Not that lug. The other one… Oscar. – You fired him.
我知道我解雇了他 他住哪儿?我怎么知道Oscar住哪儿?
I know I fired him. Where does he live? – How should I know where Oscar lives?
我知道他住哪儿 噢?哪儿?
I know where he lives. – Yeah? Where?
南边 好的 你和Johnny Elbows出去一趟 抓住他!
South Side. – All right. You take a ride out there with Johnny Elbows and grab him!
可是他不住哪儿了 他现在住哪儿?
Only he don’t live there no more. – Where does he live now?
他参军了要服六年役 他们带他航行出国了
He joined the army for a six-year hitch, and they shipped him abroad.
他好像和什么年轻姑娘相爱了 没告诉过我们是谁
It seems he was in love with some skirt. Never told us who.
但是他们分手了 因为她的父亲很不好对付
But they broke up because her father was a real pain in the ass.
噢 就这样吗?唔 对
Oh, is that so? – Oh, yeah.
以他爱她的程度 他不能忍♥受有一个这样可怕的岳父
As much as he loved her, he couldn’t bear havin’ this creep as a father-in-law.
Don’t you ever shut up?
What’d I say?
我要和你谈谈 普罗沃龙先生 稍后!
I have got to talk to you, Mr. Provolone. – Later!
普罗沃龙先生 我要离开您去Underwood家
Mr. Provolone, I’m leavin’ you to go to the Underwoods.
Underwoods! You’re goin’ to work for Bruce?
我要和Bruce结婚 我要和Bruce结婚?
I’m marryin’ Bruce. – You’re marryin’ Bruce?
I found him first! I mean for my daughter.
We met the day he called on Lisa.
It was love at first sight.
恭喜 你被解雇了!
Congratulations. You’re fired!
你不能解雇我 我辞职!
You can’t fire me. I quit!
找个不是我的介绍人 女士!
Try gettin’ a reference out of me, sister!
太好了 女仆了个百万富翁 我女儿找了个司机
Great. A maid gets a millionaire, my daughter gets a chauffeur.
Better tell Toomey to hightail it over here.
你做的太紧了!哦 我把它弄松
You got it too tight! Eh, I make it more loose.
闭嘴 墨索里尼
Shut up your face, Mussolini.
快点儿 你们 我快没时间了
Come on, you guys. I’m runnin’ out of time.
安杰洛 我能单独和你谈谈吗?
Angelo, can I talk to you alone?
别管他们 他们只懂意大利语
Never mind them. They only hear in Italian.
我刚从Lisa的卧室来 你和别的人
I just came from Lisa’s bedroom. – You and everybody else.
安杰洛 咱们的女儿 当着上帝的面丢了脸
Angelo, our daughter is disgraced before the eyes of God.
You have to find Oscar!
找过Oscar了 他出国了
Oscar’s been scratched. He jumped the country.
But the baby needs a father!
孩子有父亲 咱们需要的是丈夫
The baby’s got a father. What we need is a husband.
一个丈夫 一个丈夫 咱们哪儿去找个丈夫?
A husband, a husband. Where will we find a husband?
别看我们 我们都结婚了
No look at us. We already married.
我们的婚姻很幸福 我有十个孩子 他有八个
Si, we married real good. – I got ten bambinos. He got eight.
你没有十个孩子 我有十个孩子
You no got ten bambinos. – I got ten bambinos.
不对 谁?我有安娜·玛丽亚 萨尔瓦多
No. Who? – I got Anna Maria, I got Salvatore…
法布里齐奥 安东尼奥 马里奥 大路易格
I got Fabrizio, I got Antonio, I got Mario, I got big Luigi…
小路易格 路易格二世 朱塞佩 还有费加罗
I got little Luigi, I got Luigi Jr, I got Guiseppe and I got Figaro.
费加罗不是你的 费加罗是送奶工人的
Figaro no yours. Figaro come from the milkman.
他开玩笑 我要菲努奇名单了吗?
He make a joke. – Did I ask for the Finucci roll call?
What about that boy who was here before? Didn’t he want to marry our daughter?
对 但不是丽莎 是另一个
Yeah, but not Lisa. The other one.
What other one? – The other one that’s not Lisa!
We don’t have a daughter that’s not Lisa!
Sofia 你以为我不知道?
Sofia, you think I don’t know that?
I have no idea what you’re talking about.
但是如果你爱我 如果你曾经爱过我
But if you love me, if you ever loved me…
you’ll find my little girl a husband!
他又回来了 第三次
He’s back again, for the third time…
and now he’s got a little black bag.
准备好咖啡和炸面圈 小伙子们 我想我要逗留了
Break out the Java and the sinkers, boys. I think I’ll stick around.
Make sure the stripes are straight as an arrow.
他来了 按通常的命令
Here he is, back by popular request.
Finuccis 出去
Finuccis, out.
那么 普罗沃龙先生 我现在能娶你女儿了吗?
So, Mr. Provolone, do I have permission to marry your daughter now?
我的女婿 噢 普罗沃龙先生
My son. – Oh, Mr. Provolone.
你使我太高兴了 你去哪儿
You’ve made me so happy. – Where are you goin’?
告诉Theresa这个好消息 没那么快
To tell Theresa the wonderful news. – Not so fast.
I’ve got some wonderful news for you.
What could be more wonderful than marrying your daughter?
Havin’ her baby.
Theresa’s pregnant? – Theresa’s pregnant!
谁是Theresa?我女儿 笨蛋!
Who’s Theresa? – My daughter, you sap!
I’ve gotta see her.
生活 你知道 生活是有趣的东西
Life. You know, life’s a funny thing.
你这一分钟还活着 下一分钟就死了
You’re here one minute, gone the next.
那不是真的吗?现在 你了解Louie ”The Lug” McGurk
Ain’t that the truth? – Now, you take Louie “The Lug” McGurk.
他25岁就悲惨的死了 我25岁了 怎么了?
He died tragically at 25. – I’m 25. What happened?
有人踩了他的手指 那就杀了他?
Somebody stepped on his fingers. – And that killed him?
He was hangin’ from a window ledge at the Edison Hotel at the time.
重点是 孩子 The Lug没计划好未来 政♥府♥知道了一切
The point is, son, The Lug didn’t plan ahead, and the government got everything.
可怜的家伙 可怜的寡妇 The Lug夫人
Poor guy. – Poor widow, Mrs. The Lug.
现在她在卖♥♥苹果 使你考虑 当然
Now she’s selling apples. Makes you think. – Sure does.
现在 如果有什么事发生在你身上呢?会给我女儿带来什么呢?
Now, what if somethin’ were to happen to you? Where would that leave my daughter?
你是对的 明天一早 我会找律师把它写下来
You’re right. First thing tomorrow, I’ll get a lawyer and put it in writing.
孩子 我们是一家人了 咱们不需要律师
Son, we’re family now. We don’t need any lawyers.
这儿 只要写我说的
Here, just write what I say.
”我 安东尼·罗萨诺–”
“I, Anthony Rossano-”
等一下 等一下 我刚想起什么
Wait a minute, wait a minute. I just thought of something.
你在想你应该什么时候写 如果有什么事发生在我身上
You’re thinkin’ when you oughta be writin’. – If something was to happen to me…
how do I know you’ll give these jewels to your daughter?
够公平的了 我也会签署声明
Fair enough. I’ll sign a statement too.
你先写你的 然后我写我的
You sign yours first, and then I’ll sign mine.
哦 我不知道 现在又怎么了?
Well, I don’t know. – What’s the matter now?
也许应该一起写 Aldo 你是证人
Maybe we should sign them together. – Aldo, you be a witness.
哦 斯奈普斯 您也知道 知道得越少 活得越长
Ah, come on, Snaps, you know the rule. Never witness nothin’. You live longer.
Just do it.
好的 数三下开始 1 2 3
All right, on three. One, two, three.
我 安东尼·罗萨诺
I, Anthony Rossano…
我 斯奈普斯·普罗沃龙
I, Snaps Provolone…
hereby declare…
agree to give $50,000…
I am the father…
to my daughter upon her marriage…
of Miss Provolone’s child.
许配给安东尼 Rossano先生
to Anthony Rossano.
签名 – 你先
Sign it. – You sign too.
Aldo 你要作证啊 证人先生!
Aldo, you’re the witness. Witness!
Louie ”The Lug”也曾经是个证人 看看他现在的下场
Louie “The Lug” was a witness. Look what it got him.
Quit squawkin’.
把你的给我吧 – 先把你的给我
Give me yours. – You give me yours.
那好 我们同时来交换
All right, we’ll do it together.
好 棒极了 现在好戏可以开始了
Good. Very good. Now for the fun part.
I believe you two know each other.
行了 Connie 甭搭理这屋里的女儿了 继续盯着我另外一个女儿
All right, Connie, never mind about her now. Go back to watching my other daughter.
Finuccis!- 有件事我想要对你说一下
Finuccis! – I have something to tell you.
我已经知道了 – 知道了?
I know what it is. – You do?
先坐下 宝贝
Sit down, sweetheart.
以你现在的身体可不能总是站着了 – 你说什么啊?
You shouldn’t be standing in your condition. – What are you talking about?
你要为肚子里的孩子着想 你父亲已经告诉我了
You’re having a baby. Your father told me.
什么肚子里的孩子 他不是我的父亲
I am not having a baby, and he’s not my father.
Mr. Provolone, he’s not my father.
他本人知道么?- 他当然知道他不是我的父亲
Does he know he’s not your father? – Of course he knows he’s not my father.
你怎么会这么问?- 那么他也知道你不是他的女儿?
What kind of a question is that? – Then he knows you’re not his daughter?
当然 很抱歉 安东尼 我先前欺骗了你
Yes. I lied to you, Anthony. I’m sorry.
这个狗♥娘♥养♥的 – 怎么了?
That son of a bitch. – What’s wrong?
丫把钱骗走了 – 安东尼 我这么做是因为我太爱你了
He conned me out of his money. – Anthony, I only did it because I love you.
我真的很害怕失去你 – 我一定拿回来
I was afraid I’d lose you. – I’ve gotta get it back.
把什么拿回来?- 当然是那笔钱了!
Get what back? – The money, of course!
You seem more interested in this money than you are in me.
不不不 这个– 拜托 我现在需要冷静思考一下
No, no, no. It… Please. I’ve just gotta think.
I’m glad I found out what you’re really like before it was too late!
Theresa 等等!Theresa!
Theresa, come back! Theresa!
Thank God I’m not pregnant!
你们两个在这里折腾什么?- 给我闪开
