My word for today is “expeditious.”
”有效率的和快速的 ”
“To be efficient and speedy.”
好了 安东尼 让咱们迅速完成的 什么事情重要到你要在 8:00叫醒我?
All right, Anthony, let’s be expeditious. What’s so important you got me up at 8:00?
嗯 普罗沃龙先生 必恭必敬地
Well, Mr. Provolone, with all due respect…
I’ve come to ask you for a raise.
也许我的听力不是20/20了 他刚才向我要求什么?
Maybe my hearing ain’t 20/20 no more. What did he just ask me?
他向您要求加薪 我也这么想
He asked you for a raise. – That’s what I thought.
Are you crazy? – When you hear why-
你们相信这家伙的胆量吗?他太放肆了 老板
You believe this guy’s moxie? – He’s got chutzpah, Boss.
别叫我老板 抱歉 老板
Don’t call me Boss. – Sorry, Boss.
我知道这不是最好的时机 先生 你在吩咐我?
I know this wasn’t the best day, sir. – You’re telling me?
如果今天一切正常– 但愿老走这种好运
If everything goes well today- – Knock on wood.
我会成为一个董事 我知道
I’ll be a board of director. – I know that.
我本不会来烦你的 但是爱情让我们做奇怪的事情
And I wouldn’t bother you, but love makes us do strange things.
What’s love got to do with the price of beer?
早餐 ”soived ”
Breakfast is “soived.”
”Served ” 你个笨蛋
“Served,” you palooka.
I’m signing you up for elocution lessons with Dr Poole.
如果我要做 你也要做
If I gotta do it, you gotta do it.
突然之间 他成了Duke of Ellington
All of a sudden, he’s the Duke of Ellington.
别忘了 你在9:30和Finucci兄弟 有个会议
Don’t forget, you got a meetin’ with the Finucci brothers at 9:30.
哦 对 快点儿 孩子 我想坐在我的中庭里
Yeah, yeah. Come on, kid. I wanna sit on my atrium.
对于一个从贫民窟出来的孩子来说 不算坏
Not bad for a kid from the slums.
全是我妻子选的 她很有眼光
My wife picks all this out. She’s got an eye.
那么 由于哪位少女让我在8:43起床?
So, who is the dame that’s got me up at 8:43?
什么 先生?
Excuse me, sir?
你说过你在恋爱 我假设她是个少女
You said you were in love. I assume it’s a dame.
噢 她是个极好的女孩儿 来自一个好的 富有的家庭
Oh, she’s a wonderful girl from a fine, wealthy family.
我今早将向她求婚 噢 爱不是要隆重吗?
And I’m gonna propose to her this morning. – Ah, ain’t love grand?
好了 你得到了我的祝福 恭喜你和你的新娘
Well, you got my blessings. Congratulations to you and your new bride.
但是我不能娶她 除非我能给她 那种她父母给她的生活
But I can’t marry her. Not unless I can give her the kind of life that her parents did.
好吧 甩了她 她听起来像个用色 相骗取钱财的女人
Well, dump her. She sounds like a gold-digger.
噢 不 不 先生 她正好相反
Oh, no, no, sir. She’s just the opposite.
很善良 美好而且实际
Very kind and sweet and down-to-earth.
哦 我可以看出你被她的 小手指抓牢了 哈?
Well, I can see this dame’s got you wrapped around her little finger, huh?
Ok 你挣多少?四百一个月
Okay, how much you makin’? – Four hundred a month.
How much do you want to be makin’? – Fourteen hundred a month.
You can take a few minutes to think it over.
我考虑过了 滚出我的中庭!
I have thought it over. Get the hell off my atrium!
If big Anthony were alive to hear this!
我父亲的坟墓 我从没想过使你心烦
On the grave of my father, I never wanted to upset you.
但是你根本不知道现今两个年轻人 开始有多艰苦
But you have no idea how tough it is for two young people starting out these days.
As I was saying last night to Mr. Lipinsky.
Lipinsky?是的 Myron Lipinsky先生
Lipinsky? – Yes. Mr. Myron Lipinsky.
Lucky Lipinsky强盗?你怎么能 和这样卑鄙的人联♥系♥呢?
Lucky Lipinsky the gangster? How can you associate with such a lowlife?
他在找新会计 上一个睡觉的时候死了
He’s looking for a new accountant. His last one died in his sleep.
噢 你不认为那家伙会在 他醒着的时候枪毙了他 是吗?
Oh, you don’t think that bum would shoot him while he was awake, do you?
下♥贱♥的无赖 他没那么贱 先生
The cheap hood. – He’s not that cheap, sir.
Lipinsky 愿意付我一个月1,400
Mr. Lipinsky is willing to pay me the 1,400 a month.
噢 背后下套的家伙
Oh, that back-stabbing weasel.
He’d love to get his meat hooks into one of my boys.
好吧 我出1,200
All right, I’ll pay 1,200.
噢 普罗沃龙先生 我被您的信任感动了
Oh, Mr. Provolone, I am touched by your faith in me.
我应该留着这个恶棍 他不是个会计 他是个敲诈的专家
I should have this mug in collections. He’s not an accountant. He’s a shakedown artist.
现在我可以算一个月1,200?对 你得到了 去吧 去求婚
Now I can count on this 1,200 a month? – Yeah, you got it. Go. Go propose.
普罗沃龙先生 这是我的荣幸
Mr. Provolone, it is my honor…
to ask for your daughter’s hand in matrimony.
再说一遍?是的 你女儿是我爱的人
Pardon me? – Yes. Your daughter is the one I love.
My daughter! How do you know my daughter?
我们在33俱乐部遇到的 在一个地下酒吧?
We met at Club 33. – In a speakeasy?
It’s a very respectable speakeasy.
Couldn’t even pick one that bought my beer!
老板 老板 按住他 让我来收拾他
Boss, boss, get a hold of yourself. Let me take care of him.
Are you still packin’? Fork it over.
咱们不再做那种买♥♥卖♥♥了 咱们中午就变成银行家了
We’re not in that business any more. At noon we become bankers.
我现在能起来了吗 普罗沃龙先生?
Can I get up now, Mr. Provolone?
抱歉我没控制住情绪 没关系
Sorry I lost my temper. – No problem.
It is with the greatest humility that I ask to marry your daughter.
On a lousy 1,200 a month? She deserves better!
对 她的丈夫应该1,400一个月
Yes, she deserves a husband who makes 1,400.
她会得到的 那不会是你
She’ll get one, and it won’t be you.
Connie 给我个brioski 那是Aldo的事
Connie, bring me a brioski. – That’s Aldo’s job.
噢 那就叫Aldo去做 是 老板
Well, then get Aldo to do it. – Yes, Boss.
别叫我老板 对不起 老板
Don’t call me Boss. – Sorry, Boss.
至于你 你以为我会让你为了 她的钱娶我的女儿?
And as for you, you think I’m gonna let you marry my daughter for her money?
噢 普罗沃龙先生
Oh, Mr. Provolone…
我爱你的女儿不是为了她的钱 而且我可以证明
I don’t love your daughter for her money, and I can prove it.
Yeah? How? – When I marry her…
我打算给她我所有的财产 一个你这样的家伙能有多少?
I plan to give her my entire fortune. – How much can a goombah like you have?
How did you save 50 grand on 400 a month?
我从你那儿偷的 什么?
I stole it from you. – You what?
你走进我的房♥子告诉我 你从我这儿偷了5万!
You walk into my house and tell me you stole 50 Gs from me!
This gink! You want I should bump him?
给我手♥枪♥ Aldo 你知道我告诉过你
Give me that gat, Aldo. You know what I told you.
你现在是管家了 管家!
You’re a butler now. Buttle!
That piece has been in the family for years! – Quit squawkin’.
现在 我要个解释 也许我该从头开始
Now, I’m waitin’ for an explanation. – Maybe I should start from the beginning.
从你偷我的钱开始 当我第一次检查
Just start from when you stole my money. – When I first took over…
作为你的会计 你的账本一团糟
as your accountant, your books were a mess.
听起来不像是现在形势不好 该死 双重否定
They don’t sound like they’re in no great shape now. Damn it. Double negative.
你的管理费用很高 你的纯利很低
Your overhead was high, and your net profits were low.
我改变了一切 我圣诞节送你了一个水果篮 对吧?
I changed all that. – And I sent you a fruit basket for Christmas, didn’t I?
I took all the profits from your protection rackets…
and used them to upgrade your bootlegging operation.
And that allowed me to cut the costs on your beer a dime a bottle.
当然 你养肥了我好下刀 然后发生了件古怪的事情
Sure, you were fattening me up for the kill. – Then a strange thing happened.
我有个小笔误 是花了我$50,000的吗?
I made a slight clerical error. – Is that the one that cost me $50,000?
别超前了故事 唔 原谅我!
Don’t get ahead of the story. – Well, excuse me!
It was a simple mistake in addition.
在账本上 我偶然的把 一角少写成了五分
On the books, I accidentally lowered your costs by a nickel instead of a dime.
马上 当我意识到我的错误的时候 我去找你谈这件事
Now, when I realized my mistake, I went to speak to you about it.
我不记得这个 你在芝加哥
I don’t remember that. – You were in Chicago.
那是情人节 噢 对了
It was St Valentine’s Day. – Oh, yeah.
Zip it.
我记得是情人节因为 那天我遇到了你女儿
I remember it was St Valentine’s Day because that’s the day I met your daughter.
文代蒂的地下酒吧 我要杀了她
The Vendetti’s speakeasy. I’ll kill her.
It was love at first sight.
And that’s when I turned that five-cent error into the key to my happiness.
我把它藏在账本里 补充小额现金
I hid it on the books and beefed up petty cash.
而且我知道像安杰洛 普罗沃龙 这样的大人物
And I knew that a big man like Angelo Provolone…
wouldn’t begrudge his future son-in-law a nickel…
which I plan to give to your daughter anyway.
噢 这家伙真好
Oh, this guy is beautiful.
He flatters you to your face while he sticks a knife in your back.
I我部委我所作的感到骄傲 普罗沃龙先生
I’m not proud of what I’ve done, Mr. Provolone.
But I’d do it all over again to capture your daughter’s heart.
你真的那么爱她 嗯?噢 是的 先生
You really love her that much, huh? – Oh, yes, sir.
她知道你在这儿做的这些事吗?不 先生
Does she know about this stuff you’ve been doing here? – No, sir.
她爱你吗?噢 是的 我很确定
Does she love you? – Oh, yes. I’m sure of that.
实际上 她甚至向我证明了 证明?什么证明?
In fact, she’s even given me proof. – Proof? What proof?
Aldo! – What are you callin’ him for?
你需要更多的小苏打 为什么?
I think you’re gonna need some more bicarbonate. – Why?
紧记 普罗沃龙先生 这是1931年
Keep in mind, Mr. Provolone, this is 1931.
我们都是久经世故的成年人 对吗?
We’re all sophisticated adults here, right?
这兆头不太好 我和你女儿是情人
This doesn’t bode well. – Your daughter and I are lovers.
What? My daughter?
毙了这家伙!等等 老板
Pop this guy! – Wait, Boss.
咱们不能在公♥司♥即将成立的时候 在房♥子里有死尸
We can’t have a stiff in the house with company comin’.
他是对的 这不对
