 不过 丽莎 抓紧时间
Good idea. You two get to know all about each other, but, Lisa, make it quick.
I got people comin’ at noon.
That’s the best husband you could find?
他身体健康 能正常呼吸不就得了
He passed the physical. He’s breathin’.
这么说 那个孩子是Oscar的?
So, you’re pregnant with Oscar’s baby?
Would I be marrying you if I wasn’t?
你不能嫁给我 我已经有心上人了
You don’t wanna marry me. I’m in love with someone else.
我也是 – 那我们还在这里耗什么?
So am I. – Then why are we going through with this?
Because I’d do anything to get out of this house.
就因为这个?- 我想–
That makes two of us. – I wanna-
I wanna go on an African safari.
I wanna run with the bulls in Spain.
I wanna go to the top of the Empire State Building.
And where am I during all this? Baby-sitting Oscar’s kid?
你一直都是这么粗鲁无礼?- 哼哼!你明白最好!
You always this nasty? – Yes! Get used to it!
竟然嫁给了一个禽兽 最好在婚礼前别让我看见你!
I’m marrying a brute. I never wanna see your face again… until the wedding!
That’s fine with me! And separate honeymoons!
好极了!- 教堂见!
Fine! – See you in church!
估计是Judge Crater先生 哦 海 Poole博士
It’s probably Judge Crater. Oh, hi, Dr Poole.
请进 老板正在等您
Come on in. The Boss been expecting you.
Aldo 你注意到了吗?- 什么?
Aldo, do you realize what you just did? – What?
You used the past participle without a modifier.
I did? What’s the rap on that?
擦拭一下您的鞋底 博士 这位先生会陪你先呆会儿
Cool your heels, Doc. He’ll be right with you.
Aldo 的言行真是怪异啊
Aldo is a treasure trove of linguistic anomalies.
I heard that.
Middlesex人 – 什么t?
Middlesex. – What?
你是从新泽西州的Middlesex镇人 没有猜错吧?
You’re from Middlesex County in New Jersey. Am I right?
是啊 具体来讲在New Brunswick – 听说过
Yeah. New Brunswick. – I knew it.
老实说 做为一个南方地区
You see, the New Jersey accent…
becomes increasingly nasal the further south one goes.
That’s an amazing talent, Doctor.
Have you ever thought of working carnivals?
小伙子 英语这门语言我可是下了极大的功夫来钻研
Young man, I’ve made a serious study of the English language.
我走访了美国各地 我发现仅仅在美国
In my travels, I’ve uncovered 2,700 sub-dialects…
in the United States alone.
Now, you take the attenuated vowels of the east Texans-
博士 你的走访会影响您的家庭生活阿
All that travel must cut into your home life, Doctor.
的确 我没有花足够的时间陪伴我的母亲
Well, I don’t spend as much time with Mother as I would like.
But she’s got the cats.
A brilliant scholar like yourself is still single?
哦 男人总要以事业为先啊
Oh, work has always come first.
这个周末 我就要动身阿巴拉契亚
This weekend, I’m off to Appalachia…
to study regional colloquialisms among the coal-mining community.
抱歉打断您一下 博士 您不会马上就走吧?
Would you excuse me a minute, Doctor? You’ll be here for a while, won’t you?
哦当然 我是来向普罗沃龙先生传授演讲学的
Oh, yes. I’ll be giving Mr. Provolone his elocution lesson.
好消息好消息 我们不用结婚了 我找到了一个适合的人选
Good news. We don’t have to marry each other. I found someone else.
谁?- 一个英俊、潇洒、睿智
Who? – Someone who’s handsome and intelligent…
and worships the ground you walk upon… Dr Poole.
Poole博士!嘿 别胡说八道了你
Dr Poole! Say, what’s the gag?
He’s old enough to be my father.
更重要的是 他的年龄也足够做你孩子的父亲
More importantly, he’s old enough to be your baby’s father.
What makes you think he wants to marry me?
Because he loves you passionately. He just told me.
但是他从来没有对我表示过 – 没错 多么可惜阿
But he’s never said anything. – Ironic, isn’t it?
一个以文字为毕生事业的男人 却不知道如何说出
A man whose life is devoted to words, and he can’t put together…
the three most important ones.
是阿 好可怜 – 我想你已经理解我的意思了
That’s so touching. – I knew you’d see it my way.
Stay right here.
哼唱〔Finuccis in Finuccis out Finuccis in He give me agita 〕
Finuccis in, Finuccis out, Finuccis in. He give me agita.
